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Minister of ESDM and FCX Officials Discuss Freeport IUPK

Officer Chief Executive Freeport McMoran Inc. (FCX), Richard C Adkerson, visited the office of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan. They discussed the issuance of PT Freeport Indonesia's definitive Special Business License (IUPK). 

Richard C Adkerson

    The discussion referred to the order of President Joko Widodo to ask for an acceleration of the acquisition of 51.2% of Freeport Indonesia's shares.

One of the points that hampered the completion of the divestment process was the issuance of Freeport's definitive IUPK. Because he wanted to speed up the discussion, it was reported that Minister Jonan would accommodate all Freeport Indonesia's wishes so that the definitive IUPK would be published.

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 Freeport's desire regarding the extension of operating licenses until 2041 and investment stability in the form of taxation that does not change.

June Speaking of Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama said that the points in the IUPK had been agreed. However, the details are still under discussion.

"As with taxation, does it have to be included in the IUPK or outside the IUPK," he said to KONTAN.


Menteri ESDM dan Petinggi FCX Bahas IUPK Freeport

Chief Executive Officer Freeport McMoran Inc (FCX), Richard C Adkerson, mendatangi kantor Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan. Mereka membahas penerbitan Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) definitif PT Freeport Indonesia. Pembahasan tersebut merujuk perintah Presiden Joko Widodo yang meminta percepatan pengambilalihan 51,2% saham Freeport Indonesia. 

Salah satu poin yang mengganjal penyelesaian proses divestasi adalah penerbitan IUPK definitif Freeport. Lantaran ingin mempercepat pembahasan, kabarnya Menteri Jonan akan mengakomodasi seluruh keinginan Freeport Indonesia agar IUPK definitif terbit. Keinginan Freeport tersebut berkenaan dengan perpanjangan izin operasi sampai tahun 2041 dan stabilitas investasi berupa perpajakan yang tidak berubah-ubah.

Juni Bicara Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama menyebutkan bahwa pokok-pokok dalam IUPK sudah disepakati. Hanya saja, untuk detailnya masih dalam pembahasan.

“Seperti perpajakan, apakah harus masuk dalam IUPK atau di Iuar IUPK,” kata dia ke KONTAN.

Kontan, Page-17, Wednesday, Dec 5, 2018

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