Pemeriksaan Pajak Google Dihentikan Sementara
12:58 PM
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Direktorat Jenderal Pajak menghentikan sementara pemeriksaan laporan keuangan Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Sengketa pajak ini akan diselesaikan dengan jalan negosiasi (tax settlement). Kepala Kantor Wilayah Pajak Jakarta Khusus, Muhammad Haniv, mengatakan investigasi dilanjutkan kembali apabila kesepakatan gagal tercapai. Menurut Haniv, Google menunjukkan niat baik memenuhi kewajiban pajak yang terutang Selama lima tahun terakhir. Selama ini, Google telah meraup pendapatan dari jasa iklan. Pemerintah kehilangan potensi pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN) dan pajak penghasilan (PPh) dari perusahaan over-the-top ini. Negara butuh Google, dan Google
butuh market pengguna Internet kita yang mencapai 240 juta.
Haniv yakin Google akan memilih memenuhi permintaan aparat pajak ketimbang menjalani proses investigasi secara keseluruhan. Direktorat Jenderal Pajak telah memeriksa bukti permulaan atas laporan keuangan Google yang berpusat di Singapura. Wajib pajak dikenai denda 150 persen dari pajak terutang jika terbukti bersalah sesuai dengan bukti permulaan. Jika berdasarkan penyidikan atau investigasi penuh, denda yang dikenakan sebesar 400 persen. Sedangkan denda untuk penyelesaian melalui negoasiasi ditentukan berdasarkan mufakat. Kalau full investigasi, nama Google tercoreng,” katanya. Mulanya, Google sempat mengembalikan Surat permohonan pemeriksaan dari Direktorat Jenderal Pajak.
Tak lama setelah itu, pertemuan kedua pihak terjadi beberapa kali di Jakarta. Dalam pemeriksaan awal, Haniv menaksir Google harus membayar Rp 5,5 triliun apabila penyidikan dilanjutkan. Nilai ini berasal dari jumlah pajak tertanggung Rp 1 triliun dan denda 400 persen senilai Rp 4 triliun. Tapi kita lupakan, ini bukan investigasi. Dia berharap kesepakatan bisa didapat dalam beberapa pekan mendatang. Diusahakan hasilnya akan masuk pada tahun pajak ini, kata Haniv. Sebelumnya, Direktur Jenderal Pajak Ken Dwijugiasteadi mengatakan Google berhak mengajukan keberatan atas hasil pemeriksaan petugas selama kesepakatan belum tercapai. Setelah itu, Google wajib membayar kewajiban tertanggung berdasarkan keputusan akhir (closing conference). Jika bersedia membentuk badan usaha tetap, Google akan dikenai pajak 25 persen. Pemerintah menilai Google hanya membayar pajak 0,1 persen tahun lalu.
Google Tax Inspection Paused
The Directorate General of Taxation suspend examination of the financial statements of Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. This tax disputes will be resolved by road negotiations (tax settlement). Head of Regional Office of Tax Special Jakarta, Muhammad Haniv, said the investigation was resumed if the agreement failed to be achieved. According Haniv, Google showed good intentions meet tax obligations owed Over the last five years. So far, Google has earned revenues of Advertising services. Governments lose potential value-added tax (VAT) and income tax (VAT) of the company's over-the-top this. Countries need Google, and Google Internet users need to market our 240 million.
Haniv sure Google will choose to meet the demand of tax authorities rather than undergoing the process of investigation as a whole. The Directorate General of Taxation has examined evidence of the beginning of the financial statements of Google, based in Singapore. The taxpayer was fined 150 per cent of the tax payable, if found guilty in accordance with preliminary evidence. If, based on an investigation or a full investigation, fines imposed amounted to 400 percent. While fines for settlement through negotiation determined by consensus. If a full investigation, Google's name tarnished, "he said. Initially, Google had time to return the Letter of application for inspection of the Directorate General of Taxation.
Shortly after that, the second meeting of the parties occurred several times in Jakarta. In a preliminary investigation, Haniv estimate Google has to pay Rp 5.5 trillion if the investigation continued. This value is derived from the number of insured tax of Rp 1 trillion and 400 percent fine of Rp 4 trillion. But we forget, this is not an investigation. He hopes a deal can be obtained in the next few weeks. Cultivated results will be entered in this tax year, said Haniv. Earlier, Director General of Taxation Ken Dwijugiasteadi said Google has the right to object to the results of an officer for an agreement has not been reached. After that, Google is required to pay the obligations of the insured based on the final decision (closing conference). If you are willing to form a business entity remains, Google would be taxed 25 percent. The government considers Google only pays tax of 0.1 percent last year.
Koran Tempo, Halaman-15,Kamis, 21 Nov 2016
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