, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Tembagapura Alert 1 - MEDIA MONITORING GOLD MINE -->

Tembagapura Alert 1

Armed Separatist criminal groups (KKSB) are increasingly active in attacking security forces, the TNI (ARMY), or the Police in the Papua Region in 2020. As many as one the Police member and three KKSB members were recorded dead in a series of firefights at the beginning of the year. The group's last attack against the TNI post in Banti, Tembagapura District, Mimika, on Thursday (March 5 ).

At present, the wing of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) is indeed monitoring the focus of the attack on Tembagapura, where PT Freeport Indonesia operates. The KKSB attack in Tembagapura began withholding three teachers hostage at the Baluni Inpres Elementary School on February 15-18. A shootout with security forces ensued on Friday (Feb 28) in Kali Kabur and caused a police officer to die. On Monday (2 March), KKSB carried out two attacks on patrol cars and Tembagapura Sector Police in Mimika.

The various attacks made the ARMY-the Police raise their security status to alert. 1. The Military District Command of 1710 Mimika, Papua, had instructed all security posts in vulnerable areas in the region to be alert for facing potential threats to the KKB.

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"The security task force post of the vulnerable areas as well as the task force post of the National Police are now on standby I," said the Commander of the 1710 Kodim Mimika Lt. Col. Infantry Pio L Nainggolan, Tuesday (March 3). 

According to him, the authorities had been on standby 10 days ago after the holding of three teachers at Baluni Inpres Elementary School, Tembagapura. The situation was exacerbated by a series of recent KKB violence, a number of vulnerable areas in Mimika, including Jila, Jita, Aramsolki, and Kiliarma in Agimuga, Aroanop, and Tsinga Districts in Tembagapura District.

Regarding the latest bombing, Korem 174 / ATW Commander Brigadier General Agus Rauf said that the TNI post in Banti was fired on since Wednesday (March 4). However, no soldiers were injured. He continued to monitor developments in the Tembagapura region. The Korem 1.74 / ATX / V area covers five districts in southern Papua, namely Merauke, Boven Digul, Mappi, Asmat, and Mimika Regencies. KKSB from various regions in the Central Mountains of Papua are indicated to have been around Tembagapura. In addition to firing on TNI posts, they were actively firing at the Tembagapura Police Station.

Paulus Waterpaw

Papua Regional Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpaw admitted that currently the KKSB from various regions in the mountains had gathered to bring their firearms. He also confirmed the existence of Lengagak Telenggen in the joint separatist groups. According to Waterpauw, members were on standby to anticipate various attacks.

"Therefore, we will add troops to Tembagapura," he said, Friday (March 6). However, he was not sure how many members would be seconded. "Currently, the situation of Security and Order in the Tembagapura Community is still relatively safe and under control."

KKSB Claims

The headquarters of the separatists, the West Papua National Liberation Army Operation Free Papua (TPNPB-OPM) claimed responsibility for the attacks in Tembagapura. Through electronic information received by Republika, the KKSB headquarters said 33 defense regional commandos had joined in Tembagapura. They were led by Lekagak Telenggen as general commander. In the release, Lekagak declared war against security forces and entered PT Freeport.

"We will continue the war until PT Freeport Indonesia has to close, after that, we will stop the war," TPNPB-OPM spokesman Sebby Sambom said in a written statement on Sunday.

Sebby said, in Tembagapura, they blocked and destroyed the bridge from Tembagapura to Opitawak. Then, attacking the TNI-Polri at the TNI Post in the Opitawak area. He claimed there were five officers shot dead by them.

"We are ready TPNPB anywhere, in the Tembagapura and Timika regions, and in and out of the Freeport gold mining area we have taken a position," he said.

the Freeport gold mining

The Papua Regional Police immediately denied the statement. Until now, the police have not received any reports of TNI-Polri members killed during firefight contacts in Tembagapura, Papua, Papua Police Chief Public Relations Commissioner Ahmad Musthofa Kamal said, the last member to be killed was Petty Officer 1 Doni Priyanto on Friday (February 28).

Dax Sianturi

Deputy Head of Information for the Cenderawasih Kodam XVII Infantry Lieutenant Colonel Dax Sianturi said, Sebby Sambon often spreads false information. This was to make Papua seem to be in a tense state.

"Their spokespersons always make releases to carry out public deception in order to cause public fear and panic," Dax said on Sunday (March 3).

Disruption from the separatist group, he said, only occurred on a small scale at some point.

"We urge that the public and the media not be provoked by public deception carried out by TPNPB-OPM lawyers through unilateral releases that are not verified by another source," he said.

He also denied that there were 33 KKSB groups there. From the results of his monitoring, there are only three groups around the area.

"Only the KSB group led by Lekagak Talenggen, the KSB group led by Jhoni Botak, and the KSB group led by Peni Murib," said Dax.


Since last weekend, residents from various villages in the Tembagapura District have been evacuating. They asked the Army-Police to evacuate them to the City of Timika. On Sunday (March 8), a total of 614 people from Tembagapura District left their village. That number increases the number of residents Tembagapura who fled first, which is about 900 people. 

    Septinus Magal, a resident of  Kimbeli Village, said that the security situation and conditions in his village were no longer conducive. Since the arrival of the KKSB some days ago, goods and basic necessities were forcibly taken from residents' homes.

"We in the village are no longer safe. So, we left our hometown to save our lives. In addition, our food ingredients are also gone so we will go to Timika to live in the family home, "said Septinus, Sunday.

Septinus along with 240 residents of Kimbeli Village are now at the PT Freeport Indonesia SLD Office in Tembagapura to wait for a pickup bus that will take them to Timika on Sunday evening. Hundreds of other residents came from Banti 1, Banti 2, and Opitawak villages who also joined in PT Freeport SLD office with the same complaint.

Hundreds of residents walked several miles from Banti, Opitawak, and Kimbeli to the Tembagapura Police Station on the edge of Tembagapura City. After their identity is registered, they are then directed to PT Freeport's SLD office to wait for the pickup bus. Septinus said, the average citizen who asked to be evacuated to Timika only brought makeshift clothing. While other goods, including livestock, were left behind.

"Life is more important, pigs belong to the world, we leave them alone and it will definitely be taken by them (KKB). Let God punish them, "said Septinus.

Ali Hermanto

Tembagapura Sector Police Chief Ali Hermanto said the plan was that they would be evacuated to his family's home in Timika. The police chief also received information from residents that there were two women who were detained by the KKSB. However, he could not confirm it. Mimika Deputy Regent Johannes Rettob said there were 614 people who were to be evacuated on Sunday evening.

"That's 42 people from Opitawak, 241 from Kimbeli, 163 from Banti 1, and 168 from Banti 2," Johnannes said. The residents asked Mimika Regency Government to provide a temporary residence in Timika. They will return to their hometowns after the security situation has recovered.

Mimika regency government said Johannes, now continues to coordinate with various parties, including PT Freeport's management to prepare a temporary shelter for these residents.

"Of course we also have to think about how to eat and drink them (public kitchen), MCK facilities (bathing, washing, water closet), health services, and others. Because there are a lot of people who come here, "Johannes said.

On Friday (March 6) and Saturday (March 7), more than 900 people had been evacuated to Tembagapura District. Upon arrival in Timika, they were immediately escorted to the home of their relatives.

"The resident who was evacuated yesterday from Tembagapura was immediately taken to his family's home in Timika," he said.

Republika, Page-16, Tuesday, March 10, 2020

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