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Inalum Guarantees Freeport's Workers' Rights

    PT Inalum's management ensures that majority ownership will not alter or diminish the rights of Freeport workers so far.

"There is no change," said Head of Corporate Communication Inalum Rendi A Witular in Jakarta.

    Rendi said worker rights correlated with the performance of mining operations. Therefore, he asked the Freeport workers not to fret with the entry of Inalum as the majority owner.

"We want the company's operations to run normally," he said.

    Freeport divestment negotiations are targeted to be completed by the end of April. The divestment is one of the points of negotiation between the government and Freeport. The negotiation is related to the preparation of detailed attachment of Mining Business License (IUPK).

      Previously, the 51% share ownership of PT Inalum (Persero) at PT Freeport Indonesia caused unrest mine employees from the United States in Papua. They hope that the rights of workers who have been given Freeport is not reduced.

    Advisory Council of the Regional Leader of Energy and Mining Chemical Workers Union SPSI Papua Province Virgo Solossa said Freeport workers are reflecting on the experience of acquiring foreign mining companies by national companies. The acquisition makes employee welfare less. This has caused unrest for Freeport workers.

"There are concerns (among workers), the problem of moving the flag is a company problem, the important thing is our rights are not reduced and better in the future," said Virgo when contacted from Jakarta.

    Virgo said as long as the right received employees ie bonuses 7-8 times during the year. Then get twice the holiday allowance (THR) for Lebaran and Christmas. 100% health care is borne by the company. Freeport also provides educational allowance and scholarships for Freeport working children. Even the cost of housing was borne by Freeport.

    For work leave given for 42 days and still given money for road and lodging. He calls the accumulation in a year take home pay can be around Rp 175 million for low-class employees. The higher the class the greater the take home pay.

"We work for the workers to prepare themselves, dirty clothes there is a laundry," he said.

    Virgo has 20 years working in the Grasberg mine in Papua. He feels very well how workers' rights are guaranteed by Freeport. Therefore, he hopes that the ownership of Inalum will not reduce the rights that workers have received. He feared the right to cut the performance of workers and the impact on mining operations.

"Do not let Inalum's management change workers' rights, our hope with Inalum is at least better," he said.


Inalum Jamin Hak Pekerja Freeport

    Manajemen PT Inalum memastikan kepemilikan mayoritas tidak akan mengubah atau mengurangi hak pekerja Freeport selama ini.

"Tidak ada perubahan," ujar Head of Corporate Communication Inalum Rendi A Witular di Jakarta.

    Rendi menuturkan hak pekerja berkolerasi dengan kinerja operasi tambang. Oleh sebab itu dia meminta pekerja Freeport tidak perlu resah dengan masuknya Inalum sebagai pemilik mayoritas.

"Kita ingin operasional perusahaan tetap berjalan normal," tegasnya.

    Negosiasi divestasi Freeport ditargetkan rampung paling lambat akhir April ini. Divestasi merupakan salah satu poin negosiasi antara pemerintah dengan Freeport. Negosiasi itu terkait penyusunan lampiran detil Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK).

     Sebelumnya, kepemilikan saham 51% PT Inalum (persero) di PT Freeport Indonesia menimbulkan keresahan pegawai tambang yang berasal dari Amerika Serikat di Papua. Mereka berharap hak pekerja yang selama ini diberikan Freeport tidak berkurang.

    Dewan Penasehat Pimpinan Daerah Serikat Pekerja Kimia Energi dan Pertambangan SPSI Provinsi Papua Virgo Solossa mengatakan pekerja Freeport berkaca pada pengalaman akuisisi perusahaan tambang asing oleh perusahaan nasional. Akuisisi tersebut malah membuat kesejahteraan karyawan berkurang. Hal ini menimbulkan keresahan bagi pekerja Freeport.

"Memang ada kekhawatiran (di kalangan pekerja). Masalah pindah bendera itu masalah perusahaan. Yang penting hak kami tidak berkurang dan lebih baik ke depan," kata Virgo ketika dihubungi dari Jakarta.

    Virgo menuturkan selama hak yang diterima pegawai yakni bonus 7-8 kali selama setahun. Kemudian mendapat dua kali tunjangan hari raya (THR) untuk Lebaran dan Natal. Tunjangan kesehatan 100% ditanggung oleh perusahaan. Freeport pun memberi tunjangan pendidikan dan beasiswa bagi anak pekerja Freeport. Bahkan biaya tempat tinggal pun ditanggung Freeport.

    Untuk cuti kerja diberikan selama 42 hari dan masih diberikan uang jalan maupun penginapan. Dia menyebut secara akumulasi dalam setahun take home pay bisa sekitar Rp 175 juta untuk golongan pegawai rendah. Semakin tinggi tingkat golongan maka semakin besar take home pay.

"Kami pekerja siapkan diri saja untuk kerja. Baju kotor ada yang laundry," ujarnya.

    Virgo sudah 20 tahun bekerja di tambang Grasberg Papua. Dia merasakan betul bagaimana hak-hak pekerja dijamin oleh Freeport. Oleh sebab itu dia berharap kepemilikan Inalum tidak mengurangi hak yang selama ini diterima pekerja. Dia kuatir pernangkasan hak berdampak pada kinerja pekerja dan berimbas pada operasi tambang.

"Jangan sampai manajemen Inalum merubah hak pekerja. Harapan kami dengan Inalum setidak-tidaknya lebih baik," ujarnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Apr 20, 2018

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