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Freeport Obtains Temporary Extension of IUPK

PT Freeport Indonesia gets an extension of the temporary Special Mining Business License (IUPK) period until the end of this December. The extension was given so that the mining company from the United States could export copper concentrate while completing the negotiation details with government.

As is known, the validity period of the Freeport Temporary IUPK ended at the end of November. Even though the temporary IUPK pocketed by Freeport is a permit to be able to export copper concentrates. If concentrated exports are disrupted, it could have an impact on Freeport's copper production. That happened in early 2017 when the government issued the latest policy that prohibits contract holders of work (KK) from exporting concentrates.

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The Head of the Communication, Public Information Services and Cooperation Ministry of the Supreme Personal Energy Ministry said the extension of the IUPK was given during one month. Provision of the extension while waiting for the negotiation agreement is reached, especially related to the divestment of shares.

"Provided while waiting for the process of completion of the divestment," Agung said in Jakarta.

If an agreement is reached in the details of the negotiations, it will be included in the appendix of the definitive IUPK. Freeport is indeed willing to release the Contract of Work (KK) and switch to IUPK. It's just that asking for certainty of investment in the CoW is included in the IUPK. So from that negotiations with the government were carried out.

There are four points discussed, namely the extension of operations until 2041, the construction of smelters, 51% divestment, and increased state revenues. Meanwhile, Head of Corporate Communications Inalum Rendi Ahmad Witular said that the divestment transaction could not be done if there was no negotiation agreement.

The reason is, the four negotiations are of one entity. After an agreement is reached, the definitive IUPK is issued. From the definitive IUPK then transaction settlement can be done. Rendi is optimistic that the transaction can be done this December.

"Yes. The target is December, "he said

An Investor Daily source said that the detailed discussion of the attachment was final and that IUPK could be issued no later than mid-December. It's just that when it was confirmed about this, Freeport Indonesia spokesperson Riza Pratama did not justify or deny. He only mentioned that discussions with the government had intensified over the past few days.

"We are optimistic that it will be finished soon," he said.

According to Investor Daily, in the preparation of a detailed agreement the government has provided legal protection related to investment guarantees and fiscal. The regulations issued are Government Regulation No. 37 of 2018 concerning Tax Treatment and or Non-Tax State Revenues in the Mineral and Coal Mining Business Field.

The regulation signed by President Joko Widodo in early August contained provisions regarding state revenues for mining companies that switched to IUPK. The provisions in this PP constitute the government's commitment in providing investment stability. Then in the near future there will be a revision of Government Regulation (PP) 23 of 2010 concerning the Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities.

One of the clauses in the revised text contains provisions for the extension of CoW and Coal Mining Concession Work Agreement (PKP2B) into Production Operation IUPK without auction. The extension was given after the end of the KK and PKP2B by considering increasing state revenues.


Freeport Peroleh Perpanjangan IUPK sementara

PT Freeport Indonesia mendapatkan perpanjangan masa Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) sementara hingga akhir Desember ini. Perpanjangan diberikan agar perusahaan tambang dari Amerika Serikat itu bisa melakukan ekspor konsentrat tembaga sambil menyelesaikan detil negosiasi dengan pemerintah.

Seperti diketahui, masa berlaku IUPK Sementara Freeport berakhir pada akhir November kemarin. Padahal IUPK sementara yang dikantongi Freeport merupakan izin untuk bisa mengekspor konsentrat tembaga. Jika ekspor konsentrat terganggu maka bisa berdampak pada produksi tembaga Freeport. Hal itu pernah terjadi di awal 2017 silam ketika pemerintah menerbitkan kebijakan terbaru yang melarang pemegang kontrak karya (KK) ekspor konsentrat.

Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Agung Pribadi mengatakan, perpanjangan IUPK diberikan selama satu bulan. Pemberian perpanjangan itu sambil menunggu kesepakatan negoisasi tercapai, terutama terkait divestasi saham. 

“Diberikan sambil menunggu proses penyelesaian divestasi,” kata Agung di Jakarta.
Bila tercapai kesepakatan dalam detil negosiasi itu maka akan diamsukkan dalam lampiran IUPK definitif. Freeport memang bersedia melepas Kontrak Karya (KK) dan beralih menjadi IUPK. Hanya saja meminta kepastian investasi dalam KK dimasukkan dalam IUPK. Maka dari itu negosiasi dengan pemerintah dilakukan. 

Ada empat poin yang dibahas, yakni perpanjangan operasi hingga 2041, pembangunan smelter, divestasi 51%, dan peningkatan penerimaan negara. Sementara itu, Head of Corporate Communications Inalum Rendi Ahmad Witular mengatakan, transaksi divestasi belum bisa dilakukan bila belum ada kesepakatan negosiasi.

Pasalnya, keempat negoisasi itu bersifat satu kesatuan. Setelah kesepakatan tercapai maka diterbitkan IUPK definitif. Dari IUPK definitif itu maka penyelesaian transaksi bisa dilakukan. Rendi optimis transaksi itu bisa dilakukan pada Desember ini. 

“Iya. Kan targetnya Desember,” ujarnya

Sumber Investor Daily menyebutkan pembahasan detil lampiran sudah final dan bisa segera diterbitkan IUPK paling lambat pertengahan Desember nanti. Hanya saja ketika dikonfirmasi mengenai hal tersebut, Juru bicara Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama tidak membenarkan atau menyangkal. Dia hanya menyebut pembahasan dengan pemerintah semakin intens beberapa hari terakhir. 

“Kami optimis segera selesai,” ujarnya.

Berdasarkan catatan Investor Daily, dalam penyusunan kesepakatan detil pemerintah sudah memberikan perlindungan hukum terkait jaminan investasi dan fiskal. Adapun regulasi yang diterbitkan itu yakni Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 37 Tahun 2018 tentang Perlakuan Perpajakan dan atau Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak di Bidang Usaha Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara. 

Regulasi yang ditandatangani Presiden Joko Widodo pada awal Agustus itu memuat ketentuan mengenai penerimaan negara bagi perusahaan tambang yang beralih menjadi IUPK. Ketentuan di dalam PP ini merupakan komitmen pemerintah dalam memberikan stabilitas investasi. Kemudian dalam waktu dekat akan diterbitkan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) 23 tahun 2010 tentang Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Usaha Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara. 

Salah satu klausul dalam naskah revisi memuat ketentuan perpanjangan KK dan Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara (PKP2B) menjadi IUPK Operasi Produksi tanpa melalui lelang. Perpanjangan itu diberikan setelah berakhirnya KK dan PKP2B dengan mempertimbangkan peningkatan penerimaan negara. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Dec 4, 2018

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