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Historic, RepubIic Indonesia controls 51.2% of Freeport shares

President Joko Widodo stressed that PT Freeport Indonesia's shares had been controlled by Indonesia by 51.2 percent and officially switched to PT Inalum.

President Joko Widodo

"I just received a report from all relevant ministers from the Managing Director of PT Inalum and from the CEO of PT Freeport's president director. It was stated that PT Freeport's shares had already shifted 51.2 percent to PT Inalum and had paid off in full, "Jokowi said at the State Palace, Jakarta.

PT Inalum (Persero) has indeed officially bought part of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) shares. As such, Indonesia's share ownership in PTFI increased from 9% to 51.2%. The takeover of the shares was announced at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta.

Present at this announcement was the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Rini Soemarno. Then, Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya, President Director of Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin; and Freeport McMoRan CEO Richard Aclkerson

Freeport McMoRan CEO Richard Aclkerson

According to Jokowi, yesterday was also a historic moment, after PT Freeport operated in Indonesia since 1973 and majority ownership was used as much as possible for the people's prosperity.

"That in the future income in the form of taxes, non-taxes, royalties is better. And here we are waiting. Received reports related to the environment relating to the smelter that had been completed and agreed upon. This means that everything is complete and just waiting to work. "

Jokowi emphasized that the people in Papua would also get 10 percent of the existing shares.

"And of course Papua gets its regional tax."

The biggest in the world

Grassberg Underground Gold Mining 

The completion of the acquisition of 51.2% of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares became the biggest leap for the gold and copper mines located in Papua. Freeport McMoRan CEO Richard Adkerson said that with the acquisition of a 51% stake in PT Inalum (Persero), the company's business plan to develop underground mining could continue.

"The next step is the transition of PT Freeport Indonesia from the open pit that we have operated since 1990, then the transformation to the world's largest underground mine," Adkerson said, met after a press conference in the State Palace area.

To develop this underground mine, investment of up to USD 20 billion is needed until operational 2041. Adkerson considers this transaction a win-win solution.

"I thank you for supporting this solution, and we strive to fulfill President Jokowi's wishes and as a result we are now given the authority to operate until 2041 with a stable fiscal policy," he explained.

Another request from President Joko Widodo was the construction of a smelter. Adkerson promised to immediately start and finish it in the next five years. Other matters discussed were about Freeport's contributions that were requested to be increased. Starting from the added employment opportunities, contributions to the Papua Regional Government, solving environmental issues, and adding value to this country.

Not Helping Rupiah

Meanwhile, the Rupiah entered the ranks of the Asian currency which weakened the most against the US dollar on Friday (12/21). Positive news about the repayment of the acquisition of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares by the state-owned company PT Inalum is unable to sustain the exchange rate to strengthen.

Economist at the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) Bhima Yudhistira said the repayment of the acquisition of Freeport shares should have been responded positively by the market. Because previously, Inalum aggressively issued global bonds to pay off the acquisition. This that is, the supply of US dollars into the country is increasing.

"Unfortunately this (supply of US dollars) is only for a moment, its fundamentals in CAD (Current Account current account deficit / deficit) widen. Freeport's acquisition has not been able to help the rupiah, "said Bhima.

He explained, the focus of investors was mostly still on the prediction of the fourth quarter current account deficit. During the press conference on the announcement of the benchmark interest on Wednesday (20/12), Governor of Bank Indonesia (Bl) Perry Warjiyo conveyed his prediction, the current quarter IV current account deficit was still wide, namely above 3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

This added to the negative sentiment to the domestic financial market as global concerns grew about the US economic recession. According to Bhima, the signal of a recession in the US is starting to make investors in the financial markets shift their funds to safe haven assets.

"The most sought-after yen by investors, in the week rose 1.92% against the US dollar," he said

Based on Bloomberg data, the rupiah exchange rate closed down 0.55% to Rp 14,552 per US dollar in trading on the spot market on Friday. The weakening is the second largest after the Indian rupee has depreciated 0.68%.

Some other Asian currencies experienced mild weakness, namely the Chinese yuan 0.31%, Malaysian ringgit 0.04%, and Thai baht 0.02%. While some of the other appreciation, namely the South Korean won 0.42%, Philippine peso 0.34%, Taiwan dollar 0.18%, Japanese yen 0.1%. The Singapore dollar and the Hong Kong dollar also strengthened, albeit low at 0.05% and 0.02% respectively.


Bersejarah, Republik Indonesia Kuasai 51,2% Saham Freeport

Presiden Joko Widodo menegaskan bahwa saham PT Freeport Indonesia sudah dikuasai Indonesia sebesar 51,2 persen dan resmi beralih ke PT Inalum.

“Saya baru saja menerima laporan dari seluruh menteri yang terkait dari Dirut PT Inalum dan dari CEO dari dirut PT freeport. Disampaikan bahwa saham PT Freeport sudah 51,2 persen sudah beralih ke PT Inalum dan sudah lunas dibayar,” kata Jokowi di Istana Negara, Jakarta.

PT Inalum (Persero) memang telah resmi membeli sebagian saham PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI). Dengan demikian, kepemilikan saham Indonesia pada PTFI meningkat dari 9% menjadi 51,2%. Pengambilalihan saham itu diumumkun di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta.

Hadir dalam pengumuman ini Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani, Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Rini Soemarno. Kemudian, Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK) Siti Nurbaya, Direktur Utama Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin; serta CEO Freeport McMoRan Richard Aclkerson

Menurut Jokowi, kemarin juga merupakan momen yang bersejarah, setelah PT Freeport beroperasi di Indonesia sejak 1973 dan kepemilikan mayoritas ini digunakan sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat.

“Bahwa nantinya income pendapatan yang berupa pajak, non-pajak, royalti lebih baik. Dan inilah kita tunggu. Mendapat laporan terkait lingkungan yang berkaitan dengan smelter telah terselesaikan dan sudah disepakati. Artinya semuanya sudah komplit dan hanya menunggu bekerja saja.”

Jokowi menegaskan, masyarakat di Papua juga akan mendapatkan 10 persen dari saham yang ada. 

“Dan tentu saja Papua dapat pajak daerahnya.”

Terbesar di Dunia

     Selesainya akuisisi 51,2% saham PT Freeport Indonesia menjadi lompatan terbesar bagi tambang emas dan tembaga yang berada di bumi Papua tersebut. CEO Freeport.McMoRan Richard Adkerson mengatakan dengan akuisisi 51% Saham oleh PT Inalum (Persero) ini rencana bisnis perusahaan untuk mengembangkan tambang bawah tanah pun bisa dilanjutkan.

“Langkah selanjutnya adalah transisi PT Freeport Indonesia dari tambang terbuka yang sudah kami operasikan sejak 1990, lalu transformasi ke tambang
bawah tanah terbesar dunia,” ujar Adkerson, dijumpai usai konferensi pers di kawasan Istana Negara.

Untuk mengembangkan tambang bawah tanah ini, dibutuhkan investasi hingga USD 20 miliar hingga operasional 2041. Adkerson menilai transaksi ini adalah win-win solution.

“Saya terima kasih untuk yang mendukung solusi ini, dan kami berusaha untuk memenuhi keinginan Presiden Jokowi dan hasilnya kami kini diberi kewenangan untuk beroperasi sampai 2041 dengan kebijakan fiskal yang stabil,” jelasnya.

Permintaan lainnya dari Presiden Joko Widodo adalah pembangunan smelter. Adkerson berjanji akan segera memulainya dan menyelesaikannya dalam lima tahun ke depan. Hal lainnya yang dibahas adalah seputar kontribusi Freeport yang diminta ditingkatkan. Mulai dari lapangan kerja yang ditambah, kontribusi ke Pemerintah Daerah Papua, penyelesaian isu lingkungan, dan nilai tambah untuk negeri ini. 

Tidak Menolong Rupiah

Sementara itu, Rupiah masuk jajaran mata uang Asia yang melemah paling besar terhadap dolar AS pada perdagangan Jumat (21/12). Berita positif seputar pelunasan akuisisi saham PT Freeport Indonesia oleh perusahaan milik Pemerintah PT Inalum tidak mampu menopang nilai tukar untuk menguat.

Ekonom Insitute For Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) Bhima Yudhistira mengatakan, pelunasan akuisisi saham Freeport semestinya ditanggapi positif oleh pasar. Sebab sebelumnya, Inalum agresif menerbitkan surat utang global untuk melunasi akuisisi tersebut. Ini artinya, pasokan dolar AS ke dalam negeri meningkat.

“Sayangnya ini (pasokan dolar AS) hanya sesaat, fundamentalnya di CAD (Current Account Defisit/defisit transaksi berjalan) melebar. Akuisisi Freeport belum mampu menolong rupiah,” kata Bhima.

Ia menjelaskan, fokus investor sebagian besar masih pada soal prediksi defisit transaksi berjalan kuartal IV. Saat Konferensi Pers pengumuman bunga acuan pada Rabu (20/12), Gubernur Bank Indonesia (Bl) Perry Warjiyo menyampaikan prediksinya, defisit transaksi berjalan kuartal IV masih lebar, yaitu di atas 3% terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB).

Hal ini menambah sentimen negatif ke pasar keuangan domestik di saat berkembangnya kekhawatiran global akan resesi ekonomi AS. Menurut Bhima, sinyal akan terjadinya resesi di AS mulai membuat investor di pasar keuangan mengalihkan dananya keaset safe haven. 

“Yen paling diburu investor, dalam seminggu naik 1,92% terhadap dolar AS,” kata dia

Berdasarkan data Bloomberg, nilai tukar rupiah ditutup melemah 0,55% ke posisi Rp 14.552 per dolar AS pada perdagangan di pasar spot pada Jumat ini. Pelemahan tersebut merupakan yang kedua terbesar setelah rupee India yang terdepresiasi 0,68%.

Beberapa mata uang Asia lain mengalami pelemahan ringan yaitu yuan Tiongkok 0,31%, ringgit Malaysia 0,04%, dan baht Thailand 0,02%. Sedangkan beberapa lainnya yang terapresiasi, yaitu won Korea Selatan 0,42%, peso Filipina 0,34%, dolar Taiwan 0,18%, yen Jepang 0,1%. Dolar Singapura dan dolar Hong Kong juga menguat, meski rendah yaitu masing-masing 0,05% dan 0,02%.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-1, Saturday, Dec 22, 2018

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