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Freeport Production Will Recover in Three Years

Freeport Indonesia targets production to reach 200,000 tons of ore per day in 2022

The management of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) is working through the transition period of open pit mining to underground mining. If the transition period is completed in 2022, Freeport projects copper concentrate production can reach 200,000 tons of ore per day. In 2022, Freeport will operate two underground mines. Namely the Grasberg Block Cave (GBC), and Deep Mill Level Zone (DMLZ) mining.

Freeport Indonesia President Director Tony Wenas said that the two-year transition period would affect Freeport Indonesia's production. Management predicts a decline in production this year and next year around 40% to 50% compared to production under normal conditions. In detail, in 2020, Freeport can only mine 40 million tons of concentrate per year. While in 2021 it reaches 60 million tons per year.

Tony Wenas

"We estimate that in 2022 we will be able to produce 200,000 tons of ore per day (72 million tons per year)," he said in Tembagapura, Saturday (27/7).

For the development of the underground mine, Freeport has allocated a capital expenditure or capital expenditure (capex) of US $ 1 billion. In fact, the development of underground mining has been started since 2004 and has already invested up to US $ 6 billion. If there are no obstacles, the total length of the tunnel for the underground mine will extend along 1,000 kilometers (km).

Train in the Underground Gold Mine

"Now the total length of our underground tunnel is 700 km. This is the largest underground mine in the world," said Tony.

Over the next 23 years, Freeport will again invest up to US $ 15 billion. This is part of Freeport's plan to switch from open pit to underground mine.

"The majority of funds are for (underground mining development)," Tony said.

mineral smelter and processing facility in Gresik, East Java

In addition to developing an underground mine, Freeport is working on a mineral smelter and processing facility in Gresik, East Java. Until the beginning of this year, the smelter project's progress still reached 3.86%.

"Indeed, the S curve is sloping first, after which it then rises significantly when physical construction begins," Tony said.

At the same location, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Rini M Soemarno stated, the smelter project should be near the mining site. This is to avoid dependency on regions whose income relies on mining. Like Mimika, Papua, where 94% of income depends on the Freeport mine.

"How to improve the program, so that the community can be independent after the mine does not exist," said Rini.

Inalum Embraces the Three Banks

     The holding company of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (lnalum), a state-owned mining company, signed a financial sector collaboration with Bank Mandiri, BNI and BRI. There are two things that became an agreement, namely cooperation in foreign exchange transactions (forex) from the support of export and import facilities for members of the holding BUMN Mining.

     The matter of cooperation, foreign exchange, all members of the holding will get ease in buying and selling foreign exchange transactions with the three state-owned banks. SOE Minister, Rini M Soemarno said, cooperation, this is a series of strategies to build a strong, efficient and competitive BUMN in the global market.

"This is in line with the government's efforts to increase exports," he said in Mimika Papua.

     Inalum's President Director, Budi Gimadi Sadikin, said that this cooperation could help exchange rate stability. Inaglum is the leader of the holding BUMN Mining which oversees PT Aneka Tambang Tbk; PT Bukit Asam Tbk, and PT Timah Tbk.


Produksi Freeport Akan Pulih Tiga Tahun Lagi

Freeport Indonesia menargetkan produksi mencapai 200.000 ton ore per hari tahun 2022

Manajemen PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) sedang berupaya melalui masa transisi penambangan terbuka (open pit) ke penambangan bawah tanah (underground mining). Apabila masa transisi rampung pada tahun 2022, Freeport memproyeksikan produksi konsentrat tembaga bisa mencapai 200.000 ton ore per hari. Tahun 2022, Freeport akan mengoperasikan dua tambang bawah tanah. Yakni Pertambangan Grasberg Block Cave (GBC), serta pertambangan Deep Mill Level Zone (DMLZ). 

Presiden Direktur Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas, mengemukakan, dua tahun masa transisi tersebut akan mempengaruhi produksi Freeport Indonesia. Manajemen memprediksikan penurunan produksi tahun ini dan tahun depan berkisar 40% hingga 50% dibandingkan produksi dalam kondisi normal. Perinciannya, pada tahun 2020, Freeport hanya bisa menambang konsentrat sebanyak 40 juta ton per tahun. Sedangkan di tahun 2021 mencapai 60 juta ton per tahun. 

"Kami memperkirakan pada tahun 2022 sudah bisa memproduksi 200.000 ton ore per hari (72 juta ton per tahun)," ungkap dia di Tembagapura, Sabtu (27/7).

Untuk pengembangan tambang bawah tanah itu, Freeport mengalokasikan dana belanja modal atau capital erpenditure (capex) sebesar US$1 miliar. Sejatinya, pengembangan tambang bawah tanah sudah dimulai sejak 2004 silam dan sudah mengeluarkan investasi hingga US$ 6 miliar. Jika tidak ada hambatan, total panjang terowongan untuk tambang bawah tanah akan terbentang sepanjang 1.000 kilometer (km). 

"Sekarang total panjang terowongan bawah tanah kami 700 km. Ini merupakan tambang bawah tanah terbesar di dunia," ungkap Tony.

Selama 23 tahun ke depan, Freeport akan kembali mengeluarkan investasi hingga US$ 15 miliar. Hal itu merupakan bagian dari rencana Freeport beralih dari open pit ke underground mine. 

"Mayoritas dana untuk (pengembangan tambang bawah tanah)," ujar Tony.

Selain pengembangan tambang bawah tanah, Freeport sedang mengerjakan fasilitas pengolahan dan pemurnian mineral (smelter) di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Hingga awal tahun ini, progres proyek smelter masih mencapai 3,86%. 

"Memang kurva S itu landai dulu, setelah  itu kemudjan naik signifikan pada saat konstruksi fisik dimulai, " kata Tony.

Di lokasi yang sama, Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Rini M Soemarno menyatakan, proyek smelter seharusnya di dekat lokasi pertambangan. Hal itu untuk menghindari ketergantungan daerah yang pendapatannya mengandalkan pertambangan. Seperti Mimika, Papua, yang 94% pendapatan bergantung dari tambang Freeport. 

"Bagaimana meningkatkan program, sehingga masyarakat bisa mandiri setelah tambang tidak ada," kata Rini. 

lnalum Merangkul Tiga Bank

Holding BUMN Industri Pertanibangam PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (lnalum), meneken kerjasama sektor keuangan dengan Bank Mandiri, BNI dan BRI. Ada dua hal yang menjadi kesepakatan yakni kerjasama transaksi valuta asing (valas) dari dukungan fasilitas ekspor dan impor bagi anggota holding BUMN Pertambangan. 
Soal kerjasama, valas, seluruh anggota holding akan memperoleh kemudahan datam transaksi jual dan beli valas dengan ketiga bank BUMN itu. Menteri BUMN, Rini M Soemarno bilang, kerjasama, ini merupakan serangkian strategi membangun BUMN yang kuat, efisien dan, kompetitif di pasar global. 

“Ini sejalan dengan upaya pemerintah untuk meningkapkan ekspor," ujar dia di Mimika Papua.

Direktur Utama Inalum, Budi Gimadi Sadikin mengemukakan, kerjasama ini dapat membantu stabilitas nilai tukar. Inaglum adalah pemimpin holding BUMN Pertambangan yang membawahi PT Aneka Tambang Tbk; PT Bukit Asam Tbk, dan PT Timah Tbk.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday,  July 29, 2019

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