Google Threatens Tax Directorate Jails.
12:27 PM
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Caught deployed hundreds cache server in Indonesia.
Director General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance Ken Dwijugiasteadi said it would continue to examine cases of alleged criminal enterprise tax Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Stages of the examination will be upgraded to the investigation because Google does not want to agree on a government offer in the negotiations taxes. "The investigation will begin in early January 2017," said Ken.
Until the end of 2016, the Tax Directorate waiting for Google agree to the government's offer. The company was asked to pay Rp 1-2 trillion of tax arrears of more than Rp 5 trillion. The investigation was stopped because the government and Google communicate in tax negotiations. Later, Google withdrew from the negotiations. "If you do not pay could also be put in jail," said Ken.
According to him, the government has been kind enough to offer cost figures in the negotiations. Google even asked that it costs no more than Rp 450 billion. Ken assess Google's request absurd because Google ad share in cyberspace Indonesia by 60 percent.
Head of the Regional Office of Directorate General of Tax Special Jakarta, Muhammad Haniv said, although no tax rules cyberspace, Google act restores inspection letter last September considered a criminal offense. "Naturally, if Google refuses. Because, if he pays here, he will pay taxes in the whole world as well, "he said.
Haniv said, Google violating licensing rules as a representative office by spreading hundreds cache server in Indonesia. This server function manages and stores the following content advertising and the service provided by Google. "If the representative office, there should be a small office for administrative affairs alone," he said.
Google's Asia-Pacific open a representative office in Indonesia in 2011. According to the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Google Indonesia is a representative office in the business web portal. BKPM Chief Regulation No. 12 of 2009 specifies representative office altogether FOREIGN COMPANIES MUST NOT make a profit. They were also not justified in doing activities outside the office. This is what Google violated.
The problem, according to Deputy Control and Implementation of Investment, Azhar Lubis, they can not stop technology companies such as Google. Because, until now, there are no rules about the taxation of technical ministries. "Innovation must always precede the regulations. BKPM function only facilitate investment, "he said.
Executive Director of the Center for Indonesian Taxation Analysis, Justin Prastowo, said the government would be difficult to penalize Google. In addition to minimal regulation, Indonesian people are still in desperate need of search engines offered by Google. "In contrast to India and the UK. They could be decisive for the backup service if Google had to leave, "he said.
Parties, Google is reluctant to say much about this tax bill. "We respect the process and will soon announce if there is an agreement," said Director of Google Indonesia, Tony Keusgen.
Direktorat Pajak Ancam Pidanakan Google.
Kedapatan menyebar ratusan cache server di Indonesia.
Direktur Jenderal Pajak Kementerian Keuangan Ken Dwijugiasteadi mengatakan akan melanjutkan pemeriksaan kasus dugaan pidana pajak perusahaan Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Tahapan pemeriksaan akan ditingkatkan menjadi penyidikan karena Google tidak mau menyepakati tawaran pemerintah dalam negosiasi pajak. “Penyidikan akan dimulai pada awal Januari 2017,”kata Ken.
Hingga akhir 2016, Direktorat Pajak menunggu Google menyetujui tawaran pemerintah. Perusahaan itu diminta membayar Rp 1-2 triliun dari tunggakan pajaknya yang lebih dari Rp 5 triliun. Penyelidikan sempat terhenti karena pemerintah dan Google berkomunikasi dalam negosiasi pajak. Belakangan, Google mundur dari negosiasi tersebut. “Kalau tidak bayar juga bisa dimasukkan ke dalam penjara,” kata Ken.
Menurut dia, pemerintah sudah berbaik hati menawarkan angka murah dalam negosiasi. Google malah meminta agar biaya itu tak lebih dari Rp 450 miliar. Ken menilai permintaan Google tak masuk akal karena pangsa iklan Google di dunia maya Indonesia sebesar 60 persen.
Kepala Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Jakarta Khusus, Muhammad Haniv menuturkan, meski belum ada aturan pajak dunia maya, tindakan Google mengembalikan Surat pemeriksaan pada September lalu dianggap sebagai tindak pidana. “Wajar kalau Google menolak. Sebab, jika dia bayar di sini, dia akan bayar pajak di seluruh dunia juga,” katanya.
Haniv menuturkan, Google melanggar aturan perizinan sebagai kantor perwakilan dengan menyebar ratusan cache server di Indonesia. Server ini berfungsi mengelola dan menyimpan konten berikut iklan dan layanan yang disediakan Google. “Kalau kantor perwakilan, harusnya berupa kantor kecil untuk urusan administrasi saja,”ucap dia.
Google Asia-Pacific membuka kantor perwakilan di Indonesia pada 2011. Menurut Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) , Google Indonesia merupakan kantor perwakilan di bidang usaha portal web. Peraturan Kepala BKPM Nomor 12 Tahun 2009 menetapkan kantor perwakilan PERUSAHAAN ASING sama sekali TIDAK DIPERBOLEHKAN mencari keuntungan. Mereka juga tak dibenarkan melakukan kegiatan di luar kantor. Hal inilah yang dilanggar Google.
Masalahnya, menurut Deputi Bidang Pengendalian dan Pelaksanaan Penanaman Modal, Azhar Lubis, mereka tak bisa melarang perusahaan teknologi seperti Google. Sebab, hingga saat ini, tidak ada aturan main soal perpajakan dari kementerian teknis. “Inovasi pasti selalu mendahului peraturan. Fungsi BKPM hanya memudahkan investasi,” kata dia.
Direktur Eksekutif Center for Indonesia Taxation Analysis, Yustinus Prastowo, menilai pemerintah bakal kesulitan memidanakan Google. Selain minim aturan, masyarakat Indonesia masih sangat membutuhkan mesin pencari yang ditawarkan Google. “Berbeda dengan India dan Inggris. Mereka bisa tegas karena punya cadangan layanan jika Google hengkang," ujarnya.
Pihak , Google enggan berkomentar banyak tentang tagihan pajak ini. “Kami hormati proses dan akan segera mengumumkan jika ada kesepakatan,” kata Direktur Google Indonesia, Tony Keusgen.
Koran Tempo, Page-6, Thursday, Dec,22,2016
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