PT Freeport Indonesia

Government & Legislative Requested Transparent

The Government and Legislative are required to be transparent to the audit results of the Supreme Audit Agency regarding the environmental issues of PT Freeport Indonesia. The environmental issue is in the form of a permit to borrow forest areas and change ecosystems due to mine processing waste. The Mining Experts Association (Perhapi) appealed to all parties involved in Freeport's divestment process to convey information openly. It aims to reduce confusion in the understanding of other stakeholders.

Perhapai Chairperson Tino Ardhyanto said the appeal was related to a hearing of Commission VII with the Director General of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero), and PT Freeport Indonesia last week.

After the hearing was held, various information emerged regarding the continuation of the Freeport Indonesia divestment process. The confusion of news about Freeport's divestment process re-emerged after some information appeared on social media. This time the issue is about the obligation to the environment.

"The point is that the term openness in this context is the openness of the Government and Legislature to see the macro divestment process more and more for the national interest, "he said, Tuesday (10/23).

Meanwhile, the Baden Financial Examiner said, Freeport Indonesia must complete audit recommendations related to environmental issues in the form of permits to borrow forest areas and change ecosystems due to mining processed waste.

IV State Finance Main Auditor Laode Nusriadi said that referring to the audit results of the Financial Administration Agency (BPK), Freeport Indonesia had not yet completed its obligations related to forest area use permits (IPPKH) so that the relevant ministries or agencies had to ensure that the BPK recommendations were carried out.

"It is up to the ministry of the institution, whether it is also part of the [share divestment] process that is their authority," Nusnadi said (10/22).

Previously, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) noted the potential for loss of state revenue due to Freeport Indonesia's mineral mining management that had not been fully implemented in accordance with the provisions. As a result of the non-compliance, the potential loss of non-tax state revenues during 2009-2015 was worth US $ 445.96 million. 

    When describing the results of last year's examination, the BPK found that many of Freeport's obligations were paid out of the provisions. For example copper royalties which should have been regulated were paid 4%, only 3.5%, gold was only 1% even though the regulation was 3.75%.

The regulation in question is Government Regulation (PP) Number 45/2003 and Government Regulation Number 39/2012 concerning Non-Tax State Revenue Rates (PNBP) at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The regulation stipulates that copper royalty rates are 4%, gold 3.75% and silver 3.25%. Meanwhile, the tariff in copper works 3.5%, gold 1% and silver 1%.

In fact, if referring to Law No. 4/2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining, the tariff provisions in the Contract of Work should be immediately adjusted to the Government Regulation no later than 1 year. Based on the BPK's findings, it was just corrected in the agreement dated July 25, 2016. 

    In connection with the licensing, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will still wait until the end of this month regarding the extension of the temporary Special Mining Business License (IUPK) Freeport Indonesia while looking at the divestment progress.

ESDM Ministry's Director General of Mineral and Coal Bambang Gatot Ariyono said that PT Freeport Indonesia's divestment was already in the final phase. In addition, the mechanism for the divestment of Freeport-McMoRan's subsidiary is also clear.

"It is clear that [the divestment of Freeport Indonesia."

While Freeport Indonesia IUPK will expire on 31 October 2018.

"We will see it later in the month [the extension of the Freeport Indonesia IUPK."



Pemerintah & Legislatif Diminta Transparan

Pemerintah dan Legislatif dirninta transparan terhadap hasil audit Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan terkait dengan persoalan lingkungan PT Freeport Indonesia. Persoalan lingkungan itu berupa izin peminjaman kawasan hutan dan perubahan ekosistem akibat Iimbah hasil olahan tambang (tailing). Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan (Perhapi) mengimbau agar seluruh pihak yang terlibat dalam proses divestasi Freeport menyampaikan informasi secara terbuka. Hal itu bertujuan untuk mengurangi kesimpangsiuran di dalam pemahaman para pemangku kepentingan yang lain.

Ketua Umum Perhapai Tino Ardhyanto mengatakan, imbauan ini terkait dengan rapat dengar pendapat Komisi VII dengan Dirjen Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero), dan PT Freeport Indonesia pada pekan lalu. 

Setelah rapat dengar pendapat digelar, muncul beragam informasi terkait dengan kelanjutan proses divestasi Freeport Indonesia. Kesimpangsiuran berita tentang proses divestasi Freeport kembali muncul setelah beberapa informasi muncul di media sosial. Kali ini isu mengenai kewajiban terhadap lingkungan.

“Maksudnya, istilah keterbukaan dalam konteks ini adalah keterbukaan dari Pemerintah dan Legislatif untuk melihat proses divestasi ini lebih makro dan
untuk kepentingan nasional,” ujarnya, Selasa (23/10).

Sementara itu, Baden Pemeriksa Keuangan menyebut, Freeport Indonesia harus menyelesaikan rekomendasi hasil pemeriksaan terkait dengan persoalan lingkungan berupa izin peminjaman kawasan hutan dan perubahan ekosistem akibat Iimbah hasil olahan tambang.

Auditor Utama Keuangan Negara IV Laode Nusriadi menyebutkan bahwa merujuk hasil pemeriksaan Badan Pemerinksa Keuangan (BPK), Freeport Indonesia memang belum menuntaskan kewajibannya terkait dengan izin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan (IPPKH) sehingga kementerian atau Iembaga terkait harus memastikan bahwa rekomendasi BPK dijalankan.

“Itu terserah kementerian lembaga, apakah hal itu juga bagian dari proses [divestasi saham] itu wewenang mereka," kata Nusnadi (22/10).

Sebelumnya, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) mencatat potensi kehilangan pendapatan negara akibat pengelolaan pertambangan mineral Freeport Indonesia yang belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan sesuai ketentuan. Akibat ketidakpatuhan itu, potensi kehilangan penerimaan negara bukan pajak selama 2009-2015 senilai US$ 445,96 juta. 

   Saat memaparkan hasil pemeriksaan tahun lalu, BPK menemukan banyak kewajiban Freeport yang dibayar diluar ketentuan. Misalnya royalti tembaga yang seharusnya dalam regulasi dibayarkan senilai 4 %, justru hanya 3,5 %, emas hanya 1% padahal dalam aturannya 3,75 %. 

Regulasi yang dimaksud adalah Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 45/2003 dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 39/2012 tentang Tarif  Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. Aturan itu menetapkan bahwa tarif royalti tembaga sebesar 4 %, emas 3,75%, dan perak 3,25%. Sementara itu, tarif dalam kontrak karya tembaga 3,5 %, emas 1%, dan perak 1%.

Padahal, apabila merujuk Undang-Undang No. 4/2009 tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batu Bara, seharusnya ketentuan tarif dalam Kontrak Karya segera disesuaikan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah paling lambat 1 tahun. Berdasarkan temuan BPK, hal itu baru saja diperbaiki dalam kesepakatan tanggal 25 Juli 2016. Terkait dengan pelizinan, Kementerian ESDM masih akan menunggu hingga akhir bulan ini soal perpanjangan Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) sementara Freeport Indonesia sambil melihat progres divestasi saham.

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara, Kementerian ESDM Bambang Gatot Ariyono mengatakan bahwa divestasi PT Freeport Indonesia sudah
dalam taliap final. Selain itu, mekanisme divestasi anak usaha Freeport-McMoRan juga sudah jelas. 

“Sudah jelas itu [divestasi Freeport Indonesial.”

IUPK sementara Freeport Indonesia akan berakhir pada 31 Oktober 2018. 

“Makanya nanti akhir bulan kami lihatnya [perpanjangan IUPK Freeport Indonesial.” 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Wednesday, Oct 24, 2018

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