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Google tax would be discussed at the Ministerial

Head of Regional Office of Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) Special Jakarta, Muhammad Haniv said PT Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. will soon complete his tax disputes through negotiation. Tax Directorate waiting for supporting documents, such as invoices and receipts.

"But after that is not my field again. Negotiations continued in the ministerial level, maybe the president as well, "he said.

"Google gave gimmic will expand in Indonesia, if the tax affairs has been heres." Haniv said devolution of decision of this dispute because the Tax Directorate and Google do not meet an agreement nominal particulars.

DJP claiming that the company must pay a tax of Rp 5 trillion. On the other hand, Google sure you have a good faith belief depositing Rp 18.5 billion of total revenue in Indonesia amounted to Rp 74.5 billion during the period 2012-2015.

However Haniv said the examination of the alleged tax crime Google continues to run. For evidence of fraud will also be taken into consideration for tax negotiations later.

Executive Director of the Center for Indonesian Taxation Analysis, Justin Prastowo, said the path of peace becomes the best solution for both parties. According to him, the lack of rules about the necessity and Internet technology companies (over the top) form a business entity becomes a barrier taxing google


Pajak Google Akan Dibahas di Tingkat Menteri

Kepala Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) Jakarta Khusus, Muhammad Haniv mengatakan PT Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd akan segera merampungkan sengketa pajaknya melalui negosiasi. Direktorat Pajak tinggal menunggu data pendukung, seperti faktur dan kuitansi. 

“Tapi sesudah itu bukan bidang saya lagi. Negosiasi diteruskan di tingkat menteri, mungkin presiden juga,”ujarnya.

“Google memberi gimmic akan berekspansi di Indonesia, kalau urusan pajak sudah heres.” Haniv mengatakan pelimpahan keputusan sengketa ini dilakukan karena Direktorat Pajak dan Google tidak menemui kata sepakat ihwal nominal. 

DJP mengklaim perusahaan itu harus membayar pajak sebesar Rp 5 triliun. Di lain pihak, Google yakin telah beriktikad baik dengan menyetorkan Rp 18,5 miliar dari total penghasilan di Indonesia sebesar Rp 74,5 miliar selama periode 2012-2015.

Namun Haniv mengatakan pemeriksaan terhadap dugaan pidana pajak Google terus berjalan. Sebab bukti kecurangan juga akan dijadikan pertimbangan untuk negosiasi pajak nanti.

Direktur Eksekutif Center for Indonesia Taxation Analysis, Yustinus Prastowo, mengatakan jalur damai menjadi solusi paling baik bagi kedua pihak. Menurut dia, minimnya aturan soal keharusan perusahaan teknologi dan Internet (over the top) membentuk badan usaha menjadi tembok penghalang menarik pajak google

Koran Tempo, Page-2, Wednesday, Feb, 22, 2017

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