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US Commits To Mutual Benefits

The US government wants to negotiate the divestment of PT Freeport Indonesia shares with the Indonesian government to mutually benefit both sides.

US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph R. Donovan stated that his side had discussed about the continuation of investment of PT Freeport Indonesia with Vice President Jusuf Kaila.

"We did not discuss the length of the spread, but we did discuss briefly about this sense," said Donovan after receiving Vice President JK in the office of the Vice President.

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Donovan explained that until now the commitment of the United States Government related to Freepoit negotiations is to achieve mutually beneficial solutions for both parties.

"I have remained committed to what President Jokowi has called for, we want a win-win solution and of course we are going in that direction," he said.

Previously, the ESDM Ministry hoped that the negotiation on the continuation of Freeport Indonesia's investment could be completed by this month. The four points discussed on both sides include the construction of smelters, extension of operations, investment stability, and divestment.

In connection with the divestment points, the government's effort to acquire Freeport Indonesia's 51% stake must know the steep road due to the 40% ownership of Rio Tinto's Freeport Indonesia project. In this regard, the government plans to appoint state-owned enterprises (BUMN) to acquire Rio Tinto shares.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla added that the government is still trying to negotiate with Freeport Indonesia in accordance with the time set to reach an ideal deal.

"It's still negotiating, and it's actually Freeport's shares are fixed, which is negotiated by the minister and his team [the Freeport Indonesia divestment team] is Rio Tinto's share," he said.

The Vice President explained that the government still wants to be the majority in Freeport shareholding, but it takes several stages and time to reach the target.

"Of course want more Indonesian stocks, but the timing of course there are stages. I do not yet know the outcome of his final negotiations, but we must have his stages. So easy, "he explained.

Meanwhile, the state-owned mining company BUMN led by Inalum will acquire Rio Tinto's participation rights by 40% in Grasberg management cooperation.

In his presentation while attending a Working Meeting with Commission VII, ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan said that the current negotiations to take over Rio Tinto's shares are still ongoing.


AS Berkomitmen Agar Saling Menguntungkan

Pemerintah Amerika Serikat menginginkan negosiasi divestasi saham PT Freeport Indonesia dengan pemerintah Indonesia saling menguntungkan kedua pihak.

Duta Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Indonesia Joseph R. Donovan menyatakan bahwa pihaknya sempat membahas perihal kelanjutan investasi PT Freeport Indonesia dengan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kaila.

“Kami tidak membahas panjang Iebar, tetapi kami memang membahas secara singkat mengenai permasaIahan ini," kata Donovan setelah diterima Wapres JK di kantor Wakil Presiden.

Donovan menjelaskan bahwa sampai saat ini komitmen Pemerintah Amerika Serikat terkait dengan negosiasi Freepoit adalah untuk mencapai solusi yang saling menguntungkan kedua belah pihak.

“Saya tadi tetap menyatakan komitmen saya pada hal yang sudah diserukan Presiden Jokowi, kami ingin win-win solution [solusi saling menguntungkan] dan tentu saja kita sudah mengarah ke arah situ," ujarnya

Sebelumnya, Kementerian ESDM mengharapkan agar negosiasi kelanjutan investasi Freeport Indonesia dapat selesai pada bulan ini. Empat poin yang menjadi pembahasan kedua belah pihak meliputi pembangunan smelter, perpanjangan operasi, stabilitas investasi, dan divestasi.

Terkait dengan poin divestasi, upaya pemerintah untuk mengakuisisi saham Freeport Indonesia sebesar 51% harus mengetahui jalan terjal karena kepemilikan 40% saham Rio Tinto proyek Freeport Indonesia. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, pemerintah rencananya akan menunjuk badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) untuk mengakuisisi saham Rio Tinto.

Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla menambahkan bahwa pemerintah masih berupaya bernegosiasi dengan Freeport Indonesia sesuai dengan waktu yang ditetapkan untuk mencapai kesepakatan ideal.

“Masih negosiasi, dan itu sebenarnya saham Freeport itu tetap, yang dinegosiasikan oleh menteri dan timnya [tim divestasi saham Freeport Indonesia] itu saham Rio Tinto Itu," katanya.

Wapres menjelaskan bahwa pemerintah tetap ingin menjadi mayoritas dalam kepemiIikan saham Freeport, tetapi butuh beberapa tahapan dan waktu untuk mencapai target tersebut.

“Tentu ingin saham Indonesia lebih, tapi waktunya tentu ada tahapan. Saya belum tahu hasil perundingan terakhirnya, tetapi kita harus ada tahapannya. Supaya mudah," jelasnya.

Sementara itu, induk usaha BUMN pertambangan yang dipimpin Inalum akan mengakuisisi hak partisipasi Rio Tinto sebesar 40% dalam kerja sama pengelolaan Grasberg.

Dalam paparannya saat menghadiri Rapat Kerja dengan Komisi VII, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan bahwa saat ini negosiasi untuk mengambil alih saham Rio Tinto masih berlangsung.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, Dec 7, 2017

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