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Scenario of Freeport Smelter Development Changes

The construction of PT Freeport Indonesia's processing and refining facilities (smelter) will be changed from the original plan and adjusted to the latest developments. Because, after Freeport Indonesia's status was changed to a Special Mining Business License (IUPK), the deadline for the construction of a smelter also changed.

PT Smelting Gresik

The government gave time to build a smelter for five years after the issuance of the IUPK. Director of ESDM Ministry of Mineral Development and Business, Yunus Saefulhak, said that the progress of the Freeport Indonesia smelter construction is still being evaluated by an independent verification team. 

PT Freeport Indonesia's

      However, he assessed, psychologically Freeport Indonesia's investment in building a smelter before obtaining an IUPK was not optimal because it had not yet obtained the assurance to continue operations.

"Investing in a smelter but IUPK is uncertain, or not? Yesterday it hasn't. After getting the IUPK, it's already sure," said Yunus.

As a result, currently Yunus is still waiting for the targeted verification report to be received on January 21.

"They will submit a kind of verification from the inspection team on January 21," he added.

Tony Wenas

Freeport Indonesia President Director Tony Wenas was reluctant to give an explanation when asked for confirmation regarding the construction of a smelter. He only stated that Freeport would submit reports to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"I'll submit it to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, next week," he said.


Skenario Pembangunan Smelter Freeport Berubah

Pembangunan fasilitas pengolahan dan pemurnian (smelter) milik PT Freeport Indonesia akan diubah dari rencana awal dan disesuaikan dengan perkembangan terbaru. Pasalnya, setelah status Freeport Indonesia berubah menjadi Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK), tenggat waktu pembangunan smelter pun turut berubah.

Pemerintah memberi waktu pembangunan smelter selama lima tahun setelah terbitnya IUPK. Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM, Yunus Saefulhak, menyebutkan progres pembangunan smelter Freeport Indonesia masih dievaluasi oleh tim verifikasi independen. 

     Namun, dia menilai, secara psikologis investasi Freeport Indonesia untuk membangun smelter sebelum mendapatkan IUPK belum optimal karena belum mendapatkan kepastian untuk melanjutkan operasi.

"Investasi smelter tapi IUPK belum pasti, inau tidak? Kemarin kan belum. Setelah mendapatkan IUPK kan sudah yakin" ujar Yunus.

Alhasil, saat ini Yunus masih menunggu Iaporan verifikasi yang ditargetkan diterima pada 21 Januari nanti. 

"Mereka akan mengajukan semacam verifikasi dari tim pemeriksa pada 21 Januari," tambah dia.

Direktur Utama Freeport Indonesia, Tony Wenas enggan memberi penjelasan saat dimintai konfirmasi mengenai pembangunan smelter. Dia hanya menyatakan, Freeport akan menyanipaikan Iaporan kepada Kementerian ESDM.

"Nanti saya sampaikan ke Kementerian ESDM, pekan depan," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Jan 17, 2019

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