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Google Can Operate, Provided Pay Taxes

    The government still continues to pursue an information technology company from the United States (US), Google to pay taxes owed. The Indonesian government had planned to close the door to talks fax settlement with Google.

    Minister of Finance (Finance) Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the government will remain firmly a matter of concern that Google's tax compliance. Although he did not dismiss Google provide economic value for Indonesia. Sri said today it is discussing with the Google. From the government side, there are estimated figures related to the value of tax payable by Google for this.

    The data collected by the government came from the Directorate General of Taxation (Taxation Office) Ministry of Finance (MoF), which has a record of how much volume and value of transactions made Google in Indonesia. Only, Sri understand that where Google has its own count on their business operations over the years.

"In principle, the government welcome actvity of all companies. However, from the right side of the country and the obligation to pay taxes, we want it done in a fair and full compliance, "said the former executive director of the World Bank.

    Sri continue, it will continue the process to synchronize the data between the government and Google. The government has also asked Google completes intensive electronic tax reports on their business activities in Indonesia.

    Sri said that, as of January 2017 the government will update further discussion of the calculation base. "But, this is not a negotiation. This process for the collection (the collection of taxes), "said Sri.

    According to him, the government basically refers to any principles of economic activity, if done in Indonesia and benefit the economy in Indonesia, the provisions and tax compliance remains to be done. Meanwhile, Minister of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) Rudiantara said it would not intervene in the process of discussion related to tax Google. According to him, the matter of taxation dragging dependents Google entirely is the authority of the Ministry of Finance (MoF).

    Rudiantara confirmed, it fully supports the decision of the fiscal authorities. Asked about the chances of blocking when Google was still stubbornly Rudiantara said that option is a last resort. He said the government can not arbitrarily blocking some sites especially large scale search engines such as Google, he asked the public to wait for the results of investigations conducted by the Directorate General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance.

"Block it a last resort. We can not just play the block, but also must take into account the interests of society in general. Again, this all can not be defined by my own. It will be set together with the stakeholders, "said Rudiantara. Moreover, a derivative of Google applications such as electronic mail services and other services already widely used by the people of Indonesia. That is, in fact blocking options can not be arbitrarily applied.

    Earlier, Head of Jakarta Regional Office of Directorate General of Tax Special Muhammad Haniv said tax settlement process itself has been going on since the beginning of December 2016. Haniv said the Google representative of Singapore had visited the Office of the Tax Directorate suddenly on instructions from Google Headquarters are based in the US.

    Unfortunately, Haniv said, the process of negotiations to agree a "figure of peace" do not seem to run in accordance with the government's desire Indonesia and Google. In fact, Google had bid up to a fifth of the numbers
requested the government. "The last communication from Singapore came on the 10th or 11th of December. He came suddenly ruled the US. There is no promise (before), they want to negotiate now. We direct a big meeting.

    They asked me to lower (tax value), then they raise the bidding. Already like (buying and selling) in the market, "said Haniv.


Google Bisa Beroperasi, Asalkan Bayar Pajak 

    Pemerintah masih terus mengejar perusahaan teknologi informasi asal Amerika Serikat (AS), Google agar membayar pajak terutang. Pemerintah Indonesia sempat berencana menutup pintu perundingan fax settlement dengan Google.

    Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati menyampaikan, pemerintah tetap akan tegas soal urusan kepatuhan pajak yang dilakukan Google. Meskipun ia tidak menampik Google memberikan nilai ekonomis bagi Indonesia. Sri mengatakan, hingga saat ini pihaknya masih melakukan pembahasan dengan pihak Google. Dari sisi pemerintah, ada angka-angka yang diestimasikan terkait nilai pajak terutang oleh Google selama ini.

    Data yang dihimpun pemerintah berasal dari Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (Ditjen Pajak) Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) yang memiliki catatan seberapa besar volume dan nilai transaksi yang dilakukan Google di Indonesia. Hanya, Sri memaklumi ketika pihak Google memiliki hitungan sendiri atas operasional bisnis mereka selama ini.

“Pada prinsipnya pemerintah welcome actvity dari semua perusahaan. Namun, dari sisi hak negara dan kewajiban membayar pajak, kami ingin itu dilakukan secara fair dan penuh dengan kepatuhan,” kata mantan direktur pelaksana Bank Dunia.

    Sri melanjutkan, pihaknya akan melanjutkan proses untuk menyamakan data antara pemerintah dan Google. Pemerintah juga secara intensif meminta Google melengkapi laporan perpajakan elektronik atas kegiatan bisnis mereka di Indonesia.

    Sri mengatakan, terhitung Januari 2017 mendatang pemerintah akan memperbarui pembahasan lebih lanjut mengenai basis perhitungan. “Tapi, ini bukan negosiasi. Ini proses untuk collection (pengumpulan pajak),” ujar Sri.

    Menurut dia, pemerintah pada dasarnya mengacu pada prinsip apapun aktivitas ekonominya, bila dilakukan di Indonesia dan mendapat keuntungan ekonomi di Indonesia maka ketentuan dan kepatuhan perpajakan tetap harus dilakukan. Sementara itu, Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi (Menkominfo) Rudiantara mengatakan, pihaknya tidak akan mengintervensi proses pembahasan terkait pajak Google. Menurut dia, tanggungan soal perpajakan yang menyeret Google sepenuhnya adalah kewenangan Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu).

    Rudiantara menegaskan, pihaknya mendukung sepenuhnya keputusan dari otoritas fiskal. Ditanya soal peluang pemblokiran bila Google tetap bandel, Rudiantara menyebutkan opsi tersebut adalah jalan terakhir. Ia mengatakan, pemerintah tidak bisa sembarangan memblokir suatu situs apalagi mesin pencari skala besar seperti Google, Ia meminta masyarakat menunggu hasil penyidikan yang dilakukan oleh Ditjen Pajak Kemenkeu.

“Blokir itu langkah paling akhir. Kita tidak bisa hanya main blokir, tapi juga harus perhitungkan kepentingan masyarakat secara umum. Kembali, ini semuanya tidak bisa ditetapkan oleh saya sendiri. Ini akan ditetapkan bersama-sama dengan stakeholders,” kata Rudiantara. Apalagi, aplikasi turunan dari Google seperti layanan surat elektronik dan layanan lainnya sudah dimanfaatkan secara luas oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Artinya, opsi pemblokiran sebetulnya tidak bisa sembarangan diterapkan.

    Sebelumnya, Kepala Kantor Wilayah Ditjen Pajak Jakarta Khusus Muhammad Haniv mengatakan, proses tax settlement sendiri sudah berlangsung sejak awal Desember 2016 ini. Haniv menyebutkan, perwakilan Google dari Singapura sempat mendatangi Kantor Ditjen Pajak secara tiba-tiba atas instruksi dari Kantor Pusat Google yang berkedudukan di AS.

    Sayangnya, Haniv mengatakan, proses negosiasi untuk menyepakati “angka damai” tersebut tampaknya tidak berjalan sesuai dengan keinginan pemerintah Indonesia dan Google. Bahkan, Google sempat menawar hingga seperlima angka
yang diminta pemerintah. “Komunikasi terakhir dari Singapura datang pada 10 atau 11 Desember. Dia datang mendadak diperintah AS. Tidak ada janji (sebelumnya), mereka mau negosiasi sekarang. Kita langsung rapat besar.

Mereka minta saya turunkan (nilai pajak), lalu mereka naikkan penawaran. Sudah seperti (jual beli) di pasar,” kata Haniv.

Republika, Page-13, Friday, Dec,23,2016

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