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Negosiasi Pajak Google Positif

Kemenkominfo Ancam Blackout

    Pemerintah masih berupaya mengejar kewajiban pajak dari perusahaan teknologi internet (over the top). Salah satunya, proses negosiasi dengan Google dikabarkan berjalan positif dan diperkirakan selesai sebelum akhir 2016. Proses negosiasi berjalan positif karena Ditjen Pajak menawarkan tax settlement atau kesepakatan pajak yang harus dibayarkan Google tanpa memperhitungkan nilai keseluruhan pajak tertunggak. Perkembangannya positif tapi belum mencapai kesepakatan
yang di inginkan. Ada tax settlement yang berbeda dengan pemeriksaan biasa.

    Total pajaknya tidak dihitung secara terpennci, tapi hanya jumlah pembayaran pajak. Jika tawaran tax settlement tidak direspons perusahaan teknologi yang bermarkas di California tersebut, Ditjen Pajak akan memeriksa laporan keuangan dengan lebih banyak risiko pajak beserta denda yang dibayarkan. Kalau Full investigation, angkanya bisa Rp 5 triliun. Itu berasal dari prediksi pajak terutang Rp 1 triliun dan denda Rp 4 triliun karena denda 400 persen. Tapi, kalau tax settlement, kita lupakan jumlah dan sanksi. Saat ini pemeriksaan terhadap Google berhenti lantaran proses negosiasi masih berjalan dan perusahaan teknologi informasi asal AS itu juga memperlihatkan perubahan sikap yang kooperatif.

    Pihak Google berubah sikap. Jadi, kita menerima ini dengan baik karena saling membutuhkan. Negara membutuhkan Google dan Google membutuhkan pasar kita karena pengguna internet kita sangat tinggi hingga 120 juta. Ini pasar luar biasa bagi Google. Hanif menyatakan, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) sebagai otoritas yang memegang penuh seluruh jaringan internet di dunia maya dapat memblokir sementara Google. Bukan tidak mungkin Menkominfo berani melakukan blackout pada Google karena sudah banyak pemain Indonesia yang siap masuk. Kemenkominfo berperan penting agar Ditjen Pajak dapat menjalankan tugas perpajakan perusahaan penyedia layanan aplikasi berbasis internet atau over the top.

    Namun, aturan perusahaan over the top di Indonesia dinilai terlalu liberal. Menurut catatan Ditjen Pajak, Google di Indonesia terdaftar sebagai badan hukum dalam negeri di KPP Tanah Abang III dengan status sebagai PMA sejak 15 September 201 1 dan merupakan Independent agent dari Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd di Singapura, Dengan demikian, menurut pasal (2) ayat (5) huruf (N) Undang-Undang Pajak Penghasilan, Google seharusnya berstatus Badan Usaha Tetap (BUT).


Google Tax Negotiations Positive

Blackout Threatens the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

    The government is still working to pursue the tax liability of the company's Internet technology (over the top). One of them, the process of negotiations with Google rumored is positive and estimated to be completed before the end of 2016. The process of negotiations is positive for DG Taxation offers tax settlement or agreement Google taxes must be paid regardless of the overall value of overdue taxes. Positive development but have not yet reached an agreement which are desired. There are different tax settlement with regular checks.

    Total Deferred tax is not calculated terpennci, but only the amount of tax payment. If the tax settlement offer not responded technology company headquartered in California, the Directorate General of Taxation will review the financial statements with more risks and their taxes paid fines. If Full investigation, the number will be Rp 5 trillion. It comes from a prediction of tax payable fine of Rp 1 trillion and Rp 4 trillion for fines of 400 percent. But, if the tax settlement, we forget about the number and sanctions. Currently Google stopped because the examination of the negotiation process is still running and the US-based information technology company that also show a cooperative attitude changes.

    Google changed the attitude of the parties. So, we take this very well because of mutual need. Countries need Google and Google need our market for our Internet users is very high up to 120 million. This tremendous market for Google. Hanif said the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) as the authority that holds the full entire internet network in the virtual world can temporarily block Google. It is not impossible MCIT dare to blackout on Google because many players are ready to enter Indonesia. Kemenkominfo DG Taxation plays an important role that can perform the task taxation enterprise application service provider of Internet-based or over the top.

    However, the rules of the company over the top in Indonesia was considered too liberal. According to the Directorate General of Taxation, Google in Indonesia registered as a legal entity in the country in KPP Tanah Abang III with its status as PMA since Sept. 15 2011 and an Independent agent of Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd in Singapore, thus, under section (2) subsection (5) letter (N) of the Income Tax Act, Google should have the status of  Business Entity Fixed (BEF/BUT)

Jawa Pos, Halaman-5,Kamis, 21 Nov 2016

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