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Buy Freeport Shares, Inalum Cooperates with the Attorney General's Office

PT Inalum (Persero) cooperates with the Attorney General's Office in the process of purchasing PT Freeport Indonesia's shares. The Adhiyaksa Corps was involved in the process to improve compliance and handling legal issues in the civil and state administration. This share purchase transaction is targeted to be completed in December, later.

The collaboration between Inalum and the Attorney General's Office was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Inalum President Director Budi Gunadi Sadikin and the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and Administrative Affairs (Jamdatun) Loeke Larasati Agoestina and Inalum Managing Director Oggy Achmad Kosasih with the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office represented by Deputy Prosecutor High Yudhi Sutoto. The event took place in Bali, on November 26.

Inalum's Head of Corporate Communications Rendi Ahmad Witular said the cooperation was related to legal opinions, legal assistance, and legal audits from the Attorney General's Office. He said that the collaboration was not only related to the purchase of Freeport's divested shares, but also Inalum's business as a Mining Industry Holding.

"The divestment has been completed. There is already a legal opinion from the Prosecutor's Office, "said Rendi in Jakarta.

However, Rendi did not explain whether the legal opinion was related to the change in the name of PT Indocopper Investama. He only mentioned that there were no legal loopholes in the Freeport divestment process. The name change is the aspiration of the Papua Regional Government.

"We are still in the process of discussing with the local government," he said.

The regional government's aspirations were delivered at a meeting between Inalum, the Governor of Papua and its staff, representatives from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of BUMN, PT Danareksa (Persero), and Danton HPRP Law Office on November 22 in Gedung Negara, Jayapura. The meeting which lasted about one hour was running dynamically and conducively. After the meeting, the Governor and his staff will review the best options for the parties.

In the meeting Inalum submitted a proposal for the ownership structure of the local government. One of them, including the structure of Indocopper as a Special Company, is a common structure and considers financial, legal and taxation aspects. The structure is considered efficient for all shareholders, including the Provincial Government of Papua and the Mimika Regency Government.

"The consideration of using Indocopper as a Special Company is the most efficient financial, legal and taxation mechanism. "The name change from PT Indocopper Investama, will be considered by Inalum and the Regional Government," said Rendi.

Indocopper currently has a 9.36% stake in Freeport Indonesia which has been controlled 100% by Freeport McMoRan MNC since 2002. After the divestment process is completed in December, Inalum will own 100% of Indocopper's shares. Later the shares of the Papuan Regional Government will be listed on Indoopopper after the divestment is complete.

Later after the divestment, there are three business entities that control Freeport Indonesia, namely Freeport McMoRan Inc. for 48.768%, Indocopper 25%, and Inalum 26.232%. The majority of Indocopper's shares, or around 60%, are controlled by Inalum and the remaining 40% is held by the Regional Government of Papua. The ownership of the Regional Government is divided again, where 70% is controlled by the Mimika Regency Government and 30% is held by the Papua Provincial Government.


Beli Saham Freeport, Inalum Gandeng Kejaksaan Agung

PT Inalum (Persero) menggandeng Kejaksaan Agung dalam proses pembelian saham PT Freeport Indonesia. Korps Adhiyaksa dilibatkan dalam proses tersebut untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan dan penanganan masalah hukum dalam bidang perdata dan tata usaha negara. Transaksi pembelian saham ini ditargetkan rampung pada Desember, nanti.

Kerja sama antara Inalum dengan Kejaksaan Agung ditandai dengan penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman antara Direktur Utama Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin dengan Jaksa Agung Muda Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara (Jamdatun) Loeke Larasati Agoestina dan Direktur Pelaksana Inalum Oggy Achmad Kosasih dengan Kejaksaan Tinggi Sumatera Utara yang diwakili oleh Wakil Jaksa Tinggi Yudhi Sutoto. Acara tersebut berlangsung di Bali, pada 26 November.

Head of Corporate Communications Inalum Rendi Ahmad Witular mengatakan, kerja sama itu terkait pendapat hukum (legal opinion), pendampingan hukum (legal assistance), dan audit hukum (legal audit) dari Kejaksaan Agung. Dia menyebut kerjasama itu tidak hanya terkait pembelian saham yang dilepas (divestasi) Freeport, tapi juga bisnis Inalum sebagai Holding lndustri Pertambangan.

“Yang divestasi sudah selesai. Sudah ada legal opinion-nya dari Kejaksaan,” kata Rendi di Jakarta.

Namun Rendi tidak menjelaskan apakah pendapat hukum itu terkait perubahan nama PT lndocopper Investama. Dia hanya menyebut tidak ada celah hukum dalam proses divestasi Freeport. Perubahan nama itu merupakan aspirasi dari Pemda Papua. 

“Kami masih proses diskusi dengan pemda,” ujarnya.

Aspirasi pemda itu disampaikan dalam pertemuan antara Inalum, Gubernur Papua dan jajarannya, perwakilan dari Kementerian Keuangan, Kementrian BUMN, PT Danareksa (Persero), dan Kantor Hukum HPRP Danton pada 22 November di Gedung Negara, Jayapura. Pertemuan yang berlangsung sekitar satu jam tersebut berjalan secara dinamis dan kondusif. Setelah pertemuan, Gubernur dan jajarannya akan mengkaji opsi-opsi yang terbaik bagi para pihak.

Dalam pertemuan itu Inalum menyampaikan usulan struktur kepemilikan pemda. Salah satunya termasuk struktur Indocopper sebagai Perseroan Khusus merupakan struktur yang lazim dan mempertimbangkan aspek finansial, legal, dan perpajakan. Struktur tersebut dinilai efisien bagi semua pemegang saham, termasuk Pemerintah Propinsi Papua dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Mimika.

“Pertimbangan penggunaan lndocopper sebagai Perseroan Khusus adalah mekanisme yang paling efisien secara finansial, legal, dan perpajakan. Penggantian nama dari PT lndocopper Investama, akan menjadi pertimbangan Inalum dan Pemerintah Daerah,” ujar Rendi.

lndocopper saat ini tercatat memiliki 9,36% saham di Freeport Indonesia yang dikuasai 100% oleh Freeport McMoRan lnc sejak 2002. Setelah proses divestasi selesai di Desember, maka 100% saham lndocopper akan dimiliki oleh Inalum. Nantinya saham Pemda Papua akan tercatat di lndocopper setelah divestasi selesai. 

Nantinya pasca divestasi, ada tiga entitas bisnis yang menguasai Freeport Indonesia, yakni Freeport McMoRan Inc sebesar 48,768%, lndocopper 25%, dan Inalum 26,232%. Mayoritas saham lndocopper atau sekitar 60% dikuasai oleh Inalum dan 40% sisanya dipegang oleh Pemda Papua. Kepemilikan Pemda tersebut terbagi lagi, dimana 70% dikuasai oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Mimika dan 30% dipegang oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Papua.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Nov 28, 2018

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