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Google only Rp 51 Billion to Pay Taxes

Ernst & Young Audit, Google's income in Indonesia Rp 187.5 billion

The pursuit of tax of Google entering a new phase. From the audited tax documents submitted to the Directorate General of Taxation. Google class multinational companies only pay taxes amounting to Rp 5 billion in 2015.

The tax derived from income tax (VAT) on agency business revenue PT Google Indonesia (Google), which is recognized only Rp 187.5 billion. More specifically, Google's performance report audited by Ernst & Young LLP, the value of Google's tax from 25% taxable income of Rp 20.88 billion.

In a document published February 11, 2017 that Google's tax payments in 2015 in Indonesia fell compared to 2014 amounting to Rp 7.7 billion. This fact obviously surprised. Because the value of the tax paid Google in 2015 are not comparable with revenue contribution of Google Indonesia in Asia Pacific.

Google tax documents KONTAN get, looks very clear Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd (GAP) posted total revenue of US $ 109.2 million from clients in Indonesia in 2015. A total of 10 major Indonesian clients contributed 55% of the company's revenue. This is equivalent to US $ 60 million.

Head of Jakarta Regional Office of Directorate General of Taxes Special Muhammad Haniv said the Directorate General of Taxation has received the audited tax data Google Indonesia. "Yes, that's right (already received," he said, Tuesday (4/4).

Last week, the Tax Directorate also had met with Google to discuss the continuation of the payment of this tax arrears. However, Haniv still reluctant to disclose the results of the meeting. What is clear, the estimated tax officials, tax payments should Google Indonesian Rp 450 billion per year, the Count of Google's profit margin assumptions in Indonesia Rp 1.6 trillion to Rp 1.7 trillion per year of total income Rp 5 trillion per year.

Only the Executive Director of the Center of Indonesian institutions Taxation Analysis (CITA) Yustinus Prastowo said, when Google has submitted the audited documents, the government should put the document count. "Should this data (audited) used, not because this figure Officially submitted the company, including tax authorities to Singapore," he said.

    According to him, Google submitted data more accurate and legal than outstanding figures for this. Taxes should revise the tax data that Google's tax settlement progress. "The government must be realistic," he said.

    The problem is that the Tax Directorate would like to draw Google Asia Pacific a permanent establishment (BUT) in Indonesia, although the practice of business activities conducted Google Indonesia. One of them is the presence of servers in Indonesiaa. Only, Justin said, this can not be done because it obstructed the tax treaty between Indonesia and Singapore.

"Impossible Indonesia taking the operating profit are the rights of Singapore".


Google Hanya Bayar Pajak Rp 51 Miliar

Audit Ernst and Young, penghasilan Google di Indonesia Rp 187,5 miliar

Upaya mengejar pajak dari Google Memasuki babak baru. Dari dokumen pajak audited yang diserahkan ke Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Perusahaan multinasional sekelas Google hanya membayar pajak senilai Rp 5 miliar di tahun 2015.

Pajak itu bersumber dari pajak penghasilan (PPh) badan atas pendapatan bisnis PT Google Indonesia (Google) yang diakui hanya Rp 187,5 miliar. Lebih rinci, laporan kinerja Google yang telah di audit Ernst & Young LLP itu, nilai pajak Google berasal dari 25% penghasilan kena pajak senilai Rp 20,88 miliar.

Dalam dokumen yang terbit 11 Februari 2017 itu, pembayaran pajak Google 2015 di Indonesia turun dibandingkan 2014 sebesar Rp 7,7 miliar. Fakta ini jelas mengejutkan. Pasalnya, nilai pajak yang dibayarkan Google tahun 2015 tidak sebanding dengan kontribusi pendapatan Google Indonesia di Asia Pasifik.

Pada dokumen pajak Google yang KONTAN peroleh, terlihat sangat jelas Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd (GAP) membukukan total pendapatan senilai US$ 109,2 juta dari klien di Indonesia pada tahun 2015. Sebanyak 10 besar klien Indonesia berkontribusi 55% dari pendapatan perusahaan itu. Ini setara dengan US$ 60 juta.

Kepala Kantor Wilayah Ditjen Pajak Jakarta Khusus Muhammad Haniv mengatakan, Ditjen Pajak telah menerima data pajak audited Google Indonesia. "Ya, betul (sudah terima," ucapnya, Selasa (4/4).

Pekan lalu, Ditjen Pajak juga sempat bertemu Google untuk membahas kelanjutan pembayaran tunggakan pajak ini. Namun, Haniv masih enggan membeberkan hasil dari pertemuan itu. Yang jelas, taksiran aparat pajak, pembayaran pajak Google lndonesia harusnya sebesar Rp 450 miliar per tahun, Hitungan itu berdasar asumsi margin keuntungan Google di Indonesia Rp 1,6 triliun-Rp 1,7 triliun per tahun dari total penghasilan Rp 5 triliun per tahun.

Hanya Direktur Eksekutif lembaga Center of Indonesia Taxation Analysis (CITA) Yustinus Prastowo bilang, bila Google telah menyerahkan dokumen audited seharusnya pemerintah memakai hitungan dokumen itu. "Harusnya data yang ini (audited) dipakai, bukan angka lain karena ini officially di submit perusahaan, termasuk ke otoritas pajak Singapura," katanya.

Menurutnya, data yang diserahkan Google lebih akurat dan legal daripada angka yang beredar selama ini. Pajak harus merevisi data pajak agar penyelesaian pajak Google ada kemajuan. “Pemerintah harus realistis, ," ujarnya.

    Persoalannya, Ditjen Pajak ingin menarik Google Asia Pacific sebagai Badan Usaha Tetap (BUT) di Indonesia, meski praktiknya aktivitas bisnis dilakukan Google Indonesia. Salah satunya dengan keberadaan server di Indonesiaa. Hanya, kata Yustinus, ini tidak bisa dilakukan karena terhalang tax treaty Indonesia dan Singapura. 

"Tidak mungkin Indonesia mengambil laba usaha yang menjadi hak Singapura".

Kontan, Page-1, Wednesday, Apr, 5, 2017

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