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Tembagapura in Standby Status I


The Papua Regional Police stipulates the status of Alert One in Tembagapura District, Mimika Regency, Papua. This decision was taken after in the last week there were seven shootings by armed criminal groups under the leadership of Sabinus Waker in Tembagapura.

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According to Papua Police Chief Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar, when met in Jayapura, - Papua, Monday (30/10), the latest terror act was last week. On that day there was a shooting at the Mobile Brigade Post at Mil 67 and the Tembagapura Police Headquarters. In the incident there were no casualties.

"This group is not only attacking officers and employees of PT Freeport, they are also targeting medical personnel and residents. Their action is very disturbing and disturbing residents in Tembagapura. We set the alert status in that area, "Boy said.

He said, the group mode is firing from a high altitude area up to hundreds of meters of the target.

"We have coordinated with the TNI to cripple this group action. The officers are instructed to issue fire if the attacks by the group are considered to endanger their safety, "said Boy.

The shooting casualty Based on the data of the Papua Police Public Relations Division, during the last week since Saturday (21/10), there was a shooting that left 10 people injured and 1 dead. The victim died was a member of Brimob Detachment B Timika, Brigadier One Berry Pramana Putra. While the wounded were six members of Brimob Detachment B Timika, an employee of PT Freeport, a doctor, a driver of Waa Banti Hospital, and a resident named Serina Kobogau.

According to information, in the event that Serina was shot in the right thigh in the condition after giving birth in ambulance. Her baby survived the incident.

Assistant I of the Papuan Provincial Secretariat Doren Wakerkwa condemned the violence. He also urged citizens who are members of armed criminal groups (KKB) to stop the action.

"The actions of KKB members are the same as to hamper development in the land of Papua. The security forces must take action against them, "he said Doren.

Head of the Secretariat of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Papua Representative Frits Ramandey argues, there are a number of factors that cause vulnerability in Tembagapura. One of them is economic problems following the dismissal of 8,000 Freeport workers.

"We asked the KKB to stop the shooting because it resulted in human rights violations," said Frits.

Papuan Customary Council Secretary John Gobay argues that there is a possibility that security procedures in the Freeport area of ​​Tembagapura are strictly causing people to lose freedom in their customary lands.

"Freeport together with the TNI and Police should evaluate the security procedures. This is so as not to cause hatred from local residents, "he said.



Tembagapura dalam Status Siaga I

Kepolisian Daerah Papua menetapkan status Siaga Satu di Distrik Tembagapura, Kabupaten Mimika, Papua. Keputusan ini diambil setelah dalam kurun waktu sepekan terakhir terjadi tujuh aksi penembakan oleh kelompok kriminal bersenjata di bawah pimpinan Sabinus Waker di Tembagapura.

Menurut Kepala Kepolisian Daerah Papua Inspektur Jenderal Boy Rafli Amar, saat ditemui di Jayapura, - Papua, Senin (30/10), aksi teror terbaru adalah minggu kemarin. Pada hari itu terjadi penembakan ke Pos Brigade Mobil di Mil 67 dan Markas Kepolisian Sektor Tembagapura. Dalam insiden itu tidak ada korban jiwa.

”Kelompok ini tidak hanya menyerang aparat dan pegawai PT Freeport, mereka juga mengincar tenaga medis dan warga. Aksi mereka sangat meresahkan dan mengganggu warga di Tembagapura. Kami tetapkan status Siaga di daerah itu,” kata Boy.

Ia menuturkan, modus kelompok itu adalah melepaskan tembakan dari daerah ketinggian dengan jarak hingga ratusan meter
dari target.

”Kami telah berkoordinasi dengan pihak TNI untuk melumpuhkan aksi kelompok ini. Aparat diinstruksikan wajib mengeluarkan tembakan jika serangan yang dilakukan kelompok dianggap membahayakan keselamatan mereka,” kata Boy.

Korban penembakan Berdasarkan data Bidang Humas Polda Papua, selama sepekan terakhir sejak Sabtu (21/10), terjadi penembakan yang mengakibatkan 10 orang terluka dan 1 korban meninggal. 

     Korban meninggal adalah anggota Brimob Detasemen B Timika, Brigadir Satu Berry Pramana Putra. Sementaral korban Iuka-luka adalah enam anggota Brimob Detasemen B Timika, seorang karyawan PT Freeport, seorang dokter, sopir Rumah Sakit Waa Banti, dan warga bernama Serina Kobogau.

Menurut informasi, dalam kejadian itu Serina tertembak di paha bagian kanan dalam kondisi setelah melahirkan di dalam ambulans. Bayinya selamat dalam insiden tersebut. 

Asisten I Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Papua Doren Wakerkwa mengecam tindakan kekerasan tersebut. Ia pun mengimbau warga yang tergabung dalam kelompok kriminal bersenjata (KKB) agar menghentikan aksi itu.

”Perbuatan anggota KKB sama saja menghambat pembangunan di tanah Papua. Aparat keamanan harus menindak mereka,” ujar Doren.

Kepala Sekretariat Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) Perwakilan Papua Frits Ramandey berpendapat, ada sejumlah faktor yang menyebabkan kerawanan di Tembagapura. Salah satunya masalah ekonomi menyusul pemberhentian 8.000 pekerja Freeport.

”Kami meminta KKB menghentikan aksi penembakan karena mengakibatkan terjadinya pelanggaran HAM,” ujar Frits.

Sekretaris Dewan Adat Papua John Gobay berpendapat, ada kemungkinan prosedur pengamanan di area Freeport di Tembagapura yang ketat telah menyebabkan warga kehilangan kebebasan di tanah ulayatnya.

”Freeport bersama aparat TNI dan Polri harus mengevaluasi prosedur pengamanan. Hal itu agar tidak menimbulkan kebencian dari warga setempat,” ujarnya. 

Kompas, Page-23, Tuesday, October 31, 2017

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