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ADRO Requests Treatment Like Freeport

     PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO) hopes that President Joko Widodo will immediately issue a regulation on mineral and coal mining activities. The regulation which is the sixth revision of Government Regulation (PP) Number 23 of 2010 concerning the Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities (Minerba) is very important for the continuation of the mineral mining business.

    Adaro Energy believes that the rules that include, among others, the submission of business license extensions are a form of certainty in investing. Even the ADRO management hopes that the contents of the regulations that will be published at least are the same as those for investment-friendly PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI). 

     The desired rules, among others, are related to the time of extension of operations that have been approved before the contract expires and the taxation that does not burden ADRO Coal Contract of Work Contract (PKP2B), which is also a member of the Kompas 100 index, this will expire in 2022. In the current rules, the contract submission is no later than two years before the contract expires.

     ADRO considers the regulation to be unattractive for investment certainty and requests the submission of business license extension can be done now or five years before the contract expires.

"In the 1981 PKP2B document, we have the right to obtain an extension of operations," said Director and Head of Adaro Energy's Legal Section, Moh. Shah Indra Aman.

     The contents of PKP2B are calculated by PP No. 77/2014 Article 112 Point 2 states that PKP2B that has not obtained an extension can be extended to the first extension of the IUPK OP as the continuation of the operation without going through an auction after the expiration of the PKP2B. This, said Indra, could not be ruled out by the Minister of BUMN regarding his request that SOEs manage PKP2B mining land whose contracts expire.

     Because, there is a PKP2B right to manage again or obtain an extension of the operation after the contract ends according to the existing regulations. As the first generation PKP2B, ADRO has signed a contract amendment which is a program of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"One of the contents is a matter of revenue for the country. Sales of 1 ton are subject to 85% duty. If the price of coal is US $ 85 per ton, then 85% of that price is for the country," he said.


ADRO Minta Perlakuan Seperti Freeport

PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO) berharap Presiden Joko Widodo segera menerbitkan aturan tentang kegiatan usaha pertambangan mineral dan batubara. Beleid yang merupakan revisi ke enam Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 23 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Usaha Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara (Minerba) ini sangat penting bagi kelangsungan bisnis pertambangan minerba.

Adaro Energy meyakini aturan yang berisi antara lain tentang pengajuan perpanjangan izin usaha itu merupakan bentuk kepastian dalam berinvestasi. Bahkan manajemen ADRO mengharapkan isi peraturan yang nanti terbit setidaknya sama dengan aturan untuk PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) yang ramah akan investasi. 

     Aturan yang diinginkan antara lain terkait waktu perpanjangan operasi yang sudah disetujui sebelum kontrak berakhir serta perpajakan yang tidak memberatkan Kontrak tambang Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Batubara (PKP2B) ADRO, yang juga anggota indeks Kompas 100, ini akan berakhir pada tahun 2022. Dalam aturan saat ini, pengajuan kontrak paling lambat dua tahun sebelum masa kontrak berakhir.

ADRO menganggap aturan tersebut tidak menarik bagi kepastian investasi dan meminta pengajuan perpanjangan izin usaha bisa dilakukan saat ini atau lima tahun sebelum masa kontrak berakhir.

"Dalam dokumen PKP2B tahun 1981, sudah ada hak kami untuk mendapatkan perpanjangan operasi," ungkap Direktur dan Kepala Bagian Hukum Adaro Energy, Moh. Syah Indra Aman.

Isi PKP2B itu diperkuait PP No. 77/2014 Pasal 112 Poin 2 yang menyebutkan, PKP2B yang belum memperoleh perpanjangan dapat diperpanjang menjadi IUPK OP perpanjangan pertama sebagaimana kelanjutan operasi tanpa melalui lelang setelah berakhirnya PKP2B. Hal inilah, kata Indra, yang tidak bisa dikesampingkan Menteri BUMN soal permintaannya agar BUMN bisa mengelola lahan tambang PKP2B yang kontraknya berakhir.

Sebab, ada hak PKP2B mengelola kembali atau mendapatkan perpanjangan operasi setelah kontrak berakhir sesuai peraturan yang ada. Selaku PKP2B generasi pertama, ADRO sudah meneken amendemen kontrak yang menjadi program dari Kementerian ESDM. 

"Salah satu isinya, soal penerimaan untuk negara. Penjualan setiap 1 ton dikenakan bea sampai 85%. Jika harga batubara US$ 85 per ton, maka 85% dari harga itu untuk negara," kata dia.

Kontan,Page-14, Wednesday, May 29, 2019

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