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Vice President: Do not Immediately Divest Freeport Shares

Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the government would not rush to divest 51% of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares. In addition to the large amount of funds required, the government needs time to realize the divestment process.

"Do not be too quick to take over Freeport shares," said the Vice President when delivering Keynote Speech at Breakfast Meeting of Indonesian Journalists Association (PWD themed "Prospek Ekonomi Indonesia 2018") at Hotel Aryaduta, Jakarta, Thursday (2/11).

The Vice President said the Indonesian government would act cautiously to complete the divestment process of the gold mining company from the United States.

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According to the Vice President, caution was pursued by the government after reflecting on the case of Venezuela, an oil-rich country that was suddenly poor due to being too eager to nationalize and divest all foreign shareholdings.

"Indonesia is a bit inconsistent. We invite foreign investment, once we see the investor is profitable, we want to send Investor back. Investors are investing, "he said.

According to the Vice President, the government has appreciated Freeport's hard work in Indonesia for decades operating in Indonesia. The government, will continue to encourage Freeport to build smelter and processing facilities.

"Otherwise, we lose the trust. Difficult to get investment, "said Vice President.


Wakil Presiden: Jangan Terlalu Cepat Divestasi Saham Freeport

Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla menyatakan, pemerintah tidak akan terburu-buru mendivestasi 51% saham PT Freeport Indonesia. Selain diperlukan dana dalam jumlah besar, pemerintah memerlukan waktu cukup lama untuk merealisasikan proses divestasi itu.

“Jangan terlalu cepat mengambil alih saham Freeport,” kata Wapres saat menyampaikan Keynote Speech pada Breakfast Meeting Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWD bertema “Prospek Ekonomi Indonesia 2018” di Hotel Aryaduta, Jakarta, Kamis (2/11).

Wakil Presiden mengatakan, pemerintah Indonesia akan bertindak hati-hati untuk merampungkan proses divestasi saham perusahaan tambang emas asal Amerika Serikat itu.

Menurut Wakil Presiden, kehati-hatian ditempuh pemerintah setelah berkaca pada kasus Venezuela, sebuah negara kaya minyak yang tiba-tiba miskin akibat terlalu bersemangat menasionalisasi dan mendivestasi seluruh kepemilikan saham asing.

“ Indonesia agak sedikit tidak konsisten. Kita mengundang investasi asing, begitu kita melihat investor itu untung, kita mau menyuruh pulang Investor. Padahal Investor menanamkan investasi,” katanya.

Menurut Wakil Presiden, pemerintah mengapresiasi kerja keras Freeport di Indonesia selama puluhan tahun beroperasi di Indonesia. Pemerintah, akan terus mendorong Freeport untuk membangun fasilitas pengolahan dan pemurnian (smelter).

“ Kalau tidak, kita kehilangan trust. Sulit mendapatkan investasi,” kata Wakil Presiden.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Nov 3, 2017

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