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Freeport has not yet completed the export permit document

PT Freeport Indonesia has not completed the required documents regarding the application for an extension of the export permit recommendation. The document is the basis of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to conduct an evaluation. The export permit of the mining company, which is dominated by PT Inalum (Persero), ended since February 15 yesterday.

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Director of ESDM Ministry of Mineral Business Development Yunus Saefulhak said the required documents were the result of verification of the progress of the construction of a smelter from an independent verifier. The progress of the smelter construction is the main requirement for obtaining an extension of the export permit recommendation.

"We are waiting for Freeport to document Freeport's verification results regarding the progress or progress of the smelter preparation," Yunus said in Jakarta.

Yunus explained, the results of verification from an independent verifier would later be re-evaluated by his party. But he did not explain how long the evaluation process took place. 

     He only confirmed that an extension of the export permit recommendation would be given if the progress of the smelter construction was at least 90% of the work plan per six months.

"If the documents are complete, we will finish it as soon as possible," he said.

Freeport has actually applied for an extension of the export permit. In the request, Freeport attached a revision to the design of the smelter construction. The change in the smelter design is the addition of a slime anode purification facility. 

     The slime anode smelter capacity reaches 6,000 tons. While the location of the smelter remains in the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) of Gresik, East Java Indonesia.

 the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE)

Likewise, the copper cathode smelter capacity is still 2 million tons of copper concentrate. However, the addition of the anode slime facility made investment swell to US $ 3 billion from the previous US $ 2.6 billion. Slime anode or anode mud is a by-product of a copper cathode smelter.

PT Smelting Gresik

Since 2017 yesterday, the slime anode has been included in the type of mineral that must be purified domestically. During this time the slime anode was produced by PT Smelting Gresik which purified Freeport's concentrate. 

      The plan is that Freeport and Smelting work together in building an anode slime smelter. Later Smelting will supply 2,000 tons of slime anode to the smelter.


Freeport Belum Lengkapi Dokumen Izin Ekspor

PT Freeport Indonesia belum melengkapi dokumen persyaratan terkait permohonan perpanjangan rekomendasi izin ekspor. Dokumen itu menjadi dasar Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) untuk melakukan evaluasi. Adapun izin ekspor perusahaan tambang yang mayoritas dikuasai PT Inalum (Persero) itu berakhir sejak 15 Februari kemarin.

Direktur Pembinaan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM Yunus Saefulhak mengatakan, dokumen yang dibutuhkan yakni hasil verifikasi kemajuan pembangunan pabrik pengolahan dan pemurian (smelter) dari verifikator independen. Kemajuan pembangunan smelter merupakan syarat utama untuk mendapatkan perpanjangan rekomendasi izin ekspor.

“Kami menunggu dari Freeport dokumen hasil verifikasi Freeport terkait kemajuan atau progres persiapan smelter,” kata Yunus di Jakarta.

Yunus menerangkan, hasil veritikasi dari verifikator independen nantinya akan dievaluasi kembali oleh pihaknya. Namun dia tidak menjelaskan berapa lama proses evaluasi tersebut berlangsung. 

     Dia hanya menegaskan perpanjangan rekomendasi izin ekspor diberikan bila kemajuan pembangunan smelter minimal 90% dari rencana kerja per enam bulan. 

“Bila dokumen lengkap, kami secepatnya selesaikan,” ujarnya.

Freeport sebenarnya sudah mengajukan permohonan perpanjangan izin ekspor tersebut. Dalam permohonan itu, Freeport melampirkan revisi rancangan pembangunan smelter. Perubahan rancangan smelter itu yakni penambahan fasilitas pemurnian anoda slime. 

    Kapasitas smelter anoda slime mencapai 6.000 ton. Sementara lokasi smelter tetap di Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) Gresik, Jawa Timur. 

Demikian juga untuki kapasitas smelter katoda tembaga tetap 2 juta ton konsentrat tembaga. Namun, penambahan fasilitas anoda slime tersebut membuat investasi membengkak menjadi US$ 3 miliar dari sebelumnya sekitar US$ 2,6 miliar. Anoda slime atau lumpur anoda merupakan produk samping dari smelter katoda tembaga. 

Sejak 2017 kemarin, anoda slime masuk dalam jenis mineral yang harus dimurnikan di dalam negeri. Selama ini anoda slime dihasilkan oleh PT Smelting Gresik yang memurnikan konsentrat Freeport. 

    Rencananya Freeport dan Smelting bekerja sama dalam membangun smelter anoda slime. Nantinya Smelting akan memasok 2.000 ton anoda slime ke smelter tersebut.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, March 4, 2019

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