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Case PT Freeport Indonesia is now entering a new phase which is becoming a dilemma, complicated and complex. In fact, nothing makes an analogy, the government is like "eating the fruit simalakamah" It is a proverb that means, "eaten, the father dies, do not eat, the mother die". Situations like that are now faced by government Jokowi, as usual, addressed President Joko Widodo.

Freeport is not a simple fairy tale. Inheritance Law on Mineral and Coal 2009, the 'defect' from birth, and a number of regulations related to the implementation of the Act were executed late, has provoked an increasingly complicated renegotiation complications.

One of them is the obligation downstream, which continues to delay its implementation because commodity prices fall asleep so tempting. Simultaneously, the Freeport contract of work is also entering a transition time before the maturity of the contract expires in 2021. This is related to the certainty of a substantial investment, about US $ 16 billion, for underground mine development, to ensure the continuation of operations when the contract was extended until 2041.

President Jokowi fact already initiated the process of renegotiation of the contract of work since 2015 and, on the petition filed by PT Freeport Indonesia. At that time, the renegotiation process carried out under the control of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said.

But amid the ongoing process, emerging issues "Papa Shares Asking ". Renegotiation scenario was a mess. Although Sudirman Minister has issued a Letter of Guarantee on October 7, 2015 for the certainty of a contract extension, while looking for "legal construction" that does not violate the Mining Law.

Have not completed the process, the Sudirman was dismissed from his position as a member of the Cabinet. A few months before the Cabinet reshuffle, the first President Director of PT FI Maroef Sjamsoeddin resign. Although only about a year to lead Freeport, Maroef actually made a lot of progress on the renegotiation process.

However, the political situation, the issue of nationalism, and doubts about the government making decisions, making the process of renegotiation is a mess. Maroef position and replaced by Chappy Hakim, After a long empty and concurrently from the Freeport management MacMoRan Inc. headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona, United States.

Both men happened to be fellow Air Force officers, however, when the warming of the renegotiation process again last month, Chappy suddenly resigned. There is no description Chappy specific reasons behind the resignation.

Chappy just three months for leading 'ship' Freeport, which today is being anchored it. I deliberately use the term 'anchor, which means it is anchored, rests, at anchor, tethered, anchored or docked. It's just to say, Freeport conditions now being colling down, can go to stop, or can also then sail back.

At the moment the position of the ship which was anchored Freeport was, touted to replace Tony Wenas Chappy. To this day there has been no official information about it anyway.



Perkara PT Freeport Indonesia kini memasuki babak baru yang semakin dilematis, rumit dan
kompleks. Bahkan, ada yang membuat analogi, pemerintah kini seperti “makan buah simalakamah" Itu adalah pepatah yang berarti, “dimakan, ayah mati, tidak dimakan, ibu mati".  Situasi seperti itulah yang kini dihadapi pemerintahan Jokowi, begitu biasa Presiden Joko Widodo disapa.

Dongeng Freeport memang tidak sederhana. Warisan Undang-Undang Mineral dan Batubara 2009,
yang ‘cacat’ dari lahir, dan sejumlah regulasi terkait pelaksanaan Undang-Undang tersebut yang terlambat dieksekusi, telah menimbulkan komplikasi renegosiasi yang kian ruwet.

Salah satunya adalah kewajiban hilirisasi, yang implementasinya terus ditunda-tunda karena terlena harga komoditas yang begitu menggiurkan. Bersamaan dengan itu, kontrak karya Freeport juga memasuki waktu transisi sebelum jatuh tempo kontrak berakhir pada 2021. Ini terkait dengan kepastian investasi yang cukup besar, sekitar US$16 miliar, untuk pengembangan tambang bawah tanah, untuk memastikan kelanjutan operasi saat kontrak diperpanjang hingga 2041.

Presiden Jokowi sebenarnya sudah menginisiasi proses renegosiasi kontrak karya sejak tahun 2015 lalu, atas permohonan yang diajukan PT Freeport Indonesia. Ketika itu, proses renegosiasi dilakukan di bawah kendali Menteri Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral Sudirman Said.

Namun di tengah proses yang berlangsung, muncul isu "Papa Minta Saham".  Skenario renegosiasi pun berantakan. Meskipun Menteri Sudirman sudah mengeluarkan Surat Jaminan pada 7 Oktober 2015 untuk kepastian perpanjangan kontrak, sambil mencari "konstruksi hukum” yang tidak melanggar UU Minerba.

Belum tuntas proses itu, Sudirman diberhentikan dari posisinya sebagai anggota Kabinet. Beberapa bulan sebelum reshuffle Kabinet, terlebih dahulu Presiden Direktur PT FI Maroef Sjamsoeddin mengundurkan diri.  Meski hanya sekitar setahun memimpin Freeport, Maroef sebenarnya membuat banyak kemajuan mengenai proses renegosiasi. 

Namun, situasi politik, isu nasionalisme, dan keraguan pemerintah membuat keputusan, membuat proses renegosiasi tersebut berantakan. Posisi Maroef lalu digantikan oleh Chappy Hakim, Setelah cukup lama kosong dan dirangkap dari manajemen kantor pusat Freeport MacMoRan Inc di Phoenix, Arizona, Amerika Serikat.

Kedua tokoh itu kebetulan sesama perwira tinggi Angkatan Udara, Namun, di saat memanasnya kembali proses renegosiasi sebulan terakhir ini, Chappy tiba-tiba mengundurkan diri. Tidak ada keterangan Chappy alasan spesifik di balik pengunduran dirinya itu.

Chappy hanya tiga bulan menahkodai ‘kapal’ Freeport, yang hari ini sedang lego jangkar itu. Saya sengaja pakai istilah lego jangkar, yang artinya adalah berlabuh, bersandar, bersauh, bertambat, membuang sauh, atau merapat. Ini sekadar untuk mengatakan, kondisi Freeport kini sedang colling down, bisa menuju berhenti, atau bisa pula kemudian berlayar kembali.

Di saat posisi kapal Freeport yang sedang lego jangkar itu, disebut-sebut Tony Wenas akan menggantikan posisi Chappy. Sampai hari ini belum ada pula keterangan resmi soal itu.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Tuesday, Feb, 21, 2017

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