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Papua Man Becomes Director of Freeport

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) announced the appointment of Claus Wamafma as director of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI). Special Staff SOE Minister Arya Sinulingga said Claus became the first Papuan to hold the position of Director at Freeport.

Claus Wamafma

"What is interesting is Claus, he is a Papuan son who has worked in Freeport for 20 years and is a director representing MIND I," said Arya at the Office of the Ministry of SOEs, Jakarta.

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Arya explained Claus had previously served as senior vice president in charge of corporate social responsibility [CSR], partnership funds and Community Development. Arya said that the appointment of Claus was something to be proud of.

"He is the director of a native Papuan who has a career from below. This is only the first, the first director from Papua," said Arya.

the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)

Arya said, Claus, is a graduate of the Bandung Institute of Technology [ITB] and has qualified technical abilities in occupying the position of director at Freeport. The appointment of Claus, Arya said, is evidence of the government's commitment to providing a high portion of the Papuan community at Freeport. Arya said, of 7,096 employees in Freeport, 2,890 employees or 40.7 percent were Papuans.

Budi Gunadi Sadikin

Meanwhile, 57.2 percent of non-Papuan employees and 2.1 percent are expatriates. Arya said, the replacement of a number of directors and commissioners in Freeport to fill the vacancy left by old officials. Arya said Amien Sunaryadi and Budi Gunadi Sadikin were no longer deputy chief commissioners and commissioners at Freeport because they had become PLN's Chief Commissioner and Deputy Minister of BUMN.

Orias Petrus Moedak

Amin's position was replaced by Orias Petrus Moedak who previously served as Freeport's Deputy Director. Meanwhile, Budi Gunadi Sadikin's position was replaced by former Deputy Foreign Minister AM Fachin. In addition, Freeport Director Jenpino Ngabdi replaced the position left by Orias Petrus Moedak as deputy managing director of Freeport.

Gold Mine of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI)

The reshuffle within Freeport's management body is also aimed at achieving the targets that have been announced. This year, the government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets investment in the mineral and coal sector to reach the US $ 7.7 billion.

ESDM Ministry's Mineral and Coal Director General Bambang Gatot Ariyono explained the increase in investment is expected to continue to climb up to the next 2022 in line with smelter construction.

"This year amounted to 7.7 billion US dollars because it included smelters owned by Amman Minerals and Freeport Indonesia. Investment this year also contributed to the investment allocation for the development of the Freeport Indonesia underground mine," Bambang said.

Bambang said, investment this year was still dominated by the downstream mineral and coal sector. According to him, currently, the investment allocation for exploration activities has not been passionate. That, according to him, became a challenge for the government to create an attractive investment climate. In the past year, the realization of investment in the mineral sector reached 105 percent of the work plan and Budget [RKAB] 2019.


Papua Menjadi Direktur Freeport

Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) mengumumkan penetapan Claus Wamafma sebagai direktur PT Freeport lndonesia IPTFI). Staf Khusus
Menteri BUMN Arya Sinulingga mengatakan Claus menjadi orang Papua pertama yang menduduki posisi Direktur di Freeport. 

"Yang seru Claus, dia putra Papua sudah berkarier di Freeport selama 20 tahun dan menjadi direktur mewakili MIND I ," ujar Arya di Kantor Kementerian BUMN, Jakarta.

Arya menjelaskan, Claus sebelumnya pernah menjabat senior vice president yang membawahi tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan [CSR], partnership fund dan Community Development. Arya menyebut, penunjukan Claus sebagai hal yang membanggakan.

"Dia direktur orang Papua asli yang berkarier dari bawah. lni baru pertama, direktur pertama dari Papua," kata Arya.  

Arya mengatakan, Claus merupakan lulusan Institut Teknologi Bandung [ITB] dan memiliki kemampuan teknikal yang mumpuni dalam menduduki posisi direktur di Freeport. Penunjukan Claus kata Arya, menjadi bukti komitmen pemerintah memberikan porsi yang tinggi bagi masyarakat Papua di Freeport. Arya mengatakan, dari 7.096 pegawai di Freeport, sebanyak 2.890 pegawai atau,40,7 persen di antaranya ialah orang Papua. 

Sementara itu, 57,2 persen pegawai non-Papua serta 2,1 persen merupakan ekspatriat. Arya mengatakan, pergantian sejumlah direksi dan komisaris di tubuh Freeport untuk mengisi kekosongan yang ditinggalkan oleh pejabat lama. Arya mengatakan, Amien Sunaryadi dan Budi Gunadi Sadikin tidak lagi menjadi wakil komisaris utama dan komisaris di Freeport karena telah menjadi Komisaris Utama PLN dan Wakil Menteri BUMN.

Posisi Amin digantikan Orias Petrus ,Moedak yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Wakil Direktur Utama Freeport. Sementara itu, posisi Budi Gunadi Sadikin digantikan mantan Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri AM Fachin. Selain itu Direktur Freeport Jenpino Ngabdi menggantikan posisi yang ditinggalkan Orias Petrus Moedak sebagai wakil direktur utama Freeport.

Perombakan di tubuh manajemen Freeport juga ditujukan untuk meraih target yang telah dicanangkan. Pada tahun ini, pemerintah melalui Kementerian ESDM menargetkan investasi di sektor mineral dan batu bara mencapai 7,7 miliar dolar AS.

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian ESDM Bambang Gatot Ariyono menjelaskan, peningkatan investasi diperkirakan akan terus merangkak naik hingga 2022 mendatang seiring pembangunan smelter.

"Tahun ini sebesar 7.7 miliar dolarAS karena termasuk smelter yang dipunyai oleh Amman Mineral dan Freeport Indonesia. investasi pada tahun ini juga turut disumbang alokasi investasi untuk pengembangan tambang bawah tanah Freeport lndonesia," ujar Bambang.

Bambang mengatakan, investasi pada tahun ini masih didominasi sektor hilir minerba. Menurutnya, saat ini alokasi investasi untuk kegiatan eksplorasi belum ber gairah. Hal itu, menurutnya, menjadi tantangan bagi pemerintah untuk menciptakan iklim investasi yang menarik.Pada tahun lalu, realisasi investasi di sektor minerba mencapai 105 persen dari rencana kerja dan Anggaran belanja [RKAB] 2019.

Republika, Page-15, Tuesday, Feb 18, 2020

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