Freeport Smelter Starts Building in Gresik
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In the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) area
PT Freeport Indonesia will certainly build a built smelter in Gresik, East Java. The smelter land will be located in the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) area of Gresik Regency, East Java.
Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE)
For information, JIIPE is an 1,800 hectare industrial area integrated with ports, developed by PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Pelindo III (Persero), PT Usaha Era Pratama Nusantara, and a subsidiary of PT Aneka Kimia Raya Corporindo Tbk (AKRA).
Freeport Indonesia's Managing Director Tony Wenas said that currently the construction of the smelter in Gresik has reached 3.68 percent until February 2019.
"The location of the smelter is in Gresik, JIIPE land owned by Pelindo III and AKR Corp," Tony said.
He explained, the investment to be spent on the smelter project reached 2.8 billion US dollars with loans from inside and outside banks country.
"We are also open with partners and now many banks are interested," he said.
Tony said the investment smelter and long-term investment were separated. Because, for long-term investment until 2041 with a value of 16 billion US dollars, Freeport and Inalum only do it. While investment smelters can be with any partner. "
"For smelter fields that have matured 35 hectares, some are four months ahead. This is done in parallel," he added.
The land requirement for this smelter reaches 100 ha.
Reviewed by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI)
Tony also said that the Directorate General of Mineral and coal and the DPR's entourage had seen the location of the Freeport smelter. So that hope can be quickly completed.
"By the end of 2022 the smelter will be finished and the concentrate export will be stopped, because it has been processed domestically," he said.
Meanwhile ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan explained, the final result of this Freeport mining was 99.9 percent in the form of copper concentrate. Well, after that enter into industrialization.
"It's easiest to make electrical cables. This is a big challenge for industrialization so that the electricity cables don't continue to import," he said.
Smelter Freeport Mulai Dibagun di Gresik
Dikawasan Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE)
PT Freeport Indonesia sudah pasti akan membangun smelter ternbaga di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Lahan smelter itu nantinya akan berada di kawasan Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur.
Sebagai informasi, JIIPE merupakan kawasan industri seluas 1.800 hektare yang terintegrasi dengan pelabuhan, yang dikembangkan PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia, anak usaha PT Pelindo III (Persero), PT Usaha Era Pratama Nusantara, dan anak usaha PT Aneka Kimia Raya Corporindo Tbk (AKRA).
Direktur Utama Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas mengungkapkan, saat ini progres pembangunan smelter di Gresik sudah mencapai 3,68 persen sampai Februari 2019.
"Lokasi smelternya di Gresik, lahan JIIPE milik Pelindo III dan AKR Corp," kata Tony.
Dia menjelaskan, investasi yang akan dikeluarkan untuk proyek smelter itu mencapai 2,8 miliar dollar AS dengan pinjaman bank dalam dan luar negeri.
"Kami juga terbuka dengan patner dan sekarang sudah banyak bank yang berminat," ujar dia.
Tony mengatakan, investasi smelter dan investasi jangka panjang dipisahkan. Sebab, untuk investasi jangka panjang sampai 2041 dengan nilai 16 miliar dollar AS hanya dilakukan Freeport dan Inalum. Sedangkan investasi smelter bisa dengan partner mana pun.”
"Untuk lahan smelter yang sudah matang 35 hektare, sebagian lagi empat bulan ke depan. Ini dilakukan secara parlalel," imbuh dia.
Adapun keperluan lahan untuk smelter ini mencapai 100 ha.
Ditinjau Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI)
Tony juga mengatakan bahwa Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan batubara dan rombongan DPR sudah melihat lokasi smelter Freeport. Sehingga harapannya bisa cepat selesai.
"Akhir 2022 akan selesai smelternya dan ekspor konsentrat dihentikan, karena sudah diolah di dalam negeri" ujar dia.
Sementara itu Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menjelaskan, hasil akhir dari penambangan Freeport ini sudah 99,9 persen berbentuk konsentrat tembaga. Nah, setelah itu masuk ke industriliasasi.
"Paling gampang itu bikin kabel listrik. Ini tantangan besar industrilisasi supaya kabel listrik tidak impor terus," tuturnya.
Surya, Page-7, Wednesday, May 8, 2019
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