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Government Acquisition of 41% Right of Rio Tinto

The government tries to immediately complete the divestment of PT Freeport Indonesia shares by 51%. One of them is by acquiring Rio Tinto's participation or participating interest in the Freeport Indonesia project.

This is because Rio Tinto is working with Freeport McMoRan for the Grasberg project. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan said the government should acquire a 40% participating interest in Rio Tinto. In addition to Freeport McMoran shares in PT Indocopper Investama.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets the acquisition of Freeport Indonesia's shares to be completed next year. The government is currently working on the legal draft of the acquisition.

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"If this acquisition is completed, then the Indonesian share ownership in aggregate may reach 51% less by 2018," said Jonan.

As is known, Rio Tinto is a participating interest holder in the Freeport Indonesia project by 40%. Rio Tinto has an agreement with Freeport Indonesia in the 1990s on funding and operations. As a result, in Grassberg mining operations, Tembagapura, is divided into two control holders, namely 40% of Rio Tinto and 60% owned by Freeport McMoRan.

In order to achieve 51% ownership, 40% of Rio Tinto's participating interest will be acquired by state-owned enterprise (BUMN), jointly owned by BUMD and large tribes related to PT Freeport Indonesia's operations.

Freeport McMoran's shareholding in Indocopper of 9% will also be purchased by the Government of Indonesia, bringing the total to 51%.

"Regarding the details, we also wait because the details of which become the leading sector or government negotiator is the Ministry of SOEs," said Jonan.


Pemerintah Akuisisi 41% Hak Rio Tinto

Pemerintah berusaha segera menyelesaikan divestasi saham PT Freeport Indonesia sebesar 51%. Salah satunya dengan mengakuisisi hak partisipasi atau participating interest Rio Tinto di proyek Freeport Indonesia.

Ini karena Rio Tinto bekerjasama dengan Freeport McMoRan untuk proyek Grasberg. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, pemerintah harus mengakuisisi participating interest 40% Rio Tinto. Selain saham Freeport McMoran di PT Indocopper Investama.

Kementerian ESDM menargetkan, akuisisi saham Freeport Indonesia ini bisa selesai pada tahun depan. Saat ini pemerintah sedang mengerjakan legal draft akuisisi tersebut. 

"Apabila akuisisi ini selesai, maka kepemilikan saham pihak Indonesia secara agregat bisa mencapai 51% kurang lebih di tahun 2018," kata Jonan.

Seperti diketahui, Rio Tinto merupakan pemegang participating interest di proyek Freeport Indonesia sebesar 40%. Rio Tinto memiliki perjanjian dengan Freeport Indonesia pada tahun 1990-an mengenai pendanaan dan pengoperasian. Alhasil, dalam operasional tambang Grassberg, Tembagapura, terbagi dalam dua pemegang kendali yakni 40% milik Rio Tinto dan 60% dikuasai Freeport McMoRan. 

Agar mencapai kepemilikan 51%, sebanyak 40% participating interest Rio Tinto akan diakuisisi BUMN yang ditugaskan Pemerintah Indonesia bersama-sama BUMD dan suku-suku besar yang terkait operasi PT Freeport Indonesia.

Kepemilikan saham Freeport McMoran di Indocopper sebesar 9% juga akan dibeli oleh Pemerintah Indonesia sehingga totalnya mencapai 51%. 

"Mengenai rincian, kami juga menunggu karena detailnya yang jadi leading sektor atau juru runding pemerintah adalah Kementerian BUMN," sebut Jonan.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Dec 6, 2017

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