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Freeport Will Spur Copper Concentrate

PT Freeport Indonesia's management ensures that it will optimize the copper concentrate export quota. At the same time, Freeport is also continuing the development of underground mining and smelter projects. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) issued a recommendation for an additional export quota for Freeport recently.

The Director of Mineral Development and Business of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Yunus Saefulhak, explained that the additional copper concentrate export quota for Freeport was around 500,000 tons. Previously, Freeport had pocketed an export quota of 198,282 tons on March 8, 2019. Thus, Freeport Indonesia's total export quota rose to 700,000 tons. This quota is valid until March 8, 2020.

"Realization is in accordance with the schedule and target," said Riza Pratama, Freeport Indonesia's Vice President of Corporate Communication.

Riza Pratama

But he was reluctant to elaborate on the development of the export results. Referring to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) data, copper concentrate exports from March to October this year reached 425,183.14 tons. The amount is equivalent to US $ 805.17 million. Riza added, along with the use of export quotas, Freeport is also committed to continuing the development of underground mines and smelters.

"The smelter project is in the front end engineering design (FEED) and ground improvement phase," he said.
Freeport estimates that underground mines will operate optimally in the coming 2022. While open pit mining operations will end in mid-2020. During the transition period, Freeport will optimize production from two underground mining areas developed in 2004. Both are Grasberg Block Cave (GBC) and Deep Mill Level Zone (DMLZ).

Underground Gold Mines

Based on KONTAN notes, ore extraction activities in the GBC underground mine in the second quarter of 2019 averaged 7,400 metric tons of ore per day. Freeport is targeting production to increase to 15,000 metric tons of ore per day by the end of 2019. While the DMLZ underground mine to the east of the Grasberg block produces an average of 7,700 metric tons of ore per day in the second quarter of 2019.

DMLZ underground mine

Ore extraction from the DMLZ underground mine has the potential to increase to 11,000 metric tons of ore per day by the end of 2019.


Freeport Akan Pacu Konsentrat Tembaga

Manajemen PT Freeport Indonesia memastikan akan mengoptimalkan kuota ekspor konsentrat tembaga. Bersamaan itu, Freeport juga melanjutkan pengembangan proyek tambang bawah tanah dan smelter. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menerbitkan rekomendasi tambahan kuota ekspor untuk Freeport belum lama ini. 

Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Yunus Saefulhak, menjelaskan bahwa tambahan kuota ekspor konsentrat tembaga untuk Freeport sekitar 500.000 ton. Sebelumnya, Freeport telah mengantongi kuota ekspor 198.282 ton pada 8 Maret 2019. Dengan demikian, total kuota ekspor Freeport Indonesia menanjak menjadi 700.000 ton. Kuota ini berlaku hingga 8 Maret 2020. 

"Realisasi sesuai jadvval dan target," kata Riza Pratama, Vice President Coorporate Communication Freeport Indonesia.

     Namun dia enggan memerinci perkembangan hasil ekspor tersebut. Merujuk data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), ekspor konsentrat tembaga sejak Maret hingga Oktober tahun ini telah mencapai 425.183,14 ton. Jumlah tersebut setara US$ 805,17 juta. Riza menambahkan, bersamaan dengan pemanfaatan kuota ekspor, Freeport juga berkomitmen melanjutkan pengembangan tambang bawah tanah dan smelter. 

"Proyek smelter sedang tahap front end engineering design (FEED) dan ground improvement," ujar dia.

Freeport memperkirakan tambang bawah tanah akan beroperasi optimal pada 2022 mendatang. Sedangkan operasional tambang terbuka akan berakhir pada pertengahan tahun 2020. Selama masa transisi, Freeport akan mengoptimalkan produksi dari dua area pertambangan bawah tanah hasil pengembangan tahun 2004. Keduanya adalah Grasberg Block Cave (GBC) dan Deep Mill Level Zone (DMLZ).

Berdasarkan catatan KONTAN , kegiatan ekstraksi bijih di tambang bawah tanah GBC pada kuartal II 2019 rata-rata mencapai 7.400 metrik ton bijih per hari. Freeport menargetkan produksi naik menjadi 15000 metrik ton bijih per hari pada akhir 2019. Sedangkan tambang bawah tanah DMLZ di sebelah timur blok Grasberg rata-rata menghasilkan 7.700 metrik ton bijih per hari pada kuartal II 2019.

Ekstraksi bijih dari tambang bawah tanah DMLZ berpotensi meningkat hingga 11.000 metrik ton bijih per hari pada akhir tahun 2019.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Dec 16, 2019

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