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Freeport: Downstreaming is Important for Smelter Uptake

PT Freeport Indonesia expects government attention in preparing downstream industries for optimal absorption of smelter products. PT Freeport Indonesia Vice President Corporate Communication Riza Pratma said, the most urgent matter at present was the readiness of the downstream industry.

Riza Pratma

He gave an illustration, Freeport's first smelter factory that has been operating since 1997 every year produces 300,000 tons of copper cathode. Unfortunately, domestic absorption is not optimal.

"What is used domestically until now is not up to 50%, the rest is exported. When it goes back into the country, the form has become finished goods and the price is expensive," explained Riza.

Riza hopes that the downstream industry can grow together with the presence of this smelter project. What is clear, the smelter project is actually not something that is profitable for the mining company. Nevertheless, the lack of absorption of the domestic industry is far more unfortunate than the obligation to build a smelter.


Freeport: Hilirisasi Penting untuk Serapan Smelter

PT Freeport Indonesia mengharapkan perhatian pernerintah dalam mempersiapkan industri hilir demi penyerapan produk smelter yang optimal. Vice President Corporate Communication PT Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratma mengatakan, yang paling mendesak saat ini adalah kesiapan industri hilir.

Ia memberi gambaran, pabrik smelter pertama milik Freeport yang teLah beroperasi sejak 1997 setiap tahun memproduksi katoda tembaga sebanyak 300.00 ton. Sayangnya, serapan dalam negeri justru tidak optimal. 

"Yang digunakan dalam negeri sampai sekarang tidak sampai 50%, sisanya diekspor. Ketika masuk lagi ke dalam negeri, bentuknya sudah menjadi barang jadi dan harganya mahal," terang Riza.

Riza mengharapkan, industri hilir dapat tumbuh berbarengan dengan kehadiran proyek smelter ini. Yang terang, proyek smelter itu sebenarnya bukan sesuatu yang menguntungkan bagi perusahaan tambang. Kendati demikian, minimnya serapan industri dalam negeri jauh lebih disayangkan daripada kewajiban membangun smelter.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, October 31, 2019

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