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Inalum Needs Transition

PT Inalum (Persero) still needs a transition time to become PT Freeport Indonesia's mining operator even though the company will own 51% of the shares of Freeport-McMoRan Inc. subsidiary. that.

Chairman of the Indonesian Mining Experts Association (Perhapi) Tino Ardhyanto considered that the transition period in the management of the Grasberg mine still needed. According to him, with the composition of majority ownership on Inalum by 51%, the company should be able to become an operator. However, that step cannot be directly implemented because it has to go through a transition period which is estimated to be no more than 5 years.

He explained, during the transition period, Inalum must be able to take control of the managerial level upwards. However, for the managerial level downward, the composition can still be maintained as it is today.

"Because it is the same as the end of supplier licensing, the contractor can not be changed immediately, the contractor is confused. That is why it needs transition, not a matter of competence, but a problem of normal transfer, "he said.

He hopes that after the divestment, the social impact of the community that has been an ongoing conflict must be accommodated. 10% share ownership by the regional government must be able to influence the directors' decisions.

"When the majority of the Indonesian Government, national interests also include alignments. How can it create a multiplier effect on the local community. It must be better after the divestment, "he said.

Inalum's Head of Corporate Communication, Rendi Achmad Witular, said that the payment of Freeport's shares divestment was US $ 3.85 billion by Inalum is expected to be completed in November this year. After payment is complete, according to him, the discussion stage of management composition and directors starts. 

     He also ensured that Freeport Indonesia's minieral ore production would fall from next year due to the transition from open-pit mining to underground mining. But the decline in performance will not reduce Inalum's financial performance.

"It will not interfere with Inaliun's performance. Our dividends are only reduced from PTFI. Later after 2022 operations will return to normal with EBITDA [earnings before interest and taxes] above US $ 4 billion and net income of around US $ 2 billion.


Inalum Butuh Transisi

PT Inalum (Persero) masih membutuhkan waktu transisi untuk menjadi operator pertambangan PT Freeport Indonesia kendati perseroan nantinya menguasai 51% saham anak perusahaan Freeport-McMoRan Inc. tersebut.

Ketua Umum Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia (Perhapi) Tino Ardhyanto menilai bahwa masa transisi dalam pengelolaan tambang Grasberg
masih diperlukan. Menurutnya, dengan komposisi kepemilikan mayoritas di pihak Inalum sebesar 51%, perseroan seharusnya bisa menjadi operator. Namun, langkah itu tidak bisa langsung diimplementasikan karena harus melewati masa transisi yang diperkirakan tidak lebih dari 5 tahun.

Dia menjelaskan, selama masa transisi itu, Inalum harus bisa memegang kendali level manajerial ke atas. Namun, untuk level manajerial ke bawah masih bisa dipertahankan komposisinya seperti saat ini.

“Karena sama halnya dengan habisnya perizinan supplier, kontraktor habis tidak bisa langsung diubah baru, nanti vendor kontraktornya bingung. Itu kenapa perlu transisi, bukan masalah kompetensi, tapi masalah pengalihan normal,” katanya.

Dia berharap agar setelah divestasi, dampak sosial masyarakat yang selama ini menjadi konflik berkelanjutan harus bisa diakomodasi. Kepemilikan saham 10% oleh pemerintah daerah harus bisa memengaruhi keputusan direksi.

“Ketika mayoritas Pemerintah Indonesia, kepentingan nasional juga mencakup keberpihakan. Bagaimana bisa menciptakan efek pengganda kepada masyarakat setempat. Harus lebih baik setelah divestasi,” kataya.

Head of Corporate Communication Inalum Rendi Achmad Witular mengatakan bahwa pembayaran divestasi saham Freeport senilai US$ 3,85 miliar oleh Inalum diharapkan selesai pada November tahun ini. Setelah pembayaran tuntas, menurutnya, tahap pembahasan komposisi manajemen dan direksi dimulai. 

    Dia juga memastikan bahwa produksi bijih minieral Freeport Indonesia akan turun mulai tahun depan karena transisi dari tambang terbuka ke tambang bawah tanah. Namun penurunan kinerja tersebut tidak akan menekan kinerja keuangan Inalum.

“Tidak akan mengganggu kinerja Inaliun. Dividen kita hanya berkurang dari PTFI. Nanti setelah 2022 operasional akan kembali normal dengan EBITDA [laba sebelum bunga dan pajak] di atas US$ 4 miliar dan laba bersih sekitar US$ 2 Miliar.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Friday, Oct 5, 2018

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