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Freeport Indonesia Smelter Operates December 2023

The smelter or concentrate processing plant owned by PT Freeport Indonesia (FI) will operate in December 2023. By spending US $ 150 million or around Rp 2.1 trillion, the construction of a smelter in Gresik, East Java has reached 3.8%, namely among others feasibility study, engineering, environmental impact analysis, location rental costs, and soil compaction. The total investment for processing the concentrate into a cathode and anode reaches US $ 3 billion.

Tony Wenas

"Freeport has received loan commitments from 11 banks and this is the first loan since the company operated," said PT FI President Director Tony Wenas while reviewing the location of the smelter in the industrial area built by the Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate (JIIPE) in Gresik, Saturday (24 / 7/2019). Three of the 11 creditor banks are domestic banks.

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Processing 2 million concentrates supplied from Mimika Regency, Papua, PT FI's smelter production capacity reaches 550,000 tons of cathode. At this time, said Tony, concentrate production was down. Because ore production in open pit mining has drastically reduced and will run out this year. 2020 to 2022 is a transition period from open pit mining to underground mining.

the Biggest underground Gold Mining

Concentrate production will return to normal in 2023 when the smelter factory operates. At that time, the production of 3 million tons of concentrate would be entirely produced from underground mining. As much as 1 million is processed by PT Smelting and 2 million tons is processed by PT FI. As a 25% shareholder of PT Smelting in Gresik, PT FI actually has a smelter factory. However, the normal production of PT FI concentrate reaches 3 million tons per year. The concentrate produced at PT Smelting is only 1 million tons.

PT Smelting in Gresik East Java 

In accordance with the Special Mining Business Permit (IUPK), PT FI is required to build a smelter in the domestic mineral refining and processing company within five years of the permit being granted. Unlike the Contract of Work (KK) regime, the IUPK regime prohibits the export of raw materials. The exported mineral products must be processed domestically. As from the permit was granted, Tony said, the smelter had to be operational by the end of December 2023 or five year after obtaining IUPK.

"We believe that the construction of the smelter can be on time and will be operational in December 2023," Tony said.

Overall, the smelter construction process was 3.8%. But, land compaction has reached 46% and engineering design has 76%. Tony was sure that the smelter construction would be on target, also because of the strong support from the government. Eleven creditor banks were ready to issue US $ loans 3 billion.

Vice President Orias Petrus Moedak

"This is our first time, Freeport Indonesia borrowed," said PT FI Orias Vice President Petrus Moedak on the same occasion.

So far, 1 million of PT FI's production concentrates have been processed by PT Smelting, a joint venture with Mitsubishi from Japan in Gresik, East Java. The majority of the company's shares are controlled by Mitsubishi and Japanese partners, while PT FI controls 25%.

PT Smelting President Director Hiroshi Kondo 
with Former East Java Deputy Governor Saifullah Yusuf

In addition to processing concentrate from PT FI, PT Smelting also processes 100,000 tons of concentrate from PT Amman Mineral, formerly PT Newmont. In 2019, said the President Director of PT Smelting Hiroshi Kondo, the company processed 1.1 million tons of copper concentrate and produced 291,000 tons of cathode, 1.04 million sulfuric acid, 805,000 tons of copper slag, 31,000 tons of gypsum and 2,000 tons of anode sludge.

Copper cathode refining process 
at PT Smelting Gresik Plant, East Java

Although he has just enjoyed dividends in the last three years after 23 years of operation, Kondo said, his party has contributed to Indonesia. PT Petrokimia Gresik's operations, which are located next to each other, receive a supply of 1.04 million sulfuric acid from PT Smelting. Meanwhile, around 800,000 tons of copper slag is used as raw material for the cement industry, helping the operation of cement companies in the Gresik area. With an initial investment of US $ 624 million, PT Smelting has now produced cathodes worth US $ 20 billion.

Former East Java Deputy Governor Saifullah Yusuf (center), talks with PT Smelting President Director Hiroshi Kondo (right), and PT Smelting Plant Manager Antonius Prayoga (left) in the PT Smelting factory area in Gresik East Java

"One of our considerations of smelter investment in Indonesia is the large Indonesian market. It turns out, most of the cathode must be exported because of the small purchasing power of the domestic industry, "said Tondo to the leaders of the capital mass media at his office in Gresik, East Java.

PT Smelting's cathode is exported to Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. If the manufacturing industry in Indonesia were already strong enough, copper marketing would be fully absorbed domestically. Copper, among others, is needed by the automotive industry, air conditioner factories and various types of electronics, and construction for electrical installations. The development of electric cars will require a lot of copper.

The final products of the smelter company are cathode or copper, sulfuric acid, copper slag, gypsum and anode sludge. Inside the anode mud is gold, silver and other precious metals. By choosing a location in Gresik, not in Papua, all smelter products can be marketed and not damage the environment. JIIPE industrial estate also has its own port to facilitate exports.

JIIPE industrial estate

The anode mud from the PT FI smelter will be purified by a company. At this plant, sludge is processed into pure gold, pure silver, and a mixture of platinum, palladium, selenium, and other metals. From the ore or ore that is mined, PT FI produces concentrate.

"In fact, the added value of copper concentrate has reached 95%. If processed through a smelter, the added value will only increase by 5%, "said Tony.

The added value of copper concentrate is much different from the value added of nickel concentrate which is under 50%.

"But, building a smelter has become our commitment," Tony said.

London Metal Exchange (LME) 

Concentrates from PT FI have already gotten quite high prices on the London Metal Exchange (LME) which are already very high. This is proof of the high value added concentrate. The value of gold in concentrates is more than 30%. The biggest is copper. The PT FI smelter plant will produce 550,000 tons of copper, 30-60 tons of gold, about 120 tons of silver per year.


Smelter Freeport Indonesia Beroperasi Desember 2023

Pabrik smelter atau pengolahan konsentrat milik PT Freeport Indonesia (FI) akan beroperasi Desember 2023. Dengan mengeluarkan dana US$ 150 juta atau sekitar Rp 2,1 triliun, pembangunan smelter di Gresik, Jawa Timur sudah mencapai 3,8%, yakni antara lain feasibility study, engineering, Analisis dampak lingkungan, biaya sewa lokasi, dan pemadatan tanah. Total investasi pengolahan konsentrat menjadi katoda dan anoda ini mencapai US$ 3 miliar.

“Freeport sudah mendapatkan komitmen pinjaman dari 11 bank dan ini merupakan pinjaman pertama sejak perusahaan beroperasi,” ujar Presdir PT FI Tony Wenas saat meninjau lokasi smelter di kawasan industri yang dibangun Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate (JIIPE) di Gresik, Sabtu (24/7/2019). Tiga dari 11 bank kreditor adalah bank dalam negeri.

Mengolah 2 juta konsentrat yang dipasok dari Kabupaten Mimika, Papua, kapasitas produksi pabrik smelter PT FI mencapai 550.000 ton katoda. Saat ini, kata Tony, produksi konsentrat sedang turun. Karena produksi bijih di penambangan terbuka sudah berkurang drastis dan akan habis tahun ini. Tahun 2020 hingga 2022 adalah masa transisi dari tambang terbuka ke tambang bawah tanah.

Produksi konsentrat akan kembali normal tahun 2023 saat pabrik smelter beroperasi. Waktu itu, produksi 3 juta ton konsentrat akan sepenuhnya dihasilkan dari underground mining. Sebesar 1 juta diproses PT Smelting dan 2 juta ton diolah PT FI. Sebagai pemegang saham 25% PT Smelting di Gresik, PT FI sesungguhnya sudah memiliki pabrik smelter. Tapi, produksi konsentrat PT FI masa normal mencapai 3 juta ton per tahun. Sedang konsentrat yang diproduksi di PT Smelting hanya 1 juta ton. 

Sesuai Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK), PT FI wajib membangun smelter perusahaan pemurnian dan pengolahan mineral, dalam dalam negeri dalam waktu lima tahun sejak izin diberikan. Beda dengan rezim Kontrak Karya (KK), rezim IUPK melarang ekspor bahan mentah. Produk mineral yang diekspor harus hasil pengolahan di dalam negeri. Terhitung sejak izin diberikan, demikian Tony, smelter harus sudah beroperasi akhir Desember 2023 atau lima
tahun setelah mendapatkan IUPK.

“Kami yakin, pembangunan smelter bisa tepat waktu dan akan beroperasi Desember 2023,” ujar Tony.

Secara keseluruhan, proses pembangunan smelter sudah 3,8%. Tapi, pemadatan lahan sudah mencapai 46% dan engineering design sudah 76%. Tony yakin, pembangunan smelter akan sesuai target, juga karena kuatnya dukungan pemerintah. Sebelas bank kreditor pun sudah siap mengeluarkan pinjaman US$
3 miliar. 

“Ini untuk pertama kami, Freeport Indonesia meminjam,” ungkap Wakil Presdir PT FI Orias Petrus Moedak pada kesempatan yang sama.

Selama ini, 1 juta konsentrat produksi PT FI diolah oleh PT Smelting, perusahaan patungan dengan Mitsubishi dari Jepang di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Mayoritas saham perusahaan ini dikuasai Mitsubishi dan mitra Jepang, sedangkan PT FI menguasai 25%.

Selain mengolah konsentrat dari PT FI, PT Smelting juga memproses 100.000 ton konsentrat dari PT Amman Mineral, dahulu PT Newmont. Pada 2019, kata Presdir PT Smelting Hiroshi Kondo, perusahaan mengolah 1,1 juta ton konsentrat tembaga dan menghasilkan 291.000 ton katoda, 1,04 juta Asam sulfat, 805.000 ton terak tembaga, 31.000 ton gipsum, dan 2.000 ton lumpur anoda.

Meski baru saja menikmati dividen dalam tiga tahun terakhir setelah 23 tahun beroperasi, demikian Kondo, pihaknya sudah berkontribusi kepada Indonesia. Operasi PT Petrokimia Gresik, yang letaknya bersebelahan, mendapat pasokan 1,04 juta Asam sulfat dari PT Smelting. Sedangkan sekitar 800.000 ton terak tembaga untuk bahan baku industri semen, membantu operasi perusahaan semen di wilayah Gresik. Dengan investasi awal US$ 624 juta, PT Smelting kini sudah menghasilkan katoda senilai US$ 20 miliar.

“Salah satu pertimbangan kami investasi smelter di Indonesia adalah pasar Indonesia yang besar. Ternyata, sebagian besar katoda harus diekspor karena kecilnya daya beli industri dalam negeri,” ungkap Tondo kepada para pemimpin media massa Ibukota di kantornya di Gresik Jawa Timur.

Katoda PT Smelting diekspor ke Malaysia, Thailand, dan Vietnam. Andaikan industri manufaktur di Indonesia sudah cukup kuat, pemasaran tembaga akan sepenuhnya terserap di dalam negeri. Tembaga, antara lain, dibutuhkan oleh industri otomotif, pabrik air conditioner dan berbagai jenis elektronik, dan konstruksi untuk instalasi listrik. Pengembangan mobil listrik akan banyak membutuhkan tembaga.

Produk akhir perusahaan smelter adalah katoda atau tembaga, Asam sulfat, terak tembaga, gipsum, dan lumpur anoda. Di dalam lumpur anoda ada emas, perak, dan logam berharga lainnya. Dengan memilih lokasi di Gresik, bukan di Papua, semua produk smelter bisa dipasarkan dan tidak merusak lingkungan. Kawasan industri JIIPE juga memiliki pelabuhan sendiri untuk memudahkan ekspor.

Lumpur anoda dari pabrik smelter PT FI akan dimurnikan oleh sebuah perusahan. Di pabrik ini, lumpur diolah menjadi emas murni, perak murni, dan campuran platinum, paladium, selenium, dan logam lainnya. Dari ore atau bijih yang ditambang, PT FI menghasilkan konsentrat. 

“Sesungguhnya, nilai tambah konsentrat tembaga sudah mencapai 95%. Kalau diolah lewat smelter, nilai tambahnya hanya bertambah 5%,” ungkap Tony. 

Nilai tambah konsentrat tembaga jauh beda dengan nilai tambah konsentrat nikel yang di bawah 50%. 

“Tapi, pembangunan smelter sudah menjadi komitmen kami,” kata Tony.

Konsentrat dari PT FI sudah mendapat harga cukup tinggi di London Metal Exchange (LME) sudah sangat tinggi. Ini adalah bukti tingginya nilai tambah konsentrat. Nilai emas di konsentrat lebih dari 30%. Terbesar adalah tembaga. Pabrik smelter PT FI akan menghasilkan 550.000 ton tembaga, emas 30-60 ton, perak sekitar 120 ton per tahun.

Investor Daily, Page-1, Monday, August 26, 2019

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