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Aground, Peace Negotiation Taxes Google

Establishment of the tax and customs reform team is expected to lift the tax ratio

    The rally point regarding Google's chaotic tax payments to Indonesia is still far from expectations. Yesterday, the Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance even further negotiating a settlement (settlement) during the last few months foundered as Google rejection of the tax payment figures proposed by the government of Indonesia. By doing so, the Head Office of Special DJP Jakarta, Muhammad Haniv, said it would resume regular inspection. That is, the bid rate 'peace' for Google is no longer valid. "Next year is not settlement again. Settlement of my cap. We go on a regular examination, preliminary evidence. Google next year given the data, I would compute the taxes, and remember the consequences penalty of 150%, "said Haniv at the Central Office DJP.

    He explained that Google should open the books next year or give the data of all transactions in Indonesia in the form of an electronic file. The data must be submitted in January. If Google defaulters, he said he did not hesitate to do a thorough investigation (full investigation). Consequently, Google threatened fines greater, namely 400%, as stipulated in the Law on Taxation General Provisions. As for the estimate of the penalty of 150% alone, Google is estimated to have a tax liability of around Rp 5 trillion. "He said he would give the books, but you do not give-love. Electronically old data. Hitherto. Given that the new accounting data typing. We wants financial report, revenue in Indonesia so, "added Haniv.

    Regarding the tax settlement figure given the government, he added, Google also bid lower. In fact, government figures claim Haniv very conservative. "For example, I mentioned 10, he entered into number 2. One-fifth. In fact, like in the marketplace, "he said grimly. He adds, selecting for peace based on the case in London and India. Google's tax case is a new mode that does not yet exist tax laws in the world, so it can be very flexible for negotiation.

    Google Indonesian party has not responded to emails from Media Indonesia. Earlier, in September, Head 'of Corporate Communication Indonesia Jason Tedjasukmana Google said it had to follow the rules of the Indonesian government. That includes paying all applicable taxes in Indonesia.

Tim reform
    On the other hand, the Ministry of Finance yesterday formed a team to prepare for the reform of tax and customs system more credible. It was expected to strengthen public confidence in the tax authorities so as to boost reception. "The team's goal is to assist institutions of tax and customs credible and trustworthy public and able to carry out the duties according to the constitution, which collect revenues, create business certainty, serve the public with integrity and high efficiency," said Finance Minister Sri Mulyani after inaugurating the establishment reform team in the Office of the DGT.

    The team will working to 2020. In addition to the ranks of the internal officials, the team also consists of entrepreneurs, tax analysts, and other stakeholders. Advisor to the Ministry of Finance Sector Tax Compliance Suryo Utomo, who was also appointed as chairman of the executive team, said one of his main goals is to boost the ratio of tax to gross domestic product from 11% -12% to 15%.


Kandas, Negosiasi Damai Pajak Google

Pembentukan tim reformasi perpajakan dan kepabeanan diharapkan mengangkat rasio pajak

    Titik temu perihal kisruh pembayaran pajak Google kepada Indonesia masih jauh dari harapan. Kemarin, pihak Ditjen Pajak (DJP) Kementerian Keuangan malah mengemukakan negosiasi penyelesaian (settlement) selama beberapa bulan terakhir kandas seiring penolakan Google terhadap angka pembayaran pajak yang diajukan pemerintah Indonesia. Dengan begitu, Kepala Kanwil DKI Jakarta Khusus DJP, Muhammad Haniv, mengatakan pihaknya akan melanjutkan pemeriksaan biasa. Artinya, tawaran tarif ‘damai’ bagi Google tak berlaku lagi. “Tahun depan bukan settlement lagi. Settlement saya tutup. Kita lanjutkan pemeriksaan biasa, bukti permulaan. Google tahun depan berikan datanya, saya akan hitung pajaknya, dan ingat konsekuensinya denda 150%,” kata Haniv di Kantor Pusat DJP.

    Ia menjelaskan Google tahun depan harus membuka pembukuan atau memberi data seluruh transaksi di Indonesia dalam bentuk file elektronik. Data itu harus diserahkan pada Januari. Jika Google mangkir, ia mengaku tidak segan melakukan investigasi menyeluruh (full investigation). Konsekuensinya, Google terancam denda lebih besar lagi, yakni 400%, seperti diatur dalam Undang-Undang Ketentuan Umum Perpajakan. Adapun dengan estimasi denda 150% saja, Google ditaksir punya kewajiban pajak sekitar Rp 5 triliun. “Katanya dia mau beri pembukuannya, tapi tidak dikasih-kasih. Secara elektronik data lama. Sampai sekarang belum. Yang dikasih baru data akuntansi ketikan. Kita maunya laporan keuangan, revenue di Indonesia sekian,” imbuh Haniv.

     Mengenai angka settlement pajak yang disampaikan pemerintah, lanjutnya, Google pun menawar lebih rendah. Padahal, Haniv mengklaim angka pemerintah amat konservatif. “Misalnya saya ungkapkan 10, dia masuk ke angka 2. Seperlimanya. Malah seperti di pasar,” ucapnya gemas. Ia menambahkan, pemilihan angka damai itu berdasarkan kasus di London dan India. Kasus pajak Google ini merupakan modus baru yang memang belum ada aturan pajaknya di dunia, sehingga bisa sangat fleksibel untuk negosiasi.

    Pihak Google Indonesia belum merespons surel dari Media Indonesia. Sebelumnya, pada September silam, Head' of Corporate Communication Google Indonesia Jason Tedjasukmana menyatakan pihaknya telah mengikuti peraturan dari pemerintah Indonesia. Itu termasuk membayar semua pajak yang berlaku di Indonesia.

Tim reformasi
     Di lain hal, Kementerian Keuangan kemarin membentuk tim reformasi untuk mempersiapkan sistem perpajakan dan kepabeanan yang lebih kredibel. Hal itu diharapkan mempertebal kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap aparat perpajakan sehingga dapat mendongkrak penerimaan. “Tujuan tim ini untuk membantu institusi pajak serta bea cukai yang kredibel dan bisa dipercaya publik dan mampu melaksanakan tugas sesuai konstitusi, yaitu kumpulkan penerimaan negara, ciptakan kepastian usaha, melayani masyarakat dengan integritas dan efisiensi tinggi,” ujar Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani seusai meresmikan pembentukan tim reformasi di Kantor DJP.

    Tim itu akan bekerja hingga 2020. Selain jajaran pejabat internal, tim juga beranggotakan pengusaha, pengamat perpajakan, dan stakeholder lain. Staf Ahli Kementerian Keuangan Bidang Kepatuhan Pajak Suryo Utomo yang juga ditunjuk sebagai ketua tim pelaksana, mengatakan salah satu tujuan utama timnya ialah memacu rasio pajak terhadap produk domestik bruto dari 11%-12% menjadi 15%.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Wednesday, Dec, 21,2016

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