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Freeport IUPK Extended One Month

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has renewed the validity period of the PT Freeport Indonesia Special Mining Permit (IUPK) until the end of November. The extension was given along with the expiration of the validity period of the IUPK last October.

The Head of the Communication, Public Information Services and Cooperation Ministry of the Supreme Personal Energy Ministry said the extension of the IUPK was given based on a request from Freeport.

"Freeport IUPK has been extended for the next month, until the end of November. "It's the same as the extension of the previous months," Agung said in Jakarta, Thursday (1/11).

Agung said, the extension of the IUPK provided an opportunity for Freeport to carry out copper concentrate export activities. In addition, other considerations include giving a room to settle the 51% share divestment transaction. It is planned that this November PT Inalum (Persero) already has funding to acquire Freeport shares. While the target is to settle the transaction no later than the end of the year.

"This is his consideration while waiting for the payment process (share divestment) of 51% is complete," he said.

ESDM Ministry Director General of Mineral and Coal Bambang Gatot previously revealed that he had finished evaluating the progress of the construction of the Freeport smelter. The evaluation of the smelter's progress was first carried out by an independent verifier, namely Surveyor Indonesia. The results of the verification were then evaluated again by his side.

However, Bambang did not explain the progress of the smelter project after six months.

"There is progress according to the development plan," he said.

The progress of smelter development has been evaluated by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources every six months from the issuance of recommendations for export agreements. Freeport received the recommendation last February. There are sanctions if progress does not reach the minimum limit of 90% of the proposed work plan, namely in the form of revoking export licenses.

The extension of the IUPK is needed by Freeport to continue to be able to export concentrates. This IUPK was given while waiting for the deifitive IUPK which is currently being compiled in detail in the negotiations between Freeport and the Government. If the extension of the IUPK is granted, it is recorded as the seventh extension. Previously, IUPK had been valid for one month, namely September, August and July.

Freeport has held an IUPK license since last February 2017. With the license, Freeport can export copper concentrate. Because the government in January 2017, the government banned the Contract of Work (CoW/KK) holders from exporting concentrates. Only IUPK holders are building smelters that are permitted to export concentrates until 2022.

Even though I got the IUPK status, the mining company from the United States had not released the Freeport CoW that was willing to give up the KK that had been signed since 1991. However, provided that the IUPK provided provided legal certainty and investment as a KK. Therefore negotiations with the government were held which were targeted for completion on 10 October 2017

There are four points of negotiation, namely the extension of operations until 2041, the construction of smelters, 51% divestment, and increased state revenues. The four points are one entity or all points must be agreed upon. In August 2017 both parties agreed on the four points. Negotiations then continued on the detailed preparation of the four points to be included in the attachment of the IUPK until the deadline of October 10, 2017 has not reached an agreement regarding the details of the IUPK.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources then issues the first extension with the validity period of the IUPK until the end of December 2017. The extension period is given so that during the time vulnerable, an agreement is reached. In addition, an extension was given so that during the negotiations, Freeport could still export concentrate.

It turned out that until the end of 2017, the detailed preparation of IUPK had not yet finished. The validity period of the IUPK was extended for the second time until July 4 yesterday. Until the deadline had not yet reached an agreement, the IUPK was extended at the end of July. The extension was given in the hope that the negotiations would be completed soon and then issued a deinitive IUPK.

In mid-July an agreement was reached but still needed time to finalize, therefore the fourth extension was granted with a validity period between 31 July-31 August.


IUPK Freeport Diperpanjang Satu Bulan

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) kembali memperpanjang masa berlaku Izin Usana Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) PT Freeport Indonesia hingga akhir November. Perpanjangan diberikan seiring dengan habisnya masa berlaku IUPK tersebut pada Oktober kemarin.

Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Agung Pribadi mengatakan, perpanjangan IUPK diberikan
berdasarkan permohonan dari Freeport. 

“IUPK Freeport sudah diperpanjang satu bulan ke depan, sampai akhir november. Sama seperti perpanjangan bulan-bulan sebelumnya,” kata Agung di Jakarta, Kamis (1/11).

Agung menuturkan, perpanjangan IUPK ini memberi kesempatan bagi Freeport untuk melaksanakan kegiatan ekspor konsentrat tembaga. Selain itu, pertimbangan lainnya yakni memberi ruang penyelesaian transaksi divestasi 51% saham. Rencananya pada November ini PT Inalum (Persero) sudah memiliki pendanaan untuk mengakuisisi saham Freeport. Sementara target penyelesaian transaksi paling lambat pada akhir tahun nanti.

“Ini pertimbangannya sambil menunggu proses pembayaran (divestasi saham) 51% selesai,” ujarnya.

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM Bambang Gatot sebelumnya mengungkapkan, pihaknya telah selesai mengevaluasi kemajuan pembangunan pabrik pengolahan dan pemumian (smelter) Freeport. Evaluasi progres smelter lebih dulu dilaksanakan oleh verifikator independen, yakni Surveyor Indonesia. Hasil verifikasi itu kemudian dievaluasi lagi oleh pihaknya.

Hanya saja Bambang tidak menjelaskan sejauh apa progres proyek smelter tersebut setelah enam bulan. 

“Ada progresnya sesuai rencana pembangunan,” ujarnya.

Kemajuan pembangunan smelter dievaluasi oleh Kementerian ESDM setiap enam bulan terhitung sejak diterbitkannya rekomendasi persetujuan ekspor. Freeport mendapatkan rekomendasi tersebut pada Februari kemarin. Ada ketentuan sanksi bila progres tidak mencapai batas minimal 90% dari rencana kerja yang diajukan, yakni berupa pencabutan izin ekspor.

Perpanjangan IUPK diperlukan oleh Freeport untuk tetap bisa melakukan kegiatan ekspor konsentrat. IUPK ini diberikan sambil menunggu IUPK deifinitif yang saat ini sedang disusun detail lampirannya dalam perundingan antara Freeport dengan Pemerintah. Bila perpanjangan IUPK diberikan, maka tercatat sebagai perpanjangan ketujuh. Sebelumnya IUPK pernah berlaku selama satu bulan yakni September, Agustus dan Juli.

Freeport telah menyandang lisensi IUPK sejak Februari 2017 lalu. Dengan lisensi itu maka Freeport bisa melakukan ekspor konsentrat tembaga. Pasalnya sejak Januari 2017 lalu, pemerintah melarang pemegang Kontrak Karya (KK) untuk ekspor konsentrat. Hanya pemegang IUPK yang membangun smelter yang diizinkan ekspor konsentrat hingga 2022.

Meski mendapatkan status IUPK, perusahaan tambang dari Amerika Serikat itu belum melepas KK Freeport memang bersedia melepaskan
KK yang sudah ditandatangani sejak 1991. Namun dengan syarat IUPK yang diberikan memberi kepastian hukum dan investasi layaknya KK. oleh karena itu
digelar perundingan dengan pemerintah yang ditargetkan selesai pada 10 Oktober 2017

Ada empat poin negosiasi yakni perpanjangan operasi hingga 2041, pembangunan smelter, divestasi 51%, dan peningkatan penerimaan negara. Keempat poin itu bersifat satu kesatuan atau harus seluruh poin disepakati. Pada Agustus 2017 kedua belah pihak menyepakati keempat poin tersebut. 

    Negosiasi kemudian berlanjut pada penyusunan detil keempat poin itu untuk dimasukkan dalam lampiran IUPK hingga batas tenggat waktu 10 Oktober 2017 belum tercapai kesepakatan mengenai detail IUPK. 

Kementerian ESDM kemudian menerbitkan perpanjangan pertama dengan masa berlaku IUPK hingga akhir Desember 2017. Masa perpanjangan itu diberikan agar selama rentan waktu tersebut tercapai kesepakatan. Selain itu perpanjangan diberikan agar selama negosiasi, Freeport masih bisa ekspor konsentrat.

Ternyata hingga akhir 2017, belum juga selesai penyusunan detail IUPK Masa berlaku IUPK pun diperpanjang untuk kedua kalinya hingga 4 Juli kemarin. Hingga batas waktu tersebut pun belum tercapai kesepakatan, sehingga IUPK diperpanjang akhir Juli. Perpanjangan itu diberikan dengan harapan perundingan segera selesai dan kemudian diterbitkan IUPK deinitif. 

Pada pertengahan Juli memang tercapai kesepakatan tapi masih butuh waktu untuk finalisasi, oleh sebab itu perpanjangan keempat diberikan dengan masa berlaku antara 31 Juli- 31 Agustus.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Nov 2, 2018

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