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Freeport will Print $ 2 Billion in Profit

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) is predicted to generate profits of US $ 2 billion when the condition of the company is stable, which is around 2022.

"If 2019-2020 goes down (acceptance), don't be scolded. Kalan will have a stable profit of US $ 2 billion, "said PT Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (Persero) or Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin Managing Director at a public discussion entitled Freeport's Return to Indonesia in Jakarta, Wednesday (9/1), such as quoted by Antara.

In other words, Freeport will not distribute dividends to its shareholders, including to the majority owner of PT Inalum for two years.

"It has been calculated," our bottomline doesn't use two-year dividends, 2021 starts a little, "Budi Gunadi said.

Grassberg and Wild Cat Gold Mine

According to him, this is due to the decline in production, due to the transfer of production from open pit to underground.

The Managing Director of BUMN who took over PTFI added that the company's profit was predicted to reach US $ 2.36 billion or equivalent to Rp. 33.04 trillion in 2034. At that time, Freeport Indonesia would pay taxes of US $ 1.2 billion per year for the country.

"Later the Finance Ministry led by Sri Mulyani will receive US $ 1.2 billion from Freeport Indonesia's PPh," he said.

Budi explained, Freeport Indonesia's gold reserves are still very large. For the Grasberg Open Pit it will soon run out in 2019. However, in addition to Grasberg, there are other copper and gold mines in the Freeport Indonesia area such as the mining area with the name Wild Cat and Block B which until now have not been excavated.

Previously, the Director General of Mineral and Coal (Minerba) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources or ESDM, Bambang Gatot Ariyono, estimated that PT Freeport Indonesia's (PTFI) receipts fell in 2019.

"Freeport's" acceptance "will fall in 2019, both revenue and income before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)," Bambang said.

Bambang explained that the possibility of the decline was due to Freeport's plan to enter the inner mine.

"In 2020 (Freeport) enters a deep mine, so that later it is expected that in that year revenue and EBITDA will increase," Bambang said.

PT Smelting in Gresik

Smelter Location

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) urged PT Freeport Indonesia to immediately determine the location of the construction of a copper concentrate smelter. At the latest in February, the certainty of the location will be given along with the expiration of the export concentrate permit.

Bambang Gatot said the location of the Freeport smelter was in the Gresik industrial area, East Java, namely the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE), since 2017 yesterday. But he asked Freeport to immediately determine the definitive location of the smelter project because it was committed complete construction no later than 2023.

"In the near future it will be decided, it won't be long enough," Bambang said in Jakarta.

Bambang said that the smelter project in JIIPE was evaluated over the past two years every six months. The six-month calculation began since the issuance of the export permit recommendation. From the evaluation results stated the construction of the smelter according to the work plan. It's just still limited to design engineering. Not yet entered the construction phase. He hopes that with a detective smelter, construction can be completed soon.

Bambang further explained that there had been no official reports regarding Freeport's collaboration with PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT) in building a smelter. Therefore, he asked Freeport to immediately ascertain the location of the smelter in Gresik or what. If you have found a place faster, "he said.

Riza Pratama

Separately, Freeport Indonesia spokesman Riza Pratama explained that the location of the smelter was still being discussed. He was reluctant to disclose the location of the permanent smelter in Gresik or cooperating with Amman.

"Still discussed internally," he said.

Freeport's concentrate export permit expires on February 15. One of the extension requirements is the progress of building a smelter of at least 90% of the work plan. In the extension request Freeport will attach an evaluation of the construction of the smelter or state the location of the latest smelter. Because the smelter in JIIPE is the second location.

The first location of the smelter is on land owned by PT Petrokimia Gresik. Freeport has leased the land since 2014. This is in line with government policies that prohibit the export of raw minerals. But since 2017 the location of the smelter has changed. The selection of smelter locations in JIIPE is based on a number of considerations. 

    Besides the area, the location of the smelter is close to the port. Thus facilitating the shipment process of the purified copper concentrate. Availability of energy supplies guaranteed by industrial estates through IIIPE. Meanwhile, the smelter capacity is still 2 million tons of concentrate.

Still in 2017, Freeport also collaborated with Amman in building smelters. The collaboration was confirmed by the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Agutus 2017. The MoU was about exploring cooperation in building a joint smelter. After the signing, Freeport and Amman conducted joint technical studies and studies.

Amman started construction of a smelter in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara in April 2017. The smelter can process copper concentrates from both the Batu Hijau mine and potential supplies from the Elang mine which is currently in the exploration stage, and other sources of concentrate suppliers.

Amman Mineral President Director Rachmat Makkasau previously said that the smelter could receive any supply of concentrate anywhere. Including those from Freeport Indonesia. He did not confirm the extent of the progress of cooperation with Freeport. But he asserted that the smelter capacity could be increased to 2.6 million tons of copper concentrate.

"(2.6 million tons) with Freeport and also a concentrate production plan in Indonesia," he said.

Rachmat said that the construction of the smelter has entered the front end engineering design / FEED since October. The smelter has a capacity of 1.3 million tons of copper concentrate. But it can be increased to 2.6 million tons of copper concentrate. This Amman smelter was built since April 2017.

"Feeds are usually around 6-9 months but we try as soon as possible," he said.


Freeport akan Cetak Laba $ 2 Miliar

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) diprediksi akan menghasilkan Iaba sebesar US$ 2 miliar saat kondisi perusahaan stabil, yakni sekitar 2022.

“Kalau 2019-2020 turun (penerimaan) ya jangan dimarahi. Kalan nanti sudah stabil labanya bisa USS 2 miliar,” kata Direktur Utama PT Indonesia Asahan
Alumunium (Persero) atau Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin pada diskusi publik bertajuk Kembalinya Freeport ke Indonesia di Jakarta, Rabu (9/1), seperti
dikutip Antara.

Dengan kata lain, Freeport tidak akan membagikan dividen kepada pemegang sahamnya, termasuk kepada pemilik mayoritas PT Inalum selama dua

“Sudah dihitung, ‘bottomline’ kita nggaktidak menggunakan dividen dua tahun, 2021 mulai ada sedikit,” kata Budi Gunadi.

Menurutnya, hal tersebut dikarenakan menurunnya produksi, akibat adanya perpindahan produksi dari tambang terbuka (open pit) ke bawah tanah (underground). 

Dirut BUMN yang mengambilalih PTFI ini menambahkan, laba perusahaan bahkan diprediksi bisa mencapai US$ 2,36 miliar atau setara Rp 33,04 triliun pada 2034. Saat itu, Freeport Indonesia akan membayar pajak sebesar US$ 1,2 miliar per tahun untuk negara. 

“Nanti kementerian Keuangan yang dipimpin Sri Mulyani akan menerima US$ 1,2 miliar dari PPh Freeport Indonesia,” ungkapnya.

Budi memaparkan, cadangan emas Freeport Indonesia masih sangat besar. Untuk Grasberg Open Pit memang segera habis pada 2019. Namun, selain Grasberg, ada tambang tembaga dan emas lain di kawasan Freeport Indonesia seperti area pertambangan dengan nama Kucing Liar dan Blok B yang sampai saat ini belum digali.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara (Minerba) Kementerian Energi Sumber Daya dan Mineral atau ESDM, Bambang Gatot Ariyono, memperkirakan bahwa penerimaan PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) turun pada 2019. 

“Penerimaan ' Freeport (akan) turun pada 2019, baik revenue maupun pendapatan sebelum bunga, pajak, depresiasi dan amortisasi (EBITDA),” ujar Bambang.

Bambang menjelaskan bahwa kemungkinan penurunan tersebut terjadi dikarenakan rencana Freeport yang akan masuk ke tambang dalam. 

“Tahun 2020 (Freeport) masuk ke tambang dalam, sehingga nanti diharapkan pada tahun itu revenue maupun EBITDA-nya akan naik,” kata Bambang.

Lokasi Smelter

Sementara itu, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) meminta PT Freeport Indonesia segara memastikan lokasi pembangunan fasilitas, pemurnian mineral (smelter) konsentrat tembaga. Paling lambat pada Februari nanti kepastian lokasi tersebut diberikan seiring dengan berakhirnya izin ekspor konsentrat.

Bambang Gatot mengatakan lokasi pembangunan smelter Freeport berada di kawasan industri Gresik, Jawa Timur yakni java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE), sejak 2017 kemarin. Namun dia meminta Freeport segera menentukan lokasi definitif proyek smelter lantaran sudah berkomitmen menyelesaikan pembangunan paling lambat 2023. 

“Dalam waktu dekat akan putuskan, tidak bisa lama-lama lagi,” kata Bambang di Jakarta.

Bambang menuturkan proyek smelter di JIIPE itu dievaluasi selama dua tahun terakhir setiap enam bulan. Perhitungan enam bulan itu dimulai sejak diterbitkannya rekomendasi izin ekspor. Dari hasil evaluasi menyatakan pembangunan smelter sesuai rencana kerja. Hanya saja masih sebatas rekayasa desain. Belum memasuki tahap konstruksi. Dia berharap dengan lokasi detinitif smelter maka pembangunan bisa segera rampung.

Lebih lanjut Bambang menerangkan belum ada laporan secara resmi mengenai kerjasama Freeport dengan PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT) dalam membangun smelter. Oleh sebab itu dia meminta Freeport segera memastikan lokasi smelter Di Gresik atau apa. Kalau sudah menemukan tempat lebih cepat lagi,” ujarnya.

Secara terpisah juru bicara Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama menerangkan lokasi smelter masih  terus dibahas. Dia enggan mengungkapkan lokasi smelter tetap di Gresik atau menggandeng Amman. 

“Masih dibahas internal,” tuturnya.

Izin ekspor konsentrat Freeport berakhir di 15 Februari nanti. Salah satu syarat perpanjangan yakni kemajuan pembangunan smelter minimal 90% dari rencana kerja. Dalam permohonan perpanjangan itu Freeport akan melampirkan evaluasi pembangunan smelter atau menyatakan lokasi smelter terbaru. Pasalnya smelter di JIIPE merupakan lokasi kedua.

Lokasi pertama smelter berada di lahan milik PT Petrokimia Gresik. Freeport menyewa lahan tersebut sejak 2014. Hal itu seiring dengan kebijakan pemerintah yang melarang ekspor mineral mentah. Namun sejak 2017 lokasi smelter berubah. Pemilihan lokasi smelter di JIIPE berdasarkan sejumlah pertimbangan. 

    Selain luas wilayah, lokasi smelter dekat dengan pelabuhan. Dengan begitu memudahkan proses pengapalan hasil pemurnian konsentrat tembaga. Ketersediaan suplai energi yang dijamin oleh kawasan industri melalui IIIPE. Sementara untuk kapasitas smelternya sama tetap 2 juta ton konsentrat.

Masih di 2017, Freeport pun menjalin kerjasama dengan Amman dalam membangun smelter. Kerjasama itu dikukuhkan dengan penandatangan nota kesepahaman (MOU) pada Agutus 2017. MoU itu tentang penjajakan kerjasama membangun smelter bersama. Pasca penandatanganan itu, Freeport dan Amman melakukan studi maupun kajian teknis bersama.

Amman memulai pembangunan smelter di Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat pada April 2017 lalu. Smelter tersebut dapat memproses konsentrat tem-
baga baik dari tambang Batu Hijau maupun suplai potensial dari tambang Elang yang saat ini dalam tahap eksplorasi, dan sumber pemasok konsentrat lainnya.

     Presiden Direktur Amman Mineral Rachmat Makkasau sebelumnya mengatakan smelternya bisa menerima pasokan konsentrat darimana pun. Termasuk yang berasal dari Freeport Indonesia. Dia tidak menegaskan sejauh apa progres kerjasama dengan Freeport. Namun dia menegaskan kapasitas smelternya bisa ditingkat hingga 2,6 juta ton konsentrat tembaga. 

“(2,6 juta ton itu) Dengan Freeport dan juga rencana produksi konsentrat di Indonesia,” ujarnya.

Rachmat menuturkan pembangunan smelternya sudah memasuki tahap desain rinci (front end engineering design/ FEED) sejak Oktober lalu. Adapun smelter itu memiliki kapasitas 1,3 juta ton konsentrat tembaga. Namun bisa ditingkatkan hingga 2,6 juta ton konsentrat tembaga. Smelter Amman ini mulai dibangun sejak April 2017 lalu. 

“Feed itu biasanya sekitar 6-9 bulan tapi kami usahakan secepatnya,” ujarnya.

Investor Daily, Page 9, Thursday, Jan 10, 2019

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