Freeport Is Sparkling Again From 2020
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The production and export of PT Freeport Indonesia's copper concentrate is expected to start rising by 2020 and reach its peak in 2025 after predicted to fall this year.
Freeport's copper concentrate production this year is projected to decline because of the transition from the Grasberg open-pit mine to the underground mine. Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry of Mineral and Coal (ESDM) Director General Bambang Gatot Ariyono said that the decline in copper concentrate production this year was unavoidable along with the Grasberg open-pit transition and mining process to underground mines.
the Grasberg open-pit
Because, so far the biggest production is still produced from open pit mines in Mimika, Papua. According to him, the decline in production will have an impact on Freeport's pre-tax income (EBITDA). However, he stressed that this was a normal process and was not related to backup problems.
"From the prognosis of Inalum [PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum] starting in 2019 [EBITDA] dropped from around US $ 4 billion to one in a billion," he said,
Wednesday (1/9).
Bambang said that both Freeport Indonesia's production and financial performance would be normal or sparkle again in 2020. The optimal point is expected to occur in 2025 and will tend to be stable afterwards.
"Actually, the underground mines are already operating also [starting to produce]. However, it is still under construction, "he said.
The decline in production also affected the decline in Freeport copper concentrate exports starting this year. The Director of ESDM Ministry of Mineral Business Development Ilyas Saifulhak said that in 2018 Freeport Indonesia's copper concentrate production reached 2.1 million tons. The level of ore mining reaches 270,000 tons per day.
Of this amount, 1.2 million tons of copper concentrate is exported and around 800,000 tons are supplied to the PT Smelting smelter in Gresik to be purified into copper cathode. However, supply to Smelting is projected not to change significantly.
"In 2019 [copper concentrate] production dropped. Down to around 1.2 million tons of copper concentrate. This means that only 200,000 tons can be exported. The remaining one million tons are processed in Smelting, "he said.
He explained, the export portion was certainly reduced. Because, there is an obligation to ensure that raw materials for smelters in the country are fulfilled.
"Smelting capacity in Gresik has reached 1 million tons. Because there is an obligation to meet the domestic first, it will reduce exports. "
PT Smelting smelter in Gresik
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources stated that Freeport Indonesia could not delay too long in deciding the location of the smelter construction. Bambang Gatot said that so far Freeport Indonesia's work plan had not yet carried out the physical construction of the smelter. Smelter work it was only limited to design engineering and ensuring various contracts for the project.
"In the near future they must decide the smelter location. It can't be long. "
Bambang said that the location of the Freeport Indonesia smelter is likely to be built by the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) industrial estate in Gresik, East Java. The construction of the smelter will be a consideration for the government in providing recommendations for the export of Freeport copper concentrate. So far, Freeport has received seven export recommendations since 2014.
Riza Pratama
Taking into account the significant decline in production starting this year, it is likely that the recommendations from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will be far from the previous recommendations of 1.25 million tons for 1 year. Freeport Indonesia has also applied for an extension of copper concentrate export recommendations to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The export permit previously obtained will expire on February 15, 2019. Freeport Indonesia spokesman Riza Pratama said the request had been submitted to the ESDM Ministry.
"We have submitted an extension," he said
Freeport Activities Evaluated Every Year
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry prioritizes the realization of waste management activities (tailings) in the map of the Grasberg mine road that will be submitted by PT Freeport Indonesia. Inspector General of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Ilyas Assad ensures that his party will evaluate waste management activities every year in accordance with Freeport's commitments in the environmental management roadmap.
"What we measure is activity every year. Reporting must be routine, every year we release the evaluation. We have achieved it or not, we have to see it, "he said, Wednesday (1/9).
Freeport Indonesia Tailings
In the Freeport Indonesia Tailings Management Roadmap, there are four approaches to waste management, namely material handling in the mining area (upstream), waste material handling in the Modified Ajkwa Deposition Area (ModADA) system, material handling in estuary (downstream), and waste utilization.
The approach will be elaborated in 11 activities, such as sediment reduction, low embankment construction, regional control waste deposits, as well as filling underground mines. Ilyas admitted that the steps for managing waste are not all easily calculated in numbers because they require an annual study and program.
However, the focus of waste management in the Freeport Indonesia area refers to the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) No. 175/2018 about Improving the Management of Waste of Hazardous Toxic Material in the Form of Tailings Owned by PT Freeport Indonesia. In the calculation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, with Freeport ore production of 112,000 tons per day in 2019, at least the potential of tailings waste is 12,963 total soluble solid (TTS) milligrams per liter.
In normal production, which is around 200,000 tons per day, the potential for waste is 23,149 TTS mg / l. Ilyas said, for the reduction of waste, Freeport would do some engineering to reduce the amount of sediment, for example, sediment traps (carried out during 7 years) will be able to reduce waste by 870 TTS mg / I per year.
In addition, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry responded to the open letter filed by the Center of Energy and Resources Indonesia (CERI) regarding the transparency of the BPK's findings on the environmental damage carried out by Freeport.
Freeport Kembali Berkilau Mulai 2020
Produksi dan ekspor konsentrat tembaga PT Freeport Indonesia diperkirakan akan mulai naik pada 2020 don mencapai puncaknya pada 2025
setelah diprediksi turun pada tahun ini.
Produksi konsentrat tembaga Freeport pada tahun ini diproyeksi turun karena masa transisi dari tambang terbuka Grasberg ke tambang bawah tanah. Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Bambang Gatot Ariyono mengatakan bahwa penurunan produksi konsentrat tembaga pada tahun ini tidak terhindarkan seiring dengan proses transisi dan tambang terbuka Grasberg ke tambang bawah tanah.
Pasalnya, selama ini produksi terbesar masih dihasilkan dari tambang terbuka di Mimika, Papua. Menurutnya, penurunan produksi tersebut akan berdampak pada pendapatan sebelum pajak (EBITDA) Freeport. Namun, dia menegaskan bahwa hal tersebut merupakan proses yang normal dan tidak terkait dengan masalah cadangan.
“Dari prognosis Inalum [PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium] mulai 2019 [EBITDA] turun dari sekitar US$ 4 miliar menjadi satu koma sekian miliar,” katanya,
Rabu (9/1).
Bambang menuturkan bahwa baik kinerja produksi maupun keuangan Freeport Indonesia akan normal atau berkilau kembali pada 2020. Titik optimal diperkirakan terjadi pada 2025 dan akan cenderung stabil setelahnya.
“Sebenarnya yang tambang bawah tanah sudah beroperasi juga [mulai berproduksi]. Namun, masih dalam tahap pengerjaan,” katanya.
Penurunan produksi pun berimbas terhadap turunnya ekspor konsentrat tembaga Freeport mulai tahun ini. Direktur Pembinaan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementelian ESDM Yimus Saifulhak mengatakan bahwa pada 2018, produksi konsentrat tembaga Freeport Indonesia mencapai kisaran 2,1 juta ton. Tingkat penambangan bijih mencapai 270.000 ton per hari.
Dari jumlah tersebut, sebanyak 1,2 juta ton konsentrat tembaga diekspor dan sekitar 800.000 ton dipasok ke fasilitas pengolahan dan pemurnian (smelter) PT Smelting di Gresik untuk dimurnikan menjadi tembaga katoda. Namun, pasokan ke Smelting diproyeksikan tidak berubah secara signifikan.
“Pada 2019 produksi [konsentrat tembaga] turun. Turun menjadi sekitar 1,2 juta ton konsentrat tembaga. Artinya, bisa hanya sekitar 200.000 ton diekspor.
Sisanya yang sekitar 1 juta ton diproses di Smelting,” ujarnya.
Dia menjelaskan, bagian ekspor memang pasti dikurangi. Pasalnya, ada kewajiban untuk memastikan bahan baku smelter di dalam negeri terpenuhi.
“Kapasitas Smelting di Gresik sudah 1 juta ton. Karena ada kewajiban memenuhi domestik dulu, jadinya yang berkurang ekspor.”
Kementerian ESDM menyatakan bahwa Freeport Indonesia tidak bisa menunda terlalu lama dalam memutuskan lokasi pembangunan smelter. Bambang Gatot mengatakan bahwa sejauh ini rencana kerja Freeport Indonesia memang belum melakukan pembangunan fisik smelter. Pengerjaan smelter itu masih baru sebatas rekayasa desain maupun memastikan berbagai kontrak untuk proyek tersebut.
“Dalam waktu dekat mereka harus putuskan [lokasi smelterl. Tidak bisa lama-lama lagi.”
Bambang menuturkan, lokasi smelter Freeport Indonesia kemungkinan besar dibangun dj kawasan industri Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE)
di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Pembangunan smelter tersebut akan menjadi penimbangan pemerintah dalam memberikan rekomendasi ekspor konsentrat tembaga Freeport. Sejauh ini, Freeport telah mendapatkan tujuh rekomendasi ekspor sejak 2014.
Dengan pertimbangan penurunan produksi yang signifikan mulai tahun ini, kemungkinan besar rekomendasi yang akan dikeluarkan Kementerian ESDM jauh dari rekomendasi sebelumnya yang mencapai 1,25 juta ton selama 1 tahun. Freeport Indonesia juga telah mengajukan permohonan perpanjangan rekomendasi ekspor konsentrat tembaga kepada Kementerian ESDM. Izin ekspor yang telah diperoleh sebelumnya akan berakhir pada 15 Februari 2019.
Juru bicara Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama mengatakan, permohonan tersebut telah diajukan ke Kementerian ESDM.
“Sudah kami ajukan perpanjangan,”
Aktivitas Freeport Dievaluasi Tiap Tahun
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan memprioritaskan realisasi aktivitas pengelolaan limbah (tailing) dalam peta jalan tambang Grasberg yang akan diajukan oleh PT Freeport Indonesia. Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Ilyas Assad memastikan bahwa pihaknya akan mengevaluasi aktivitas pengelolaan limbah setiap tahun sesuai dengan komitmen Freeport yang ada dalam peta jalan pengelolaan lingkungan.
“Yang kami ukur kegiatannya, setiap tahun. Pelaporannya harus rutin, tiap tahun kami keluarkan evaluasinya. Tercapai atau tidak, harus kami lihat,” tuturnya.
Dalam Roadmap Pengelolaan Tailing Freeport Indonesia, ada empat pendekatan dalam pengelolaan limbah, yakni penanganan material di area tambang (hulu), penanganan material limbah di sistem Modified Ajkwa Deposition Area (ModADA), penanganan material di estuari (hilir), serta pemanfaatan limbah.
Dari pendekatan tersebut akan dijabarkan dalam 11 aktivitas, seperti pengurangan sedimen, pembuatan tanggul rendah, pengendalian daerah endapan limbah, serta pengisian tambang bawah tanah. Ilyas mengakui, langkah pengelolaan limbah tidak semuanya mudah dihitung dalam angka karena memerlukan kajian dan program tahunan.
Namun, fokus pengelolaan limbah di area Freeport Indonesia merujuk pada Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK) No. 175/2018 tentang Perbaikan Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Beracun Berbahaya Berupa Tailing Milik PT Freeport Indonesia. Dalam kalkulasi Kementerian LHK, dengan produksi bijih Freeport 112.000 ton per hari pada 2019, setidaknya potensi limbah tailing sebanyak 12.963 total soluble solid (TTS) miligram per liter.
Dalam produksi normal, yaitu berkisar 200.000 ton per hari, potensi limbah yang tercipta sebanyak 23.149 TTS mg/l. Ilyas mengungkapkan, untuk pengurangan limbah, Freeport akan melakukan beberapa rekayasa untuk mengurangi jumlah sedimen, Misalnya saja, perangkap sedimen (dilakukan selama 7 tahun) akan mampu mengurangi limbah sebanyak 870 TTS mg/I per tahun.
Selain itu, KLHK menjawab surat terbuka yang dilayangkan Centre of Energy and Resources Indonesia (CERI) terkait dengan transparansi temuan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) terhadap kerusakan lingkungan hidup yang dilakukan Freeport.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page 24, Thursday, Jan 10, 2019
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