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Freeport BUMD Standing Up in May

Distribution of PT Freeport Indonesia's (PTFI) 10% share divestment to Papua Regional Government (Pemda), in this case the Papua Provincial Government and Mimika Regency Government enter the Finalization stage. If the share distribution has been completed, the establishment of a Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) as the 10% share manager is targeted to be completed by May 2019.

Budi Gunadi Sadikin

Inalum's Managing Director, Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that his office had held several joint meetings with PTFI, the Papua Provincial Government, and Mimika Regency Government. The meeting, said Budi, brought positive progress in the process of establishing BUMD. The Jalas, the discussion still refers to the framework of the master agreement on January 12, 2018.

"Yesterday, there was a meeting in Bali, there has been progress," he explained, in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, said Budi, there will be two further meetings to finalize it. Just so you know, according to the master agreement, of 51.2% of PTFI's shares owned by Indonesia, 26.2% will be owned directly by the lnalum. The remaining 25% is owned by PT Indonesia Papua Metal and Mineral (IPMM). 

    Well, this IPMM is a joint venture between the lnalum and the Papua BUMD. Of the 25%, Lnalum will own 60% of the shares of IPMM and the Papua Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) of 40% or equal to 10% of Freeport's shares as a whole.

In the master agreement, the 10% share for the Regional Government is 7% for the Regency Government and 3% for the Papua Provincial Government. However, in the middle of the road, the Papua Provincial Government requested a change in shares and asked to become 6%. Director of IPMM, Ricky Gunawan said, so far, the establishment of BUMD took place in accordance with the plan.

"The target time is no later than May. God willing, it can be fulfilled," he said.

Deputy Minister of Mining, Strategic Industry and Media of the Ministry of BUMN Fajar Hary Sampurno said, at this time, his party was awaiting an agreement at the district and provincial government level. What is clear, his side is still targeting the BUMD to be formed this year and the fixed share portion according to the master agreement.


BUMD Pengelola Freeport Berdiri Mei

Pembagian porsi divestasi saham 10% PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) untuk Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) Papua, dalam hal ini Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Papua dan Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Mimika, masuk tahap Finalisasi. Jika pembagian saham sudah rampung, pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) sebagai pengelola 10% saham itu ditargetkan bisa selesai pada Mei 2019 nanti.

Direktur Utama Inalum, Budi Gunadi Sadikin menyampaikan, pihaknya sudah beberapa kali melakukan pertemuan bersama dengan pihak PTFI, Pemprov Papua, dan Pemkab Mimika. Pertemuan itu, kata Budi, membawa progres positif dalam proses pembentukan BUMD. Yang Jalas, diskusi masih mengacu pada kerangka perjanjian induk pada 12 Januari 2018 lalu. 

"Kemarin, ada pertemuan di Bali, sudah ada kemajuan," terangnya, di Jakarta.

Adapun, kata Budi, akan ada dua kali pertemuan lanjutan untuk memifinalisasi itu. Asal tahu saja, Sesuai dengan perjanjian induk, dari 51,2% saham PTFI yang dimiliki lndonesia, 26,2% akan dimiliki langsung oleh lnalum. Sisanya sekitar 25% dimiliki oleh PT Indonesia Papua Metal dan Mineral (IPMM).

      Nah, IPMM ini merupakan perusahaan patungan (joint venture) antara lnalum dan BUMD Papua. Dari 25% itu, lnalum akan memiliki sebesar 60% saham IPMM dan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) Papua sebesar 40% atau setara 10% saham Freeport secara keseluruhan. 

Di dalam perjanjian induk itu pula, perincian 10% saham untuk Pemda itu adalah 7% akan dimiliki oleh Pemkab dan 3% Pemprov Papua. Namun, di pertengahan jalan, Pemprov Papua meminta perubahan saham dan meminta menjadi 6%. Direktur IPMM, Ricky Gunawan mengatakan, sejauh ini, pembentukan BUMD berlangsung sesuai dengan rencana. 

"Target Waktu paling lambat bulan Mei. Insya Allah dapat terpenuhi," katanya.

Deputi Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis dan Media Kementerian BUMN Fajar Hary Sampurno mengatakan, saat ini, pihaknya menunggu kesepakatan di tingkat Pemkab dan Pemprov. Yang terang, pihaknya tetap menargetkan BUMD itu bakal terbentuk tahun ini dan porsi saham tetap sesuai perjanjian induk.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, April 24, 2019

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