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Three Officials Sinopec Being an International Fugitive

INTERPOL published a red notice against the three officials in the PT West Point Terminal (WPT) on the alleged Embezzlement PT WPT $ 1.5 million (approximately Rp200,2 billion). They are namely the President Commissioner of PT WPT Ye Zhijun, Finance Director of PT WPT Zhang] un, and ex president director of PT WPT Feng Zhigang.

"We received a letter from the Interpol red notice regarding the status of the three official WPT. Currently the status of the three is an international fugitive," said Head of Public Relations Division, Police Headquarters Inspector General of Police  Boy Rafli Amar in Jakarta.

Sinopec Group, through its subsidiary Sinomart KTS Development Limited formed a joint venture called PT WPT to build a refinery fuel oil (BBM) in Batam with investment US $ 850 million. Sinomart WPT controls 95% stake and the remaining 5% owned by local partner PT Mas Capital Trust (MCT).

However, since the agreement was signed including the ground breaking project in 2012, the construction of fuel depots are not running. Instead, three WPT officials as representatives Sinomart embezzled and reported to the Riau Islands Police by other WPT directors.

The Police also have made the process of inquiry and investigation related to the disclosure of a criminal act of embezzlement of company by three WPT officials. With the issuance of a red notice from Interpol, based in Lyon, France, the handling of the case is expected to be completed. "We hope that the three suspects citizens unidentified Chinese were soon caught. Police seriously finish this case."

MCT legal counsel Defrizal Djamaris add cessation of oil depot project in Batam also caused violations of shareholder agreements (shareholders agreement) by Sinomart. Under the shareholder agreement, the appointment of contractors oil refineries in Batam should be through international tenders and legal

However, unilateral attempt to point directly Sinomart subsidiary of Sinopec Group as a general contractor. It is known from the document disclosure of information submitted by Sinopec Kantons Holdings Limited, shareholders Sinomart, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on November 18, 2013.


Tiga Pejabat Sinopec Menjadi Buronan lnternasional

INTERPOL menerbitkan red notice terhadap tiga pejabat di ,PT West Point Terminal (WPT) terkait dugaan penggelapan dana PT WPT senilai US$1,5 juta (sekitar Rp200,2 miliar). Mereka yakni KomisAris Utama PT WPT Ye Zhijun, Direktur Keuangan PT WPT Zhang ]un, dan Eks Dirut PT WPT Feng Zhigang.

"Kami menerima surat dari Interpol terkait status red notice tiga pejabat WPT. Saat ini status ketiganya adalah buron internasional,” kata Kepala Divisi Humas Markas Besar Polri Irjen Polisi Boy Rafli Amar di Jakarta.

Sinopec Group melalui anak usahanya Sinomart KTS Development Limited membentuk usaha gabungan bernama PT WPT untuk membangun kilang bahan bakar minyak (BBM) di Batam dengan investasi US$850 juta. Sinomart menguasai 95% saham WPT dan sisanya 5% dikuasai partner lokalnya yakni PT
Mas Capital Trust (MCT).

Namun, sejak kesepakatan ditandatangani termasuk ground breaking project pada 2012, pembangunan depo BBM tidak berjalan. Justru, tiga pejabat WPT sebagai perwakilan Sinomart menggelapkan dana dan dilaporkan ke Polda Kepri oleh direksi WPT lainnya.

Polri pun telah melakukan proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan terkait pengungkapan dugaan tindak pidana penggelapan dana perusahaan oleh tiga pejabat WPT.  Dengan diterbitkannya red notice dari interpol yang berpusat di Lyon, Prancis, penanganan kasus diharapkan secara tuntas. 

"Kami harap ketiga tersangka warga negara Tiongkok yang diketahui identitasnya itu segera tertangkap. Polri serius tuntaskan kasus ini.”  

     Kuasa hukum MCT Defrizal Djamaris menambahkan terhentinya proyek depo minyak di Batam juga disebabkan pelanggaran perjanjian pemegang saham (shareholders agreement) oleh Sinomart. Berdasarkan perjanjian pemegang saham, penunjukan kontraktor kilang BBM di Batam harus melalui tender internasional dan hukum Indonesia.

     Namun, secara sepihak Sinomart berupaya menunjuk langsung anak usaha Sinopec Group sebagai general contractor. Itu diketahui dari dokumen keterbukaan informasi yang disampaikan oleh Sinopec Kantons Holding Limited, pemegang saham Sinomart, kepada Hongkong Stock Exchange pada 18 November 2013.

Jakarta Post, Page-18, Monday, March, 20, 2017

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