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The Government Supervises Freeport Smelter Progress

The government continues to monitor the progress of the construction of PT Freeport Indonesia's copper concentrate refining facility (smelter). Every six months the progress of the smelter is evaluated. The smelter located in Gresik, East Java, is targeted to be completed by the end of 2022. 

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      Director of ESDM Ministry of Mineral Business Development Yunus Saefulhak said that the evaluation of the progress of the Freeport smelter has been calculated since he obtained a recommendation to export copper concentrate.

The recommendation is valid for one year. The meaning of the smelter's progress was evaluated twice during the recommendation period. The last evaluation was carried out in February because Freeport recommendations were valid from February 2018-February 2019.

"Until February, the smelter's progress was 3.86%," Yunus said in Jakarta.

Yunus revealed that the evaluation was based on the work plan for the construction of a smelter per six months. There are strict sanctions if the evaluation results have not reached at least 90% of the work plan. The sanction is in the form of revoking export licenses. He revealed that the realization of the 3.86% development was in accordance with the work plan offered by Freeport. 

      Because it has fulfilled the requirements, Freeport will get an extension of the export permit recommendation until February 2020. Because one of the requirements for the extension of the recommendation is the progress of building a smelter.

Smelter in Gresik East Java

The achievement of 3.86%, said Yunus, is still in the initial stages of development. What Freeport has done is the feasibility study (FS), environmental studies, land rent for five years, and compaction of land. He called Freeport to replace technology service providers from Mitsubishi to Outotec. The change affects the calculation of the smelter's progress.


This is because using Outotec has a greater investment value than Mitsubishi. As a result, Freeport's smelter progress should be 4.67% to 3.86% because the cost divider is greater by using Outotec. It's just that Yunus did not disclose the amount of the costs incurred by Freeport.

"The cost is indeed bigger. But it is more efficient in terms of electricity. "Outotec is cheaper in terms of power," he said.

Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate / JIIPE

The location of the Freeport smelter is in the Gresik industrial area, East Java (Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate / JIIPE). According to Investor Daily, JIIPE is the second smelter location. Previously in 2014, the location of the smelter rented land owned by PT Petrokimia Gresik. However, since 2017 Freeport has decided to switch to JIIPE.

As for Freeport's considerations in addition to the area's width, the location of the smelter is close to the port. Thus facilitating the shipment process of the purified copper concentrate. Availability of energy supplies guaranteed by industrial estates through JIIPE. Although it moved locations, the smelter's capacity remained 2 million tons of concentrate.

However, in February, a new design was delivered, namely the construction of slime anode purification integrated with the smelter.

The slime anode smelter capacity reaches 6,000 tons. The addition of the slime anode facility made the smelter investment swell to US $ 2.8 billion from US $ 2.1 billion. In the construction of the slime anode smelter, Smelting is a supplier of about 2,000 tons of slime anode. 

      Slime anode is a byproduct of copper concentrate purification. Since the beginning of 2017, the slime anode has been included in the type of mineral that must be purified domestically.

Tony Wenas

Separately, Freeport Indonesia's President Director Tony Wenas said that the construction of the smelter was in accordance with the draft submitted to the government.

"We will continue to solve this and it is hoped that by the end of 2022 the construction of the smelter will have been completed, the smoke has been released," Tony said during a working visit by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan to PT Freeport Indonesia on Friday (3/5).

Tony revealed the progress of the project in the form of compaction of land and removing water inside. Then in the same way the piling is done while waiting for the other land readiness, it will gradually be perfect. The smelter will process 2 million tons of copper concentrate.


Pemerintah Awasi Progres Smelter Freeport

Pemerintah terus mengawasi kemajuan pembangunan fasilitas pemurnian mineral (smelter) konsentrat tembaga PT Freeport Indonesia. Setiap enam bulan progres smelter tersebut dievaluasi. Smelter yang berlokasi di Gresik, Jawa Timur itu ditargetkan rampung pada akhir 2022 mendatang. 

     Direktur Pembinaan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM Yunus Saefulhak mengatakan evaluasi kemajuan smelter Freeport terhitung semenjak mengantongi rekomendasi izin ekspor konsentrat tembaga.

Rekomendasi itu berlaku selama satu tahun. Artiannya progres smelter dievaluasi dua kali selama masa rekomendasi itu. Evaluasi terakhir dilakukan pada Februari kemarin lantaran rekomendasi Freeport berlaku sejak Februari 2018-Februari 2019.

“Sampai Februari kemarin progres smelternya 3,86%,” kata Yunus di Jakarta.

Yunus mengungkapkan evaluasi dilakukan berdasarkan rencana kerja pembangunan smelter per enam bulan. Ada sanksi tegas bila hasil evaluasi itu belum mencapai minimal 90% dari rencana kerja tersebut. Sanksi tersebut berupa pencabutan izin ekspor. 

      Dia mengungkapkan realisasi pembangunan 3,86% itu sesuai dengan rencana kerja yang disodorkan Freeport. Lantaran telah memenuhi persyaratan maka Freeport mendapatkan perpanjangan rekomendasi izin ekspor hingga Februari 2020 mendatang. Pasalnya salah satu persyaratan perpanjangan rekomendasi tersebut yakni kemajuan pembangunan smelter.

Capaian 3,86% itu, kata Yunus, masih dalam tahap awal pembangunan. Adapun yang telah dilakukan Freeport yakni studi kelayakan (feasibility study/FS), studi lingkungan, sewa lahan selama lima tahun, serta pemadatan lahan. Dia menyebut Freeport mengganti penyedia jasa teknologi dari Mitsubishi menjadi Outotec. Pergantian itu berpengaruh pada perhitungan kemajuan smelter. 

Hal ini lantaran menggunakan Outotec lebih besar nilai investasinya ketimbang Mitsubishi. Alhasil progres smelter Freeport seharusnya 4,67% menjadi 3,86% karena pembagi biaya yang dikeluarkan menjadi lebih besar dengan menggunakan Outotec. Hanya saja Yunus tidak mengungkapkan besaran biaya yang dikeluarkan Freeport tersebut.

“Biayanya memang tambah lebih besar. Tapi lebih efisien dari sisi kelistrikannya. Outotec ini lebih murah dari sisi power,” katanya.

Lokasi smelter Freeport berada di kawasan industri Gresik, Jawa Timur (Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate/JIIPE). Berdasarkan catatan Investor Daily, JIIPE merupakan lokasi smelter kedua. 

     Sebelumnya pada 2014 silam, lokasi smelter menyewa lahan milik PT Petrokimia Gresik. Namun sejak 2017 Freeport memutuskan beralih ke JIIPE. 

Adapun pertimbangan Freeport selain luas Wilayah, lokasi smelter dekat dengan pelabuhan. Dengan begitu memudahkan proses pengapalan hasil pemurnian konsentrat tembaga. Ketersediaan suplai energi yang dijamin oleh kawasan industri melalui JIIPE. Meski berpindah lokasi namun kapasitas smelter tersebut tetap 2 juta ton konsentrat.

Namun pada Februari kemarin ada rancangan baru yang disampaikan yakni pembangunan pemurnian anoda slime yang terintegrasi dengan smelter. Kapasitas smelter anoda slime itu mencapai 6.000 ton. Penambahan fasilitas anoda slime itu membuat investasi smelter membengkak menjadi US$ 2,8 miliar dari sebelumnya US$ 2,1 miliar. 

     Dalam pembangunan smelter anoda slime itu, Smelting menjadi pemasok anoda slime sekitar 2.000 ton. Anoda slime merupakan produk samping dari pemurnian konsentrat tembaga. Sejak awal 2017 lalu, anoda slime masuk dalam jenis mineral yang harus dimurnikan di dalam negeri.

Secara terpisah, Direktur Utama Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas menuturkan pembangunan smelter berjalan sesuai dengan rancangan yang disampaikan ke pemerintah.

“Ini akan terus kita selesaikan dan diharapkan pada akhir tahun 2022 pembangunan smelter sudah selesai, sudah keluar asapnyalah,” kata Tony dalam kunjungan kerja Menteri Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan ke PT Freeport Indonesia, Jumat (3/ 5).

Tony mengungkapkan progres proyek berupa pemadatan lahan serta mengeluarkan air-air yang di dalam. Kemudian secara paralel juga dilakukan pemancangan sambil menunggu kesiapan lahan yang lainnya, secara bertahap akan sempurna. Smelter ini nantinya akan mengolah 2 juta ton konsentrat tembaga.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, May 8, 2019

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