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Keep Freeport out of politics

So that the Papa Case Requests Not Repeat Shares

The purchase of shares of PT Freeport Indonesia (PT FI) so that the majority is controlled by Indonesia is considered as ordinary corporate action. Former Special Staff Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said  likens it to when Indonesia bought Inalum from Japan at the expense of the State Budget (APBN). At the moment, Freeport's business affairs need to be kept away from politics.

Sudirman Said

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Said was one of the parties who uncovered the "Papa Minta Shares" case related to Freeport. He hoped that similar cases would not arise after the majority of Freeport's shares were controlled by Indonesia.

Setya Novanto

"Papa asked for shares" is a term for corruption cases that ensnare former Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Setya Novanto (Setnov). At that time Setnov was called to ask for a share of Freeport in the name of President Joko Widodo. Setnov has now been in detention.

"I really hope that there will no longer be parasites or parties who live in Freeport. When I dismantle the case of asking for shares, it is actually the tip of the iceberg," Said said after a discussion in Jakarta.

People who want to take personal interests need to be kept away from PTFI. Moreover, the Freeport mine is a big business with high risk. According to him, not always the benefits that can be achieved in the business.

"So, this is a business if we get more profit. If we lose, we will lose a lot," he said.

   How to protect so that the case of asking for shares is not repeated? Said said it was not easy.

"Because this is very political. When we open cases, we ask for shares, every day can change. Change direction from above, "he said.

These directives can change direction in just a short time.

"The funny thing is when you lose, the daddy is okay (left). At the time of victory, he is embraced again, right? That is politics," added the former secretary of the BUMN Ministry.

Even though it holds 51.2 percent of PTFI's majority shares, Indonesia is not the
number 1 largest gold mining operator in the world. Freeport McMoran remains a
gold mining operator in Papua through PTFI. Inalum President Director Budi Gu-
nadi Sadikin said the mine was the most complicated mine in the world because
it was located underground.

"So, the Freeport operation was built underground. I appreciate and strongly believe that the Indonesian engineer can and Freeport Indonesia is never arrogant," he said.

Only Indonesian professionals still have to learn so that someday they can become operators in the mine.

"Freeport McMoran is the best operator for underground mining. This is a great opportunity for Indonesian children to learn," he said.

Freeport Indonesia is currently building a 700 kilometer underground mine. Going forward, Freeport Indonesia will continue the construction of underground mines up to 1,000 km. Almost the same as the length of the Trans-Java toll road which reached 1,167 km.

Currently Freeport Indonesia - Inalum shares are 51.23 percent and Freeport is 48.77 percent. From Inalum, 25 percent will go through PT Indonesia Papua Metal Mineral (Inalum, BUMD, and Papua Regency). As much as 40 percent of the company's shares are owned by BUMD and 60 percent belong to Lnalum.

The directorate consists of four Indonesians and two non-Indonesians. Namely, the president director was held by Tony Wenas and the vice president director held by Orias Petrus Moedak. In addition, there are four, directors namely Jenpino Ngabdi, Achmad Ardianto, Robert Charles Schroeder, and Mark Jerome Johnson.

Richard Adkerson

The board of commissioners will be filled by Richard Adkerson as President Commissioner. While the position of deputy chief commissioner is Amien Sunaryadi. Other Commissioners are Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Hinsa Siburian, Kathleen Lynne Quirk, and Adrianto Machnbie. Tony Wenas said the company would focus on the transformation of open-pit mining companies to underground.


Jauhkan Freeport dari Politik

Agar Kasus Papa Minta Saham Tidak Terulang

Pembelian saham PT Freeport Indonesia (PT FI) sehingga mayoritas dikuasai Indonesia dianggap sebagai aksi korporasi biasa. Mantan Staf Khusus Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Sudirman Said  menyamakannya dengan saat Indonesia membeli Inalum dari Jepang dengan biaya Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN). Yang menjadi penekanan saat ini, urusan bisnis Freeport perlu dijauhkan dari politik.

Said merupakan salah satu pihak yang membongkar kasus "Papa Minta Saham" yang berkaitan dengan Freeport. Dia berharap kasus serupa tidak muncul setelah mayoritas saham Freeport dikuasai Indonesia. 

"Papa minta saham” adalah istilah untuk kasus korupsi yang menjerat mantan Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Setya Novanto (Setnov). Saat itu Setnov disebut meminta bagian saham dari Freeport dengan mengatasnamakan Presiden Joko Widodo. Setnov kini telah mendekam daIam tahanan.

"Saya sangat berharap jangan lagi ada benalu-benalu atau pihak-pihak yang menumpang hidup di Freeport. Pada saat saya bongkar kasus papa minta saham, itu sebenarnya adalah puncak gunung es," ujar Said seusai diskusi di Jakarta.

Orang-orang yang ingin mengambil kepentingan pribadi tersebut perlu dijauhkan dari PTFI. Apalagi, tambang Freeport adalah bisnis besar dengan risiko tinggi. Menurut dia, tidak selalu keuntungan yang bisa diraih dalam bisnis itu. 

"Jadi, ini bisnis kalau untung kita dapat lebih banyak. Kalau rugi ya rugi banyak,” ungkap dia.

Bagaimana memproteksi agar kasus papa minta saham tidak terulang? Said mengatakan tidak mudah. 

”Karena ini sangat politis. Saat kami membuka kasus papa minta saham, tiap hari bisa berubah. Berubah arahan dari atas,” ujar dia.

Arahan tersebut bisa berubah arah hanya dalam waktu singkat.

"Yang lucu adalah saat kalah, si papa kan oke (dibiarkan). Pada saat menang dirangkul kembali kan? Itulah politik," kata mantan sekretaris Kementerian BUMN itu.

Meski telah menggenggam saham mayoritas PTFI sebesar 51,2 persen, Indonesia bukanlah operator tambang emas terbesar nomor 1 di dunia tersebut. Freeport McMoran tetap menjadi operator tambang emas di Papua melalui PTFI. Direktur Utama Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin mengatakan, tambang tersebut merupakan tambang terumit di dunia lantaran letaknya di bawah tanah.

Karena itu, diperlukan perusahaan yang berpengalaman. Menurut dia, Freeport McMoran telah terbukti kompeten untuk mengelola dan mengembangkan tambang tersebut.

"Jadi, yang dibangun operasinya Freeport di bawah tanah. Saya menghargai dan sangat yakin engineer Indonesia bisa dan Freeport Indonesia tidak pernah sombong,” ungkapnya. 

Hanya kalangan profesional Indonesia masih harus belajar agar suatu hari nanti bisa menjadi operator di tambang tersebut. 

"Freeport McMoran the best operator for underground mining. Ini kesempatan besar agar putra-putri Indonesia bisa belajar” tuturnya.

Saat ini Freeport Indonesia membangun tambang bawah tanah sepanjang 700 kilometer. Ke depan, Freeport Indonesia melanjutkan pembangunan tambang bawah tanah hingga mencapai 1.000 km. Hampir sama dengan panjang jalan tol trans-Jawa yang mencapai 1.167 km.

Saat ini saham Freeport Indonesia - Inalum 51,23 persen dan Freeport 48,77 persen. Dari Inalum, 25 persen akan melalui PT Indonesia Papua Metal Mineral (lnalum, BUMD, dan Kabupaten Papua). Sebanyak 40 persen saham perusahaan tersebut dimiliki BUMD dan 60 persen milik lnalum.

Direksinya terdiri atas empat orang Indonesia dan dua non-Indonesia. Yakni, direktur utama dipegang Tony Wenas dan wakil direktur utama dijabat Orias Petrus Moedak. Selain itu, ada empat ,direktur yakni Jenpino Ngabdi, Achmad Ardianto, Robert Charles Schroeder, dan Mark Jerome Johnson.

Jajaran komisaris akan diisi Richard Adkerson sebagai Presiden komisaris. Sedangkan posisi wakil komisaris utama dijabat Amien Sunaryadi. Komisaris yang lain adalah Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Hinsa Siburian, Kathleen Lynne Quirk, dan Adrianto Machnbie. Tony Wenas mengatakan, perusahaan akan berfokus pada transformasi dari perusahaan tambang terbuka ke tambah bawah tanah.

Jawa Pos, Page-1, Sunday, Dec 23, 2018

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