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Smelter construction waits for Freeport IUPK

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) could not confirm the construction schedule of PT Freeport Indonesia (Freeport) smelter. This is because Inalum is still waiting for the transfer of Freeport's contract of work to become a Special Mining Business License (IUPK). 

    Inalum's Head of Corporate Communication, Rendi Achmad Witular, said the new smelter would be built after Freeport obtained the IUPK from the government. The smelter construction process is targeted to be completed within five years.

"For five years, it must be completed, after the IUPK came out," he told KONTAN, Friday (9/28) last week.

But until now Inalum has not determined the location of the smelter. Inalum is still looking for a smelter location.

"Yes, later we will choose the location," said Rendi.

Freeport Indonesia Corporate Communication Vice President Riza Pratama said the construction of the new smelter would be carried out after all agreements were agreed. Freeport is still free to export copper concentrate, although the obligation to build a smelter has not been fulfilled, Riza even said Freeport's export contract was still running.

"Our contract continues to run with overseas buyers," he added.

Inalum also does not plan to stop the export of Freeport copper concentrate with foreign buyers. Rendi said, Inalum would still respect Freeport's long-term contract.

"The purchase contract is still respected," he said.


Pembangunan Smelter Tunggu IUPK Freeport

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) tidak bisa memastikan jadwal pembangunan smelter PT Freeport Indonesia (Freeport). lni lantaran Inalum masih menunggu peralihan rezim kontrak karya Freeport menjadi Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK). 

    Head of Corporate Communication Inalum, Rendi Achmad Witular, menyebutkan smelter baru akan dibangun setelah Freeport mendapatkan IUPK dari pemerintah. Proses pembangunan smelter ditargetkan rampung dalam tempo lima tahun. 

"Selama lima tahun hams sudah selesai, setelah IUPK keluar," kata dia kepada KONTAN, Jumat (28/9) pekan lalu.

Namun hingga kini Inalum belum menentukan lokasi smelter. Inalum masih mencari lokasi smelter. 

"Ya, nanti kami akan memilih lokasinya," ujar Rendi.

Vice President Corporate Communication Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama menyebutkan pembangunan smelter baru akan dilaksanakan setelah semua kesepakatan disetujui. Freeport masih bebas melakukan ekspor konsentrat tembaga, meski kewajiban pembangunan smelter belum dipenuhi, Riza bahkan menyatakan kontrak ekspor Freeport masih tetap berjalan. 

"Kontrak kami tetap berjalan dengan pembeli dari luar negeri," imbuh dia.

Inalum juga tidak berencana menghentikan ekspor konsentrat tembaga Freeport dengan pembeli luar negeri. Rendi mengemukakan, Inalum tetap akan menghormati kontrak jangka panjang Freeport. 

"Kontrak pembelian tetap dihormati," ungkap dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Oct 2, 2018

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