Tax Negotiation with Google Dead End
10:03 AM
The government revoked the licenses of the difficulties companies cyberspace.
Head of the Regional Office of Directorate General of Tax Special Jakarta, Muhammad Haniv, said the process of negotiation of tax (settlement) with Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd deadlocked. Google Inc. business unit-information technology giant from the United States-it still does not want to pay taxes charged by the government. "The process will continue our examination of the evidence back to the beginning," he said. According Haniv, rejection occurred last week. At that time, Google Asia Pacific leaders meet at the headquarters of the Directorate General of Taxation. Because the negotiations deadlocked, the Tax Directorate asked Google provide their financial statements in order to be processed through the criminal regular tax rates with a fine of 150 per cent. "We love the month since January 2017. If it still does not provide financial statements, the fine will be 400 per cent due to enter phase of the investigation," he said.
However Haniv not dismiss chances of a settlement with the news that Google is still wide open because Google often lobby to the executive ranks, even to President Joko Widodo. Tax Directorate count, in 2015, Google's income through its business unit in Indonesia, namely PT Google Indonesia, reached Rp 6 trillion to Rp 3 trillion penalty. Tax Directorate is willing to provide tariff relief to Rp 1-2 trillion. However, one official Google Asia Pacific said Google's total tax bill should only Rp 337.5 to 405 billion, lower than the government count.
Minister of Communications and Information Rudiantara said it was difficult to collect taxes from Google because there are no rules about business tax cyberspace. But the recall in conjunction with the General Provisions Act Taxation, which requires all business entities in the country pay income taxes. Therefore, the middle path as negotiations rated as the right solution. Rudi said the government hard to crack down on Google, for example, by penalizing the business license revocation. Therefore, the services offered by Google is very useful for the community. "Teachers find teaching materials from Google. Meanwhile, if we want to make a new search engine itself, its time has passed, "he said.
Executive Director of the Center for Indonesian Taxation Analysis, Justin Prastowo, said that criminal law measures to be taken by the Tax Directorate could potentially reduce the amount of the penalty. Therefore, the tax investigation would be transferred to the district court. "According to experience, it disputes the district court judge's decision arbitrarily fine," he said. But when Google handed the case to the tax court, said Justin, the lack of legal basis it will make Google is free. That is why, more appropriate negotiating track is taken if the government wants to get the achievement of higher taxes. "There is no gray area in the law," he said.
Google Indonesia director, Tony Keusgen, said it could not provide much information. He promised to immediately notify the public if it has reached an agreement. "We are committed to continue working with the government and respect for the process," he said.
Negosiasi Pajak dengan Google Buntu
Pemerintah kesulitan mencabut izin perusahaan dunia maya.Kepala Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Jakarta Khusus, Muhammad Haniv, mengatakan proses negosiasi pajak (settlement) dengan Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd buntu. Unit usaha Google Inc-raksasa teknologi informasi asaL Amerika Serikat-itu tetap tidak mau membayar pajak yang ditagih pemerintah. “Proses akan kami lanjutkan kembali ke pemeriksaan bukti permulaan,” kata dia. Menurut Haniv, penolakan itu terjadi pekan lalu. Waktu itu, petinggi Google Asia Pacific menemuinya di kantor pusat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Karena negosiasi buntu, Ditjen Pajak meminta Google memberikan laporan keuangannya agar bisa segera diproses melalui tarif pidana pajak biasa dengan denda 150 persen. “Kami kasih waktu sebulan sejak Januari 2017. Kalau tetap tidak memberikan laporan keuangan, denda akan menjadi 400 persen karena masuk tahap investigasi,” ujarnya.
Namun Haniv tak menampik kabar bahwa peluang settlement dengan Google masih terbuka lebar Sebab, Google kerap melakukan lobi ke jajaran eksekutif, bahkan ke Presiden Joko Widodo. Ditjen Pajak menghitung, pada 2015, penghasilan Google melalui unit usahanya di Indonesia, yakni PT Google Indonesia, mencapai Rp 6 triliun dengan penalti Rp 3 triliun. Ditjen Pajak bersedia memberikan keringanan tarif menjadi Rp 1-2 triliun. Namun, Salah satu pejabat Google Asia Pacific mengatakan total tagihan pajak Google seharusnya hanya Rp 337,5-405 miliar, lebih rendah daripada hitungan pemerintah.
Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Rudiantara mengatakan sulit menarik pajak dari Google karena belum ada aturan tentang pajak bisnis dunia maya. Namun penarikan tersebut beriringan dengan Undang-Undang Ketentuan Umum Perpajakan, yang mewajibkan semua badan usaha yang berpenghasilan di Tanah Air membayar pajak. Karena itu, jalan tengah seperti negosiasi dinilai sebagai solusi yang tepat. Rudi menyebutkan pemerintah sulit menindak keras Google, misalnya dengan menjatuhkan sanksi pencabutan izin bisnis. Sebab, layanan yang ditawarkan Google amat berguna bagi masyarakat. “Guru-guru cari bahan pelajaran dari Google. Sedangkan kalau kita mau bikin mesin pencarian baru sendiri, masanya sudah lewat,” katanya.
Direktur Eksekutif Center for Indonesia Taxation Analysis,Yustinus Prastowo, mengatakan langkah hukum pidana yang akan ditempuh Ditjen Pajak berpotensi mengurangi besaran penalti. Sebab, investigasi pajak akan dilimpahkan ke pengadilan negeri. “Menurut pengalaman, justru sengketa pengadilan negeri putusan denda seenaknya hakim,” kata dia. Adapun bila kasus Google dilimpahkan ke pengadilan pajak, kata Yustinus, minimnya landasan hukum justru akan membuat Google bebas. Itu sebabnya, jalur negosiasi lebih tepat diambil jika pemerintah ingin mendapat pencapaian pajak lebih tinggi. “Tidak ada daerah abu-abu dalam hukum,” ujarnya.
Direktur Google Indonesia, Tony Keusgen, mengatakan pihaknya belum bisa memberikan banyak keterangan. Dia berjanji segera memberi tahu khalayak jika telah mencapai kesepakatan. “Kami berkomitmen terus bekerja sama dengan pemerintah dan sangat menghormati prosesnya," katanya.
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