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Freeport Smelter Construction Begins 2020

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said that the construction of PT Freeport Indonesia's copper concentrate purification facility (smelter) entered the construction phase in 2020. The smelter located in Gresik, East Java Indonesia has a capacity of 2 million tons of copper concentrate and there is a slime anode purification facility with a capacity of 6,000 tons.

The smelter located in Gresik East Java

Director of ESDM Ministry of Mineral Business Development Yunus Saefulhak said the smelter's progress to date is around 2.8%. The achievement was because Freeport replaced the technology service provider from Mitsubishi to Outotec. But he emphasized the progress of the smelter fulfilling the criteria of at least 90% from a six-month work plan.

"At the beginning it was gentle. But later 2020 has entered the construction phase, "Yunus said.

Yunus explained that the construction of the Freeport smelter was evaluated every six months. Calculated since the issuance of recommendations for export agreements. 

     When development progress has not reached a minimum of 90% of the work plan and is subject to sanctions. The witness is revoking the export permit. During the next 12 months the construction of the smelter is included in the administrative criteria.

"More or less like land compaction, procurement with vendors," he explained.

Riza Pratama

Separately, Freeport Indonesia spokesman Riza Pratama confirmed the change in technology service providers. It's just that he was reluctant to reveal the reason for choosing Outotec as a provider of smelter technology services. However, he stressed that the target of the smelter construction is in accordance with the government's agreement, no later than 2023.

In the evaluation of the smelter construction in February, the latest smelter design was revealed. The design was in the form of adding a refining facility slime anode with a capacity of 6,000 tons. Slime anode is a byproduct of copper concentrate purification. 

    Slime anodes include types of minerals that must be purified domestically since 2017 yesterday. The design change made the investment smelter grow to US $ 3 billion.


Konstruksi Smelter Freeport Dimulai 2020

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengungkapkan pembangunan fasilitas pemurnian mineral (smelter) konsentrat tembaga PT Freeport Indonesia memasuki tahap konstruksi pada 2020 mendatang. Smelter yang terletak di Gresik, Jawa Timur itu memiliki kapasitas 2 juta ton konsentrat tembaga serta terdapat fasilitas pemurnian anoda slime dengan kapasitas 6.000 ton.

Direktur Pembinaan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM Yunus Saefulhak mengatakan progres smelter hingga saat ini sekitar 2,8%. Capaian itu lantaran Freeport mengganti penyedia jasa teknologi dari Mitsubishi menjadi Outotec. Namun dia menegaskan progres smelter tersebut memenuhi kriteria minimal 90% dari rencana kerja per enam bulan. 

“Diawal-awal memang landai. Tapi nanti 2020 sudah masuk tahap konstruksi,” kata Yunus.

Yunus menerangkan pembangunan smelter Freeport dievaluasi setiap enam bulan sekali. Terhitung Sejak diterbitkannya rekomendasi persetujuan ekspor. Bila kemajuan pembangunan belum  mencapai minimal 90% dari rencana kerja maka dikenakan sanksi. Adapun saksinya pencabutan izin ekspor. Selama masa 12 bulan mendatang pembangunan smelter masuk dalam kriteria tahap administrasi. 

“Kurang lebih seperti pemadatan tanah, procurement dengan Vendor,” jelasnya.

Secara terpisah Juru bicara Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama membenarkan adanya perubahan penyedia jasa teknologi. Hanya saja dia enggan mengungkapkan alasan memilih Outotec sebagai penyedia jasa teknologi smelter. Namun dia menegaskan target pembangunan smelter sesuai dengan kesepakatan pemerintah yakni paling lambat pada 2023 mendatang.

Dalam evaluasi pembangunn smelter pada Februari kemarin terungkap adanya desain smelter terbaru. Rancangan itu berupa penambahan fasilitas pemurnian anoda slime dengan kapasitas 6.000 ton. Anoda slime merupakan produk samping dari pemurnian konsentrat tembaga. 

    Anoda slime termasuk jenis mineral yang harus dimurnikan di dalam negeri terhitung sejak 2017 kemarin. Perubahan desain itu membuat investasi smelter membesar menjadi US$ 3 miliar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, April 6, 2019

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