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Directorate General of Tax Return Threatens Google

Head of the Regional Office of Directorate General of Tax Special Jakarta, Muhammad Haniv, threatened to take the case of tax arrears Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd to its parent company Google investigation when Indonesia was not immediately submit transaction data. Haniv revealed, Google continues to give them reasons to transaction data untraceable. "If there is an indication you are playing for time, could we dare to the level of investigation. Police and prosecutors will be involved, "said Haniv in his office, yesterday.

Google transaction data contains information  advertising contracts and server. According to the document Hanim is important to determine the amount of taxes to be paid by Google to the government. Previously, Google does not want to pay taxes because the total bill was only Rp 337.5 to 405 billion.

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DG Taxation calculate Google's income in 2015 reached Rp 6 trillion to Rp 3 trillion penalty. The Directorate General of Taxation, said Haniv, Google reasoned electronic data that should be paid too much. Haniv accused Google worry about all of its activities as a business entity will still be legible.

Based on the results of the forensic team searches tax claims Haniv Google proved to be a permanent establishment because it has a server installation. Thus, Google appears to be required to pay tax on business transactions. Late last year, the government had opened a negotiation process (settlement) Google does not submit tax reports and pay the bills. These efforts deadlocked.

"During this time, Google's approach to the world always end up with a settlement instead of an accurate tax calculation," said Haniv

Haniv hope Google submit electronic documents by the end of January. The Government believes Google will bow before the investigation began. "Then, the name she was ugly."

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the negotiations with Google will continue even if the first attempt fails. According to Sri, Directorate General of Taxation has estimated Google's tax liability based on the volume and value transactions in Indonesia. "Who could be held is the result of data verification Taxation Office version or versions of Google," said Sri.


Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Kembali Ancam Google  

Kepala Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Jakarta Khusus, Muhammad Haniv, mengancam akan membawa kasus tunggakan pajak Google Asia PaciFic Pte Ltd ke level penyidikan apabila perusahaan induk Google Indonesia itu tak segera menyerahkan data transaksinya. Haniv mengungkapkan, Google terus memberikan alasan agar data transaksinya tak terlacak. “Kalau ada indikasi Anda mengulur waktu, bukan tak mungkin kami berani ke level penyidikan. Polisi dan jaksa akan terlibat,” kata Haniv di kantornya, kemarin.

Data transaksi Google memuat informasi kontrak iklan dan server. Menurut Hanim dokumen ini penting untuk menentukan jumlah pajak yang harus dibayar Google kepada pemerintah. Sebelumnya, Google tak mau membayar pajak karena merasa total tagihannya hanya Rp 337,5-405 miliar.

Ditjen Pajak menghitung penghasilan Google pada 2015 mencapai Rp 6 triliun dengan penalti Rp 3 triliun. Kepada Ditjen Pajak, kata Haniv, Google beralasan data elektronik yang harus disetorkan terlalu banyak. Haniv menuding
Google khawatir seluruh aktivitasnya sebagai badan usaha tetap akan terbaca.

Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran tim forensik pajak, Haniv mengklaim Google terbukti merupakan badan usaha tetap lantaran memiliki instalasi server. Dengan demikian, Google dianggap wajib membayar pajak dari
transaksi bisnisnya. Akhir tahun lalu, pemerintah sempat membuka jalur negosiasi (settlement) agar Google mau menyerahkan laporan pajak dan membayar tagihannya. Upaya ini menemui jalan buntu.

“Selama ini, pendekatan dunia ke Google selalu end up dengan settlement bukan dari perhitungan pajak yang akurat,” kata Haniv

Haniv berharap Google menyerahkan dokumen elektronik tersebut pada akhir Januari ini. Pemerintah yakin Google akan tunduk sebelum penyidikan kasus ini dimulai. “Kalau begitu, kan, nama dia jelek.”

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati mengatakan negosiasi dengan Google akan berlanjut meski upaya pertama gagal. Menurut Sri, Ditjen Pajak telah mengestimasi kewajiban pajak Google berdasarkan volume dan nilai
transaksinya di Indonesia. “Yang bisa dipegang adalah hasil verifikasi data versi Ditjen Pajak atau versi Google,” ujar Sri.

Koran Tempo,Page-14, Tuesday, Jan, 17, 2017

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