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Google Should Pay Taxes This Year

Perusahaan wajib membayar kewajiban tertanggung sesuai dengan keputusan akhir.

Direktur Jenderal Pajak Ken Dwijugiasteadi memastikan Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd akan membayar pajak atas pendapatannya di Indonesia, tahun ini. Pemerintah lebih memilih menyelesaikan masalah pajak ini denganbernegosiasi ketimbang membawanya ke pengadilan. Ken mengaku telah bertemu dengan perwakilan Google pekan lalu. Menurutnya Google berhak mengajukan keberatan atas hasil pemeriksaan petugas pajak selama belum tercapai kesepakatan. Setelah itu, Google wajib membayar kewajiban tertanggung berdasarkan keputusan akhir (closing conference). Jika bersedia membentuk badan usaha tetap, Google akan dikenai pajak 25 persen.

Juru bicara Google Indonesia, Jason Tedjakusuma, enggan berkomentar mengenai hal itu. Dia juga tidak bersedia menjelaskan pertemuan antara Google dan Direktur Jenderal Pajak pada pekan lalu. Pemerintah menaksir pendapatan Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd dari jual beli jasa dan produk di Indonesia sekitar Rp 5,5 triliun. Adapun perwakilan Google di Indonesia hanya memperoleh pendapatan dari iklan. Google Indonesia terdaftar sebagai badan hukum dalam negeri di Kantor Pajak Pratama Tanah Abang dengan status investor penanaman modal asing sejak 15 September 2011.

Namun pemerintah tak bisa menarik pajak penghasilan dari mereka karena belum berbentuk badan usaha tetap. Direktur Eksekutif Center for Indonesia Taxation Analysis, Yustinus Prastowo, pesimistis pemerintah bisa memaksa Google membayar pajak pada tahun ini. Yustinus memprediksi penentuan nilai pajak dan skema pembayaran tak mudah disepakati kedua pihak. Menurut dia, pemerintah perlu membuat skema pajak baru berupa pembayaran pajak atas hasil keuntungan yang dibawa ke luar negeri (diverted profit tax).

Kalau Google alihkan profit ke luar negeri, akan kena pajak lebih tinggi. Pengamat perpajakan, Darussalam, menilai pemeriksaan tanpa jalur pengadilan akan memberikan kepastian hukum bagi investasi. Dia berharap Google bersedia mernenuhi kewajiban seperti yang dilakukannya di Inggris. Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Rudiantara sebelumnya berjariji memfasilitasi negosiasi antara Direktorat Jenderal Pajak dan Google hingga tahap pembayaran. Dia tak bisa memastikan apakah Google bersedia membentuk badan usaha tetap sebagai perusahaan over the top di Indonesia. Tugas saya adalah membawa mereka ke meja. Soal berapa dan bagaimana, itu otoritas fiskal.


b>Google Should Pay Taxes This Year

The Company shall pay the insured obligations in accordance with the final decision.

Director General of Taxation Ken Dwijugiasteadi ensure Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd will pay tax on its earnings in Indonesia, this year. The government prefers to resolve these tax issues denganbernegosiasi rather than take them to court. Ken claims to have met with Google representatives last week. According to Google reserves the right to appeal the results of the tax officials for not yet reached an agreement. After that, Google is required to pay the obligations of the insured based on the final decision (closing conference). If you are willing to form a business entity remains, Google would be taxed 25 percent.

Google spokesman Indonesia, Jason Tedjakusuma, declined to comment on it. He also declined to specify a meeting between Google and the Director General of Taxation last week. The government estimates the revenue Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd on the sale and purchase of services and products in Indonesia around Rp 5.5 trillion. As for Google's representative in Indonesia only earn revenue from advertising. Google Indonesia registered as a legal entity in the country in Tanah Abang Tax Office Pratama with investor status of foreign investment since 15 September 2011.

But the government can not collect taxes from their income because there is no permanent entity. Executive Director of the Center for Indonesian Taxation Analysis, Justin Prastowo, pessimistic government could force Google to pay taxes this year. Justin predict the determination of the tax and payment schemes can not easily agreed upon by both parties. According to him, the government needs to create a new tax scheme in the form of payment of tax on the profits were taken abroad (diverted profit tax). If Google diverting profits overseas, will be subject to higher taxes.

Observers taxation, Darussalam, assess the examination without the courts would provide legal certainty for investment. He hoped that Google is willing mernenuhi obligations as it does in the UK. Minister of Communications and Information Rudiantara previously berjariji facilitate the negotiations between the Directorate General of Taxation and Google until payment stage. He could not confirm whether Google is willing to form a permanent establishment as a company over the top in Indonesia. My task is to bring them to the table. A matter of how and how, the fiscal authorities.

Koran Tempo, Hal 6: Selasa, 8 Nop 2016

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