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Reject Negotiations, Armed Groups Take War in the Freeport Area

Harian Bangsa, Page-1

Commander of the TNI Select Persuasive Steps Free the Hostage in Papua

The armed group in Tembagapura, Mimika, Papua, refused to call on the negotiating team to stop the violence in the Tembagapura region.

The negotiating team consisted of religious and community leaders. One member of the negotiating team, Father Yohannes Ionga, said he had communicated directly with Hengky Wanma, as the armed group's field coordinator at Kampung Band, Tembagapura District.

According to Yohannes Ionga, the group wants Papua to be independent from Indonesia. The group even took war with the security forces by choosing a location in the Freeport area.

Harian Bangsa, Page-11

Father Yohannes Ionga said the armed group insisted it would not release civilians who inhabit villages until there is an independent recognition.

"They want to use the Freeport area for war, both TNI / Polri. They want the war area to start from the Polsek (Tembagapura) to Grassberg for war, "said Jonga, in Jayapura, Friday (10/11).

Kampung Kimbeli, Banti and Utikini in Tembagapura have been ruled by armed groups since a week ago. Residents who are on average livelihood as traditional gold miners, can not go out from their villages anymore.

Police say the activities of the citizens are now limited, as many citizens are oppressed and get intimidation from groups whom the police call the Criminal Group (KKB). Earlier, the National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPN / PB) Kodap III Mimika claimed responsibility for a series of shootings and assaults in PT Freeport Indonesia area.

In a recent statement uploaded in Social media on Thursday night (9/11) stated they rejected the negotiations with TNI / Polri. They insist on a demand for independence for West Papua. They declare anyone who is a citizen seen in the negotiation effort set as the enemy.

Police Headquarters acknowledged that armed groups residing in Tembagapura were shut out from negotiations by the security forces Task Force. Spokesman for the National Police Headquarters Setyo Wasisto said up to now the armed group was still 'holding hostage' of three residents village in Tembagapura.

"No communication yet. KKB leadership does not want communication, "said Setyo at Mahesh Polri, South Jakarta, Friday (10/11).

The latest news was delivered by Setyo about the number of residents in Banti and Kimberly as many as 300 migrants and 1000 indigenous people in three villages controlled by armed groups. They can not get out of their village. Police expect armed civilian groups to negotiate to release citizens.

"Polri and TNI have tried to contact their leaders, but there has been no intense contact. That is, there is no negotiation because they did not open the communication room with the task force, "said Setyo Wasisto.

According to Setyo, residents in three villages are still held hostage and are prohibited from leaving the location, especially the male group. While women's groups are allowed to market to complement the food needs. However, there is no physical violence.

"But people are psychically restricted and prohibited out" said Setyo.

He suspects in the captivity using modern weapons. If their weapons are assembled, it means locally made that it supplies a short distance.

"If the manufacturer's weapon, yes the possibility of smuggled weapons, and illegally entered," he said.

On the other hand, Setyo Wasisto is giddy with his negotiating efforts to resolve this hostage-taking problem. Despite meeting both sides, he predicted that there would be a possibility in hostage intensity that could bring intimacy between hostage-takers and hostage victims, such as the theory of stockholm syndrome, the captive hostage could be turned to defend the hostage taker just because of the intensity.

Meanwhile, TNI Commander Gatot Nurmantyo confirmed that his side and the police would follow up the civil society hostage taking place in Kimbely Village and Banti Village, Tembagapura Sub-district, Mimika District, by armed groups. According to Gatot, his ranks and the Police will take the first step of persuasive in an effort to free the hostages.

"Yes we are negotiating with the police. Yes, persuasive, "Gatot said after the Heroes Memorial Day at Hero Cemetery (TMP), Kalibata, Jakarta, Friday.


Tolak Negosiasi, Kelompok Bersenjata, Ajak Perang di Area Freeport

Panglima TNI Pilih Langkah Persuasif Bebaskan Sandera di Papua

Kelompok bersenjata di kawasan Tembagapura, Mimika, Papua, menolak ajakan tim negosiasi untuk menghentikan aksi kekerasan di wilayah Tembagapura.

Tim negosiasi itu terdiri dari tokoh agama dan masyarakat. Salah seorang anggota tim negosiasi, Pastor Yohannes Ionga mengatakan ia telah berkomunikasi langsung dengan Hengky Wanma, selaku koordinator lapangan kelompok bersenjata diKampung Band, Distrik Tembagapura.

Menurut Yohannes Ionga, kelompok tersebut menginginkan Papua merdeka dari Indonesia. Kelompok tersebut bahkan mengajak perang dengan aparat keamanan dengan memilih lokasi di area Freeport.

Pastor Yohannes Ionga mengatakan kelompok bersenjata itu berkeras tidak akan melepaskan warga sipil yang mendiami sejumlah kampung sampai ada pengakuan merdeka.

“Mereka ingin menggunakan areal Freeport untuk perang, baik TNI/Polri. Mereka mau supaya tempat perang itu mulai dari Polsek (Tembagapura) sampai Grassberg untuk perang,” kata Jonga, di Jayapura, Jumat (10/11).

Kampung Kimbeli, Banti dan Utikini di Tembagapura dikuasai kelompok bersenjata sejak seminggu lalu. Warga yang rata-rata bermata pencaharian sebagai pendulang emas tradisional, tidak boleh lagi keluar dari kampungnya.

Polisi menyebut aktifitas warga kini terbatas, karena banyaknya warga yang tertekan dan mendapatkan intimidasi dari kelompok yang oleh polisi disebut sebagai Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata (KKB) itu. Sebelumnya Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPN/PB) Kodap III Mimika mengklaim bertanggungjawab atas serangkaian penembakan dan penyerangan di area PT Freeport Indonesia.

Dalam pernyataan terbaru yang diunggah di media Sosial pada Kamis (9/11) malam menyatakan mereka menolak negosiasi dengan TNI/Polri. Mereka menegaskan tetap pada tuntutan kemerdekaan bagi Papua Barat. Mereka menyatakan siapa saja yang warga yang terlihat dalam upaya negosiasi ditetapkan sebagai musuh.

Mabes Polri mengakui kelompok bersenjata yang berada di Tembagapura menutup diri dari upaya negosiasi dari Satgas aparat keamanan. Juru bicara Mabes Polri Setyo Wasisto mengatakan hingga kini kelompok bersenjata itu masih ‘menyandera’ warga tiga
kampung di Tembagapura.

“Belum ada komunikasi. Pimpinan KKB-nya tidak mau komunikasi,” kata Setyo di Mahes Polri, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (10/11).

Kabar terbaru disampaikan Setyo mengenai jumlah penduduk di Banti dan Kimberly sebanyak 300 warga pendatang dan 1000 warga asli di tiga desa yang dikuasai kelompok bersenjata. Mereka tidak boleh keluar dari kampung mereka. Polri berharap kelompok sipil bersenjata mau bernegosiasi untuk melepaskan warga.

“Polri dan TNI sudah mencoba menghubungi pimpinannya, tetapi belum ada kontak yang intens. Artinya, belum ada negosiasi Karena mereka memang tidak membuka ruang komunikasi dengan pihak satgas,” kata Setyo Wasisto.

Menurut Setyo, warga di tiga kampung masih tersandera dan dilarang keluar dari lokasi, terutama kelompok laki-laki. Sementara kelompok perempuan diperbolehkan ke pasar untuk melengkapi keperluan pangan. Namun, tidak ada kekerasan fiSik.

“Tapi secara psikis orang dibatasi dan dilarang keluar” kata Setyo.

Dia menduga dalam penyekapan tersebut menggunakan senjata modern. Kalau senjata mereka rakitan, artinya buatan lokal sehingga menyuplainya jarak dekat. 

“Kalau senjata pabrikan,ya kemungkinan senjata selundupan, dan masuk secara ilegal,” ujarnya.

Di sisi lain, Setyo Wasisto gamang dengan upaya negosiasi dalam menyelesaikan persoalan penyanderaan ini. Kendati mempertemukan kedua belah pihak, dia meramalkan akan ada kemungkinan dalam intensitas penyanderaan bisa menghadirkan keakraban antara penyandera dengan korban sandera, seperti teori stockholm syndrome, korban yang disandera bisa berbalik membela penyandera hanya karena intensitas tersebut.

Sementara Panglima TNI Gatot Nurmantyo memastikan pihaknya bersama Polri akan menindaklanjuti peristiwa penyanderaan masyarakat sipil di Desa Kimbely dan Desa Banti, Kecamatan Tembagapura, Kabupaten Mimika, oleh kelompok bersenjata. Menurut Gatot, jajarannya dan Polri akan melakukan langkah persuasif terlebih dahulu sebagai upaya membebaskan para sandera. 

“Ya kita bernegosiasi bersama kepolisian ya. Ya persuasif ya,” singkat Gatot usai Upacara Peringatan Hari Pahlawan di Taman Makam Pahlawan (TMP), Kalibata, Jakarta, Jumat.

Harian Bangsa, Page-1, Friday, Nov 10, 2017

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