, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Amman-Freeport cancels Smelter Build Cooperation in Sumbawa - MEDIA MONITORING GOLD MINE -->

Amman-Freeport cancels Smelter Build Cooperation in Sumbawa

PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara and PT Freeport Indonesia canceled working together to build a copper cathode smelter on Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara. Now the two companies have chosen to build their own smelters. 

     Director of Development, Mineral and Mineral Resources of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Yunus Saefulhak, revealed that the end of the cooperation between the two companies was in line with the issuance of a Special Mining Business License (IUPK/SMBL) for Freeport in late 2018.

The IUPK license provides assurance of operations for Freeport. In the IUPK it was also stated that Freeport must complete the construction of the smelter no later than 2023.

 "They have delivered their respective smelter designs," he said in Jakarta.

The certainty of the end of the collaboration is in line with the evaluation of the progress of the smelter construction carried out by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) every six months. 

     The evaluation calculation was started since the issuance of the export permit recommendation. An evaluation of Amman took place in February. In the evaluation appendix, Amman's smelter capacity is only 1.3 million tons of copper concentrate. 

      Initially Amman proposed two smelter designs, with a capacity of 1.3 million tons and 2.6 million tons. The second draft was to accommodate the supply of concentrates from Freeport.

"Previously the smelter capacity was 2.6 million tons because Freeport wanted to join. But now Amman's smelter capacity is 1.3 million tons, "Yunus said.

Yunus revealed the results of evaluating the progress of the Amman smelter meet the criteria of at least 90% of the work plan per six months. 

     Because of fulfilling these requirements, since the beginning of March, an extension of the recommendation for export concentrate permits was issued.

"Overall the progress of the Amman smelter is currently around 13%," he said.

Separately, Amman Mineral President Director Rachmat Makkasau confirmed that the smelter capacity built was 1.3 million tons. It's just that he did not affirm the end of the collaboration between smelter development with Freeport. But he stressed that the smelter capacity could be increased.

"Amman Mineral is always open to collaborating with other parties for the construction of smelting and refining facilities including to increase production capacity if needed," he said.

Rachmat said that the target of the smelter development will not be changed by 2022. The progress of the smelter is currently in the detailed design phase (Front-End Engineering Design / FEED) carried out with Outotec, a provider of global mineral and metal processing technology. 

     It's just that Rachmat is reluctant to disclose the value of the 1.3 million ton capacity smelter investment. He did not ensure that the design changes of the smelter had an effect on the correction of the investment value.

"Amman Mineral is currently focusing on building a smelting and refining facility with a capacity of 1.3 million tons of concentrate per year "It will be built in West Sumbawa Regency and is planned to be completed in 2022," he said.

smelter in Gresik

While Freeport is building a smelter in Gresik, East Java Indonesia with a capacity of 2 million tons of copper concentrate. Both Freeport and Amman smelters both have slime anode purification facilities with different capacities 6,000 tons of slime anodes built by Freeport and 2,000 tons of capacity were built by Amman. 

     Slime anode is a by-product of purifying copper concentrate. Since the beginning of 2017, the slime anode is included in the type of mineral that must be mummified in the country.

Riza Pratama 

Freeport Indonesia spokesman Riza Pratama was reluctant to confirm or deny the cancellation of the collaboration with Amman. He only emphasized that Freeport is committed to building a smelter and completing it in accordance with the time period agreed with the government in 2023.


Amman-Freeport Batal Kerja Sama Bangun Smelter di Sumbawa

PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara dan PT Freeport Indonesia batal bekerja sama dalam membangun smelter katoda tembaga di Sumbawa,
Nusa Tenggara Barat. Kini kedua perusahaan itu memilih membangun smelter masing-masing.

 Direktur Pembinaan, Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM Yunus Saefulhak mengungkapkan, berakhirnya kerjasama kedua perusahaan itu seiring dengan diterbitkannya Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) bagi Freeport pada akhir 2018 yang lalu. 

Lisensi IUPK itu memberi kepastian operasi untuk Freeport. Dalam IUPK pun disebutkan Freeport wajib menyelesaikan pembangunan smelter paling lambat pada 2023 mendatang.

 “Mereka sudah menyampaikan rancangan smelter masing-masing,” ujarnya di Jakarta.

Kepastian berakhimya kerjasama itu seiring dengan evaluasi kemajuan pembangunan smelter yang dilakukan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) setiap enam bulan. Perhitungan evaluasi itu dimulai sejak diterbitkannya rekomendasi izin ekspor. Evaluasi terhadap Amman dilakukan pada Februari kemarin. 

     Dalam lampiran evaluasi menyatakan kapasitas smelter Amman hanya sebesar 1,3 juta ton konsentrat tembaga. Semula Amman mengajukan dua rancangan smelter yakni berkapasitas 1,3 juta ton dan 2,6 juta ton. Rancangan kedua itu guna mengakomodasi pasokan konsentrat dari Freeport.

“Dulu kapasitas smelternya 2,6 juta ton karena Freeport mau gabung. Tapi sekarang kapasitas smelternya Amman 1,3 juta ton,” kata Yunus. 

Yunus mengungkapkan hasil evaluasi kemajuan smelter Amman memenuhi kriteria minimal 90% dari rencana kerja per enam bulan. Lantaran memenuhi persyaratan tersebut maka sejak awal Maret kemarin diterbitkanlah perpanjangan rekomendasi izin ekspor konsentrat. 

“Secara keseluruhan progres smelter Amman saat ini sekitar 13%,” ujarnya.

Secara terpisah, Presiden Direktur Amman Mineral Rachmat Makkasar membenarkan kapasitas smelter yang dibangun menjadi sebesar 1,3 juta ton. Hanya saja dia tidak menegaskan mengenai berakhirnya kerjasama pembangunan smelter dengan Freeport. Namun dia menegaskan kapasitas smelter itu bisa saja ditingkatkan. 

“Amman Mineral selalu terbuka untuk menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak lain untuk pembangunan fasilitas peleburan dan pemurnian termasuk untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi jika diperlukan,” ujarnya.

Rachmat mengungkapkan target pembangunan smelter tidak mengalami perubahan alias tetap pada tahun 2022. Adapun progres smelter saat ini dalam tahapan desain rinci (Front-End Engineering Design / FEED) yang dilakukan bersama Outotec, penyedia teknologi pengolahan mineral dan logam global. 

    Hanya saja Rachmat enggan membeberkan nilai investasi smelter dengan kapasitas 1,3 juta ton tersebut. Dia tidak memastikan perubahan desain smelter tersebut berpengaruh pada terkoreksinya nilai investasi. 

“Amman Mineral saat ini fokus untuk melakukan pembangunan fasilitas peleburan dan pemurnian berkapasitas 1,3 juta ton konsentrat per tahun yang
dibangun di Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat dan direncanakan akan selesai pada tahun 2022,” ujarnya.

Sementara Freeport membangun smelter di Gresik, Jawa Timur dengan kapasitas 2 juta ton konsentrat tembaga. Baik smelter Freeport dan Amman sama-sama memiliki fasilitas pemurnian anoda slime dengan kapasitasnya berbeda 6.000 ton anoda slime yang dibangun Freeport dan kapasitas 2.000 ton dibangun Amman. 

     Anoda slime merupakan produk samping dari pemurnian konsentrat tembaga. Sejak awal 2017 lalu, anoda slime masuk dalam jenis mineral yang harus dimumikan di dalam negeri.

Juru bicara Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama enggan membenarkan atau menyangkal terkait pembatalan kerjasama dengan Amman. Dia hanya menegaskan Freeport berkomitmen membangun smelter dan menyelesaikan sesuai dengan jangka waktu yang disepakati dengan pemerintah yakni pada 2023.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, March 28, 2019

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