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Government Prepares Steps Determined Mine Planning

The Government prepared a firm step against the company holding the Mining Business License (IUP) that has not been clean and clear (CnC). Thus one of the conclusions of the coordination meeting related to the settlement of IUP arrangement located in the building of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

This open-ended meeting was attended by Director General of Law Enforcement Ministry of Environment and Forestry Rasio Ridho Sani, Director General of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Bambang Gatot Aliyono, Deputy of KPK Prevention Pahala Nainggolan, Director General of General Legal Administration of the Ministry Law and Human Rights Fredi Hans, Director General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance Heru Pambudi, Ombudsman Commissioner Alamsyah Saraih, non-governmental organization and civil society representative.

KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah said there were five conclusions from the meeting that took place yesterday. He said the arrangement of IUP is not only applicable that non CnC but also its permit or Decree (SK) ends. Up to now there are 5,587 IUPs with decree ending December 31, 2016. Of these, 3,078 IUP CnC and 2,509 IUP have not received non CnC.

"For the decree that has been exhausted and non-CnC, as of December 31 will be simultaneously terminated its import export service by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade Ministry of Trade and the Directorate General of Customs and Excise Ministry of Finance," said Febri

Febri said the Directorate General of Customs and Excise will coordinate with the Directorate General of Taxation. For problematic entities or obligations, these two directorates will share information. Then, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry will go to the provinces to settle non-CnC IUPs, overlaps, or disputes. There will be clarifications for non-tax state revenue bills of up to Rp 4.3 trillion that remain unpaid.

"Clarification of this arrears will be solved together. For a company that is not operating does not discharge its obligations. For companies that rename to avoid liability, will be tracked who beneficial ownership, "he said.

Deputy KPK Prevention, Pahala Nainggolan added IUP sengkarut is also caused by data that are not integrated with each other. Starting from sharing data mining, company, and benencial ownershipnya. He explained that the arrangement of IUP will be settled by province. IUP recommendations that are already late will be completed by a joint team.

Based on existing records, IUP recommendations are already delayed by 130 in South Kalimantan, 8 in Aceh, and 17 in West Java.

"We will do one information map data, we work together to fix this," he said.

The Director General of AHU of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Fredi Haris, said the IUP's turmoil undermined the rights of the state. He said he had long been aware of the state right behind the IUP "We are ready to block," he said.


Pemerintah Siapkan Langkah Tegas Penataan Tambang

Pemerintah menyiapkan langkah tegas terhadap perusahaan pemegang lzin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) yang belum berstatus clean and clear (CnC). Demikian salah satu hasil kesimpulan rapat koordinasi terkait penyelesaian penataan IUP yang bertempat di gedung Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK).

Rapat yang digelar secara terbuka ini, dihadiri oleh Direktur Jenderal Penegakan Hukum Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Rasio Ridho Sani, Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Bambang Gatot Aliyono, Deputi Pencegahan KPK Pahala Nainggolan, Direktur Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Fredi Hans, Direktur Jenderal Bea dan Cukai Kementerian Keuangan Heru Pambudi, Komisioner Ombudsman Alamsyah Saraih, lembaga swadaya masyarakat, dan perwakilan masyarakat sipil.

Juru bicara KPK Febri Diansyah mengatakan ada lima kesimpulan dari rapat yang berlangsung kemarin itu. Dia mengatakan, penataan IUP tidak hanya berlaku yang non CnC tapi juga yang izinnya atau Surat keputusan (SK) berakhir. Sampai dengan saat ini terdapat 5.587 IUP yang SK berakhir pada 31 Desember 2016. Dari jumlah itu sebanyak 3.078 IUP CnC dan 2.509 IUP yang belum mendapatkan non CnC.

“Untuk Surat Keputusan yang sudah habis dan non-CnC, per 31 Desember mendatang secara serentak akan dihentikan pelayanan ekspor impornya oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Luar Negeri Kementerian Perdagangan dan Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai Kementerian Keuangan,” kata Febri

Febri menuturkan Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai akan berkoordinasi dengan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Bagi entitas yang bermasalah atau ada kewajiban, kedua direktorat ini akan saling berbagi informasi. Kemudian, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan akan turun ke propinsi untuk menyelesaikan IUP yang non CnC, tumpang tindih, atau sengketa. Akan ada klarifikasi untuk tagihan Pendapatan Negara Bukan Pajak hingga Rp 4,3 triliun yang masih belum dibayar.

“Klarifikasi tunggakan ini akan diselesaikan bersama. Bagi perusahaan yang sudah tidak beroperasi tidak mengugurkan kewajibannya. Untuk perusahaan yang berganti nama untuk menghindari kewajiban, akan dilacak siapa beneficial ownershipnya," tegasnya.

Deputi Pencegahan KPK, Pahala Nainggolan menambahkan sengkarut IUP ini juga disebabkan oleh data yang tidak terintegrasi satu sama lain. Mulai dari berbagi data pertambangan, perusahaan, dan benencial ownershipnya. Dia menerangkan penataan IUP akan diselesaikan berbasis propinsi. Rekomendasi IUP yang sudah terlambat akan diselesaikan oleh tim bersama.

Berdasarkan catatan yang ada, rekomendasi IUP yang sudah terlambat sebanyak 130 di Kalimantan Selatan, 8 di Aceh, dan 17 di Jawa Barat. 

“Kami akan bakukan data satu peta informasi, kami kerjakan bersama untuk membenahi ini,” ujarnya.

Dirjen AHU Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Fredi Haris, mengatakan kacaunya IUP mencederai hak-hak negara. Dia mengatakan sudah lama sadar ada hak negara di balik penunggakan IUP “Kami siap memblokir," tegasnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Dec 7, 2017

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