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Freeport Export Permit Awaits Verification, Smelter

PT Freeport Indonesia's copper concentrate export activity is still stalled. Understandably, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has not issued an Export Approval (SPE). The reason is because Freeport has not reported the results of independent verification for the progress of the smelter construction.

Director of ESDM Ministry of Mineral Development and Business, Yunus Saifulhak said, until now the government is still awaiting the results of verification of the progress of the construction of mineral processing facilities (Freeport smelter).

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"Still waiting for the results of the verification from independent consultants, it's up to them to appoint Surveyor Indonesia or Sucofindo," he said.

For information only, the verification report is one of the requirements for Freeport's copper concentrate export permit to be issued. Because, this is the basis for the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to assess the suitability between the plan and the realization of the progress of the construction of the smelter that is being carried out.

"If you want to ask for a recommendation for an export agreement, it is mandatory (to report). If it is still in the form of a plan, you must verify the plan. If it has progressed, it needs to be verified by an independent consultant," Yunus said.

However, he stressed that the government did not slow down Freeport's new SPE issuance. Because, the issuance of export recommendations depends on how quickly Freeport delivers the verification results.


Izin Ekspor Freeport Menanti Verifikasi, Smelter

Aktivitas ekspor konsentrat tembaga PT Freeport Indonesia masih terhenti. Maklum, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) belum menerbitkan Surat Persetujuan Ekspor (SPE). Alasannya, karena Freeport belum melaporkan hasil verifikasi independen untuk progres pembangunan smelter.

Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM, Yunus Saifulhak bilang, hingga kini pemerintah masih menunggu hasil verifikasi progres pembangunan fasilitas pengolahan mineral (smelter) Freeport. 

"Masih menunggu hasil veriikasi dari konsultan independen, terserah mereka mau menunjuk Surveyor Indonesia atau Sucofindo," kata dia.

Sebagai informasi saja, laporan verifikasi menjadi salah satu persyaratan agar izin ekspor konsentrat tembaga Freeport bisa diterbitkan. Sebab, hal tersebut menjadi dasar bagi Kementerian ESDM untuk menilai kesesuaian antara rencana dan realisasi dari progres pembangunan smelter yang sedang dilakukan.

"Kalau mau meminta rekomendasi Surat persetujuan ekspor, wajib (melaporkan). Apabila masih berupa rencana, Wajib melakukan verifikasi rencana tersebut. Jika sudah progres, maka perlu diverifikasi konsultan independen," kata Yunus.

Hanya saja, dia menegaskan pemerintah sama sekali tidak memperlambat penerbitan SPE baru Freeport. Sebab, penerbitan rekomendasi ekspor tergantung pada seberapa cepat Freeport rnenyampaikan hasil verifikasinya.

Kontan,  Page-14, Wednesday, March 6, 2019

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