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Freeport Exports Return to Swing

The red carpet is stretched again for PT Freeport Indonesia. Again, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) immediately issued an extension of concentrate export recommendations to Freeport over the next one month. At the same time, the status of the Special Mining Business License (IUPK), while belonging to the company from the US, was extended.

ESDM Ministry's Mineral and Coal Director General, Bambang Gatot Ariyono, said that the temporary IUPK for Freeport would be extended for another month. As a result. export recommendations for copper concentrate have also been processed. However, the recommendation was not submitted to Freeport until yesterday.

"That is normal (valid for one month). But it has not been submitted," he said when met at the ESDM Ministry office, yesterday.

Referring to the ESDM Minister Regulation Number 25 of 2018 concerning Concession of Mineral and Coal Mining, Article 55 paragraph 5 states that raw mineral export activities can be carried out if the physical progress of the construction of a smelter has reached at least 90% of the planned physical progress of the smelter construction. calculated cumulatively up to the last one month by an independent verification institution.

Well, in paragraph 7 the rule is stated, if every six months the percentage of physical progress of the smelter construction does not reach 90%, then the ESDM Ministry issues a recommendation to the Director General who organizes government affairs in the field of foreign trade to revoke the export approval that has been given.

Based on data from the Director General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, until the end of September this year, the cumulative level of progress in the physical development of Freeport Indonesia smelters has only reached 2.43%. 

   This issue, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has not been able to be confirmed. While related to the issuance of a definitive IUPK, Bambang stressed that the government would give definitive permission if the takeover negotiations of 51.26% of Freeport's shares were completed.

"No need to ask, the answer remains firm, the same from yesterday (the definitive IUPK after the divestment is complete). If there are changes, it will be delivered," said Bambang.

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum's Head of Corporate Communications (Inalum), Rendi A Witular is optimistic that Freeport's share divestment can be completed on schedule.

"As at the Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission VII, we are optimistic that we can complete the December 2018 divestment," he said.


Ekspor Freeport Kembali Melenggang

Karpet merah kembali dibentangkan untuk PT Freeport Indonesia. Lagi-lagi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) segera menerbitkan perpanjangan rekomendasi ekspor konsentrat kepada Freeport selama satu bulan ke depan. Bersamaan dengan itu, status Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) Sementara milik perusahaan dari AS tersebut ikut diperpanjang.

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Bambang Gatot Ariyono mengemukakan, IUPK sementara untuk Freeport akan kembali diperpanjang selama satu bulan ke depan. Alhasil. rekomendasi ekspor konsentrat tembaganya pun sudah selesai diproses. Tapi, rekomendasi tersebut hingga kemarin belum diserahkan kepada Freeport. 

"Biasa itu (berlaku selama satu bulan). Tapi belum diserahkan," ujar dia saat ditemui di kantor Kementerian ESDM, kemarin.

Mengacu Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 25 Tahun 2018 tentang Pengusahaan Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara, pada Pasal 55 ayat 5 disebutkan, kegiatan ekspor mineral mentah bisa dilakukan apabila kemajuan fisik pembangunan fasilitas pemurnian (smelter) sudah mencapai paling sedikit 90% dari rencana kemajuan fisik pembangunan smelter yang dihitung secara kumulatif hingga satu bulan terakhir oleh lembaga verifikasi independen.

Nah, di ayat 7 aturan itu disebutkan, apabila setiap enam bulan persentase kemajuan fisik pembangunan smelter tidak mencapai 90%, maka Kementerian ESDM menerbitkan rekomendasi kepada Dirjen yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang perdagangan luar negeri untuk mencabut persetujuan ekspor yang sudah diberikan.

Berdasarkan data Dirjen Minerba Kementerian ESDM, hingga akhir September tahun ini, tingkat kemajuan pembangunan fisik smelter Freeport Indonesia seoara kumulatif baru mencapai 2,43%. Soal ini, Kementerian ESDM belum bisa dimintai konfirmasinya. Sementara terkait penerbitan IUPK definitif, Bambang menegaskan pemerintah akan memberikan izin secara definitif apabila negosiasi pengambilalihan 51,26% saham Freeport rampung. 

"tidak usah ditanya, jawabannya tetap tegas, sama dari kemarin (IUPK definitif setelah divestasi selesai). Apabila ada perubahan nanti disampaikan,"
ungkap Bambang. 

Head of Corporate Communications PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum), Rendi A Witular optimistis, divestasi saham Freeport bisa rampung sesuai jadwal. 

"Seperti di Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) dengan Komisi VII, kami optimistis bisa merampungkan divestasi Desember 2018," kata dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Nov 2, 2018

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