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Jonan Review the Freeport Mine Facility in America

ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan and his team from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) made a working visit to Phoenix, United States on May 19-20 2019. 

Office Freeport-McMorran, Arizona

     The visit was to meet with Freeport-McMorran CEO in order to support and improve the implementation of Special Mining Business Licenses PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Production Operation (IUPK OP) in Papua, as well as reviewing the Freeport mine operation facility in Morenci, Arizona.

the Freeport facility in Morenci, Arizona.

As is known that PTFI is currently the holder of a Production Operation IUPK, which majority of its shares have been owned by Indonesia through PT Inalum (persero). 

Freeport Gold Mine in Papua Indonesia

    The Head of the Communication, Public Information Service and Cooperation Agency of Agung Pribadi said the ESDM Minister's working visit was carried out to encourage and ensure two main things in the implementation of PTFI's IUPK OP, namely environmental governance in accordance with the roadmap set.

"As well as completing a smelter in Indonesia within 5 years after the IUPK OP was issued," Agung said

In the working visit, Agung said, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources had the opportunity to visit one of the copper mining operations facilities belongs to Feeeport-McMorran in Morenci, Arizona. 

     A visit to Morenci was carried out to see the standards and feasibility of the Freeport McMoRan mining operation facility which would become the standard for carrying out PTFI's mining operations as one of the world class mining companies.


    Then on May 21, 2019 the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources will continue his working visit to Houston to meet with ConocoPhillips and arrive back in Indonesia May 24, 2019.


Jonan Tinjau Fasilitas Tambang Freeport di Amerika

Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan beserta tim dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK) melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Phoenix, Amerika Serikat pada 19-20 Mei 2019. Kunjungan itu untuk melakukan pertemuan dengan CEO Freeport-McMorran dalam rangka mendukung dan meningkatkan pelaksanaan Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus Operasi Produksi (IUPK OP) PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) di Papua, serta meninjau fasilitas operasi tambang Freeport di Morenci, Arizona.

Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa PTFI saat ini merupakan pemegang IUPK Operasi Produksi yang mayoritas sahamnya telah dimiliki Indonesia melalui PT Inalum (persero). Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama Agung Pribadi mengatakan kunjungan kerja Menteri ESDM dilakukan untuk mendorong dan memastikan dua hal utama dalam pelaksanaan IUPK OP PTFI, yaitu tata kelola lingkungan yang sesuai dengan roadmap yang telah ditetapkan. 

"Serta penyelesaian fasilitas pemurnian (smelter) di Indonesia dalam waktu 5 tahun setelah IUPK OP diterbitkan," kata Agung

Dalam kunjungan kerja dimaksud, kata Agung, Menteri ESDM berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi salah satu fasilitas operasi tambang tembaga milik Feeeport-McMorran di Morenci, Arizona. Kunjungan ke Morenci dilakukan untuk melihat standar serta kelayakan fasilitas operasi tambang Freeport McMoRan yang akan menjadi standar pelaksanaan operasi tambang PTFI sebagai salah satu perusahaan tambang kelas dunia (world class mining company).

Selanjutnya pada 21 Mei 2019 Menteri ESDM akan melanjutkan kunjungan kerja ke Houston bertemu dengan pihak ConocoPhillips dan tiba kembali di Indonesia 24 Mei 2019.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesdaym May 21, 2019

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