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Chaotic Freeport Shares Allocate Papua Not Completed

The central government will come down to resolve the polemic on the distribution of Freeport Indonesia shares

The management of 10% of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares which became the allotment of the Papua Regional Government still sparked polemic. This also makes the central government need to intervene.

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The Ministry of BUMN asked the Papua Provincial Government (Pemprov) to obey the commitments that had been agreed at the beginning of the share-sharing agreement. 

     The Minister of BUMN, Rini Soemarno said, in completing the share portion of the Papua Regional Government, the central government would intervene and collaborate with the Ministry of Home Affairs to resolve the issue.

"Just with the Minister of Home Affairs, this is his realm," said Minister Rini Soemarno after a cabinet meeting at the President's Office.

In the January 2018 master agreement, the 10% portion of Freeport's shares that were allocated by the Papua Regional Government were agreed. Details, the Provincial Government Papua gets 3% quota and Regency Government (Pemkab) Mimika gets 7%.

But in the midst of the trip, the Papua Provincial Government issued a Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 7/2018 concerning the Papuan Limited Liability Company Divesting Mandiri. 

     In Article 15 of the Perda it was stated that the Papua Provincial Government obtained a 51% stake (from 10% or 5.9%). The Mimika Regency Government is 29% (from 10% or 3.1%) and the Regency Government around the Freeport operating area reaches 20% (from 10% or 1%).

Not a big problem

This is what drives the Mimika Regency Government to issue a Letter directly to President Joko Widodo on the grounds that it is not in accordance with the contents of the Master Agreement on January 12, 2018 Article 2 number 2.2 paragraph (1). Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng requested that Mimika Regency Government establish its own BUMD, or apart from the Papua Provincial Government.

Because of this chaos, the Minister of BUMN will take the middle ground, while hoping that it can be resolved well by the Provincial Government and Regency Government.

"Our commitment from the initial Memorandum of Understanding is indeed 70:30 (70% for Mimika Regency Government). That is indeed an initial commitment," Rini said.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs (Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs), Darmin Nasution, said the dispute would not affect Freeport's activities. He also requested that the issue be resolved without any interference from the government center.

"Never mind, it's not a big problem," Darmin said.

The Vice President of Corporate Communications of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum), Rendi A Wilular was reluctant to comment much on the chaotic share of the Papua Regional Government. He only said, the establishment of BUMD became the realm of the Papua Provincial Government and Mimika Regency Government, so Inalum was just waiting for the results of the discussion.

"What is clear is that the portion of shares is still in accordance with the parent agreement signed in January last year," he said.

In the master agreement, of the 100% shares, 48.8% of the shares are owned by Freeport.-MCMoran Inc (FCX), and 51.23% inalum, of which 10% is in Papua Papua.

Freeport Export Permit Opened This Week

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) targets the Export Purpose Letter (SPE) for PT Freeport Indonesia. (PTFI) can be published this week. Director of Development and Management of Mineral and Mineral Resources ESDM, Yunus Saifulhak, said the ESDM Ministry had received documents from PTFI.

At present, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is only waiting for the completion of the final evaluation. The evaluation process can generally be fast, because it has been systemized online. As a result, Yunus believes that on Friday (8/3) today, the new SPE can already be published.

"Insha Allah, on Friday, all this can be done, Amman, Freeport, PT Smelting," he said.

Clearly, this year's PTFI concentrate production and export has decreased significantly, because, at present, there is a shift in mining methods from open-pit mining to underground mining.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources noted that with the transition, the copper concentrate production that the company whose 53.12% stake was controlled by PT Inalum was estimated to only be around 1.3 million tons, from the previous year which reached 2.2 million tons. As a result, the export quota also decreased, from the previous one reaching 1.25 million tons to around 200,000 tons this year.

"The remaining 1 million tons are supplied to PT Smelting. The SPE is in accordance with the RKAB (Work Plan and Budget), he said.


Kisruh Saham Freeport Jatah Papua Belum Tuntas

Pemerintah pusat akan turun menyelesaikan polemik pembagian saham Freeport Indonesia

Pengelolaan saham PT Freeport Indonesia sebesar 10% yang menjadi jatah Pemerintah Daerah Papua masih memantik polemik. Ini pula yang membuat pemerintah pusat perlu turun tangan.

Kementerian BUMN meminta Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Papua patuh terhadap komitmen yang sudah disepakati di awal perjanjian pembagian saham. Menteri BUMN, Rini Soemarno mengatakan, dalam penyelesaian porsi saham Pemda Papua, pemerintah pusat akan turun tangan dan menggandeng Kementerian Dalam Negeri untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.

"Nanti dengan Pak Mendagri saja, ini sudah ranah beliau," ungkap Menteri Rini Soemarno usai sidang kabinet di Kantor Presiden.
Dalam perjanjian induk Januari 2018, porsi 10% saham Freeport yang menjadi jatah Pemda Papua sudah disepakati. Perinciannya, Pemprov Papua mendapatkan jatah 3% dan Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Mimika mendapatkan 7%.

Namun di tengah perjalanan, Pemprov Papua menerbitkan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Nomor 7/2018 tentang Perseroan Terbatas Papua Divestasi Mandiri. Dalam Pasal 15 Perda itu disebutkan, Pemprov Papua mendapatkan saham 51% (dari 10% atau 5,9%). Pemkab Mimika 29% (dari 10% atau 3,1%) dan Pemkab sekitar area operasi Freeport meraih 20% (dari 10% atau 1%).

Bukan masalah besar

Hal inilah yang mendorong Pemkab Mimika merilis Surat langsung ke Presiden Joko Widodo dengan alasan tidak sesuai dengan isi Perjanjian Induk pada 12 Januari 2018 Pasal 2 angka 2.2 ayat (1). Bupati Mimika Eltinus Omaleng meminta agar Pemkab Mimika bisa membentuk BUMD sendiri, atau terlepas dari Pemprov Papua.

Karena kisruh ini, Menteri BUMN akan mengambil jalan tengah, sembari berharap bisa diselesaikan dengan baik oleh Pemprov maupun Pemkab.

"Komitmen kami dari MoU (memorandum of understanding) awal memang 70:30 (70% untuk Pemkab Mimika). Itu memang komitmen awal," ungkap Rini.

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian (Menko Perekonomian), Darmin Nasution mengatakan perseteruan ini tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan yang dilakukan Freeport Indonesia. Dia pun meminta supaya persoalan tersebut bisa diselesaikan tanpa harus ada campur tangan dari pemerintah

"Sudahlah, itu bukan masalah besar," ungkap Darmin.

     Vice President Corporate Comunication PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum), Rendi A Wilular enggan berkomentar banyak terkait kisruh jatah saham Pemda Papua. Ia hanya bilang, pembentukan BUMD menjadi ranah Pemprov Papua dan Pemkab Mimika, sehingga Inalum tinggal menunggu hasil dari pembahasan itu. 

"Yang jelas, porsi saham masih Sesuai perjianjian induk yang diteken pada Januari tahun lalu," kata dia.

Dalam kesepakatan induk, dari 100% saham, sebesar 48,8% saham dimiliki oleh Freeport.-MCMoran Inc (FCX), dan 51,23% Inalum, dimana 10%nya bagian papua Papua. 

Izin Ekspor Freeport  Di buka Pekan lni

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menargetkan Surat Perstujuan Ekspor (SPE) untuk PT Freeport lndonesia.  (PTFI) bisa terbit pekan ini. Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementserian ESDM Yunus Saifulhak mengatakan, Kementerian ESDM telah menerima  kelengkapan dokumen dari PTFI. 

Sekarang ini, Kementerian ESDM hanya menunggu rampungnya evaluasi tahap akhir. Proses evaluasi umumnya bisa berlangsung cepat, karena sudah tersistem secara online.  Alhasil, Yunus yakin, Jum‘at (8/3) hari ini, SPE baru sudah bisa terbit. 

"Insha Allah Jum'at ini bisa selesai semua, Amman, Freeport, PT  Smelting," katanya.

Yang jelas, tahun ini produksi dan ekspor konsentrat PTFI mengalami penurunan yang signifikan, Sebab, saat ini, ada peralihan metode pertambangan dari tambang terbuka ke tambang bawah tanah. 

Kementerian ESDM mencatat dengam peralihan itu, produksi kensentrat tembaga yang perusahaan yang 53.12% sahamnya dikuasai oleh PT Inalum itu, diperkirakan hanya sekitar 1,3 juta ton, dari tahun sebelumnya yang mecapai 2,2 juta ton. Alhasil kuota ekspor pun ikut berkurang, dari yang sebelumnya mencapai 1,25 juta ton menjadi sekitar 200.000 ton di tahun ini. 

"Sisa, 1 juta ton-nya dipasok ke PT Smelting. SPE-nya begitu sesuai dengan RKAB (Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Biaya)-nya katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, March 8, 2019

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