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Check Back Taxes Google Five Years

Directorate General of Taxation, Ministry of Finance examine financial statements retreat Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.'s Indonesian operations five years back. Google representatives met again yesterday with the Directorate General of Taxation. Head of Jakarta Regional Office Lodging Tax Directorate, Ministry of Finance Muhammad Haniv states, calling against Google relating to the submission of supporting data.

The government also will synchronize taxation data previously collected independently. The data requests made since last year. After matching data between Google and the government, will be legally calculated the amount of tax payable to be paid by Google.

He said that the calculation of tax arrears on Google do up to five years back. "We started to do the examination in 2015, when the back taxes. So, how much taxes the past five years. Calculations them how, "said Haniv

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Taxation Executive Director of the Center for Analysis (CITA) Justin Prastowo added, back taxes correlate with Law Number 28 Year 2007 regarding General Taxation Provisions. "In the Act, the DGT does have the authority to check the retreat five years. After five years, may not," he said.

That is, although Google stands in Indonesia for more than five years, the Tax Directorate could not check beyond that deadline. Moreover, according to him, during the inspection carried out selectively. "In fact, during this more selective examination for checking capability capacity is not much, "he added.

According to him, the best way to resolve tax problems Google is negotiating. Therefore, Google's business model is different from conventional companies. The differences are related to not requiring the presence of a physical office in Indonesia. Google Asia Pacific Pte.Ltd running operations through offices in Singapore. "If the dispute to court, rambling In addition, there is also the possibility of us losing quite high. Therefore, the legal basis has not been strong.

Google tax arrears Asia Pacific Pte.Ltd almost the same with other technology companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo. There is a tax liability to be paid to the government of Indonesia for pulling profits from business activities in Indonesia.


Periksa Mundur Pajak Google Lima Tahun

Ditjen Pajak Kementerian Keuangan memeriksa mundur laporan keuangan Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd untuk operasional Indonesia lima tahun ke belakang. Kemarin perwakilan Google kembali bertemu dengan Ditjen Pajak. Kepala Kantor Wilayah Jakarta Khusus Ditjen Pajak Kemenkeu Muhammad Haniv menyatakan, pemanggilan terhadap Google terkait dengan penyerahan data pendukung. 

Pemerintah juga akan melakukan sinkronisasi data perpajakan yang sebelumnya dikumpulkan secara mandiri.
Permintaan data itu dilakukan sejak setahun lalu. Setelah pencocokan data antara Google dan pemerintah, nanti akan secara legal dihitung jumlah pajak terutang yang harus dibayar Google.

Dia menuturkan, perhitungan tunggakan pajak atas Google dilakukan hingga lima tahun ke belakang. "Kami mulai lakukan pemeriksaan pada 2015, kalau back taxes. Jadi, berapa pajak lima tahun ke belakang. Perhitungan
mereka berapa," kata Haniv 

Direktur Eksekutif Center for Taxation Analysis (CITA) Yustinus Prastowo menambahkan, back taxes berkorelasi dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2007 tentang Ketentuan Umum Perpajakan. "Dalam Undang-Undang tersebut, memang DJP punya wewenang untuk memeriksa mundur lima tahun. Setelah lima tahun, tidak boleh,” katanya. 

Artinya, meski Google berdiri di Indonesia lebih dari lima tahun, Ditjen Pajak tidak bisa memeriksa melebihi batas waktu tersebut. Selain itu, menurut dia, selama ini pemeriksaan dilakukan secara selektif. ”Faktanya, selama ini
pemeriksaan lebih selektif karena kapasitas kemampuan memeriksa tidak banyak," imbuhnya.

Menurut dia, jalan terbaik untuk menyelesaikan persoalan pajak Google adalah negosiasi. Sebab, model bisnis Google berbeda dengan perusahaan konvensional. Perbedaan tersebut terkait dengan tidak diperlukannya kehadiran kantor secara fisik di Indonesia. Google Asia Pacific Pte.Ltd menjalankan operasionalnya lewat kantor di Singapura. "Kalau sengketa kepengadilan, Selain bertele-tele, ada juga kemungkinan kita kalah cukup tinggi. Sebab, dasar hukumnya belum kuat.

Tunggakan pajak Google Asia Pacific Pte.Ltd hampir sama dengan perusahaan teknologi lainnya seperti Facebook, Twitter, dan Yahoo. Ada kewajiban pajak yang seharusnya dibayarkan kepada pemerintah Indonesia
karena telah menarik keuntungan dari aktivitas bisnis di Indonesia.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017

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