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Freeport Smelters Produce 2023

     Freeport Smelters Produce .1 202 Smelters in Gresik will be the largest smelters in the world and can shake the world copper cathode market,

Tony Wenas

PT Freeport Indonesia is committed to building a mining product processing plant or smelter in Gresik. PT Freeport Indonesia President Director Tony Wenas said the smelter would start production in 2023.

"Smelters will produce 2023," said Tony Wenas, while reviewing smelter construction sites in the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate or JIIPE, Gresik, East Java, Saturday (8/24).

JIIPE Industrial Estate

The smelter is built on 100 hectares of land in the JIIPE industrial area with a total cost of US $ 3 billion. Development funding can be obtained from banking syndication.

Orias Petrus Moedak

"Bank syndication consisting of 11 foreign and domestic banks has stated that they are willing to fund the construction of the smelter. At the end of September the funding business was completed, "said Deputy Director of Freeport Orias Petrus Moedak on the same occasion.

It can be said that financing from banking syndication is the first time the company has done since its foundation. Now the smelter construction has reached the stage of land maturation. For construction, Freeport entrusted it to Chiyoda and Outotec. Chiyoda will hold all equipment and materials from global sources as part of the scope of their EPC Works.

The main components for the process (flash smelting furnace, flash converting furnace, slag concentrator, anode furnace, and casting wheel anode) will be supplied by Outotec through its global manufacturing facilities. The smelter in Gresik will process and purify 2.0 million metric tons per year of copper concentrate from PT Freeport Indonesia in Timika, Papua.

"When it is in production, smelters produce around 550 thousand tons of copper cathodes per year. It has become the largest smelter in the world and can shake the world copper cathode market, "said Tony Wenas.

In addition to copper cathodes, refining the concentrate produces gold, iron silica, sulfuric acid, and gypsum.

"Everything is for the domestic and export markets," Tony added.

Low Margin

PT Freeport Indonesia also has a 25% stake in PT Smelting in the Petrokimia Gresik area, East Java. PT Smelting, which started its commercial production in 1999, produced 300 thousand tons of copper cathodes. More copper cathodes are exported than absorbed by the domestic industry. 

     According to Bouman Tiroi Situmorang, one of PT Smelting's managers, the copper concentrate smelter is a low-margin business. However, the smelter is still being built because it is an obligation stipulated in the Minerba Act.

"The mining business is more profitable compared to the smelter business," said Bouman when receiving a visit from PT Freeport Indonesia at the PT Smelting location in Gresik, East Java, Saturday (8/24).

In order to make the smelter business more profitable, both Bouman and Tony Wenas hope that the downstream industry will grow. Downstream industries that purchase copper cathodes include the electrical cable industry and electronic assembly or equipment. If an electric car is later made in Indonesia, the industry will also need a copper cathode.


Smelter Freeport Berproduksi 2023

    Smelter Freeport Berproduk .1 202 Smelter di Gresik akan jadi smelter terbesar di dunia dan bisa mengguncang pasar katoda tembaga dunia

PT Freeport Indonesia berkomitmen untuk membangun pabrik pengolahan hasil tambang atau smelter di Gresik. Direktur Utama PT Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas mengatakan smelter akan berproduksi mulai 2023.

“Smelter akan berproduksi 2023,” kata Tony Wenas, saat meninjau lokasi pembangunan smelter di Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate atau IIIPE, Gresik, Jawa Timur, Sabtu (24/8).

Smelter dibangun di lahan seluas 100 hektare di kawasan industri JIIPE dengan total biaya mencapai US$ 3 miliar. Pembiayaan pembangunan dapat diperoleh dari sindikasi perbankan.

“Sindikasi bank yang terdiri dari 11 bank asing dan dalam negeri sudah menyatakan bersedia mendanai pembangunan smelter tersebut. Akhir September urusan pendanaan rampung,” kata Wakil Direktur Utama Freeport Orias Petrus Moedak dalam kesempatan yang sama.

Dapat dikatakan bahwa pembiayaan dari sindikasi perbankan ialah yang pertama kali dilakukan perusahaan sejak berdiri. Sekarang pembangunan smelter mencapai tahap pematangan lahan. Untuk konstruksi, Freeport memercayakannya kepada Chiyoda dan Outotec. Chiyoda akan mengadakan semua peralatan dan bahan dari sumber global sebagai bagian dari lingkup Pekerjaan EPC mereka.

Komponen utama untuk proses (flash smelting furnace, flash converting furnace, slag concentrator, anode furnace, dan anode casting wheel) akan dipasok Outotec melalui fasilitas pabrikan globalnya. Smelter di Gresik itu akan memproses dan memurnikan 2,0 juta metrik ton per tahun konsentrat tembaga dari PT Freeport Indonesia di Timika, Papua.

“Jika sudah berproduksi, smelter menghasilkan sekitar 550 ribu ton katoda tembaga per tahun. Ini menjadi smelter terbesar di dunia dan bisa mengguncang pasar katoda tembaga dunia,” tutur Tony Wenas.

     Selain katoda tembaga, pemurnian konsentrat menghasilkan Emas, silika besi, asam sulfat, dan gypsum.

“Semuanya untuk pasar domestik dan ekspor,” tambah Tony.

Margin Rendah

     PT Freeport Indonesia juga memiliki saham 25% di PT Smelting di kawasan Petrokimia Gresik, Jawa Timur. PT Smelting yang memulai produksi komersialnya pada 1999 itu menghasilkan 300 ribu ton katoda tembaga. Lebih banyak katoda tembaga diekspor daripada dibeli industri dalam negeri. 

     Menurut Bouman Tiroi Situmorang, salah satu manajer PT Smelting, smelter konsentrat tembaga merupakan bisnis dengan margin rendah. Namun, smelter tetap dibangun karena itu merupakan kewajiban yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Minerba.

“Bisnis tambang yang lebih diuntungkan jika dibandingkan dengan bisnis smelter," kata Bouman saat menerima kunjungan PT Freeport Indonesia di lokasi PT Smelting di Gresik, Jatim, Sabtu (24/8).

Agar bisnis smelter lebih menguntungkan, baik Bouman maupun Tony Wenas berharap industri hilir tumbuh. Industri hilir yang membeli katoda tembaga, antara lain industri kabel listrik dan perakitan atau perlengkapan elektronik. Jika mobil listrik kelak dibuat di Indonesia, industrinya juga akan membutuhkan katoda tembaga.

Media Indonesia, Page-13, Monday, August 26, 2019

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